
Another Visitor?

With the sound of the doorbell ringing, Yuki and I turned our heads toward the front entrance.

"Who's that?", Yuki asked.

"Maybe, Nee-san accidentally locked the door.", I replied.

"Let me get it.", Yuki said.

"Eh? You don't need to, I'll just put Asuka down on the sofa."

"I'll get it, look at the little one.", Yuki pointed her finger at Asuka.

Turning my head to Asuka, she's giving me the all-powerful 'Pleading Eye' look.

"Nii... Don't go Asuka want to watch.", Asuka said.

"You can just sit and watch it, though?", I said with a mellow voice.

"But, Asuka wants to be with Nii-chan...", Asuka cast down her head with tears swelling up in her eyes.

"All right! I'll count you on Yuki!"

"Hehehe~", Yuki giggled in reply while going to get the door.

Asuka and I were the only ones left in the living room as my weakness to cute things got into me and decided to not leave Asuka here. I feel like I'll be a bad parent in the future as I'm pretty sure that I'll spoil my child.

We're still watching the same white cat show.

After I said that to Yuki, Asuka's eyes glowed brimming with joy.

Though, I didn't expect that Yuki can do those stuff. It's expected as she's an heir. But, to investigate and blackmail the principal to that extent is very commendable, she's quite a worrywart too, taking everything with precautions.

Corruptions are pretty much everywhere in this world, I'm not even surprised by what Yuki said. That's why in Roman Catholic Theology, there's this thing called Seven Deadly Sins or Cardinal Sins, a disposition of our sins and separation towards God which is stated on their doctrine. According to it, it's basically the dark side of human nature throughout humanity's existence in this world. Greed, envy, lust, gluttony, wrath, pride, and lastly sloth, are all the sins that are listed on it. All this stuff correlates to corruption and other stuff in our world, that's why I found old doctrines of Theology interesting.

Government, private establishment, or ordinary groups, no matter how small or big, there will always be corruption. Corruption existed thousand years ago as it existed and has been implanted in humanity. There's no way to get rid of it unless someone created a system that could help with that, but I doubt someone would let that happen.

However, something piqued my interest. What is the thing that Yuki found out about the principal? I'm pretty sure it's blackmail because even the principal had some powerful backings he still holds power over the school campus. Even with Yuki's threat, he will not be unfazed as he probably only sees Yuki as this spoiled princess from a well-known family, unless Yuki found some dirt about him. I'll ask about it later. I want to know it so badly.

As I was contemplating while holding Asuka, I heard a familiar voice calling out my name, "Tatsu."

I looked back and saw Naoki standing beside Yuki.

"Oh, Naoki you're here. How are you?", I said.

However, I became more confused upon seeing Naoki because of how she's acting. Naoki was looking at me rather worriedly and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I asked.

Instead of answering, Naoki went and sat beside me, staring into my face.

"Nii-chan, is Naoki-nee okay?", Asuka asked.

"I don't know, Asuka.", I replied.

Asuka and I were staring back at Naoki.

What's wrong with Naoki? Does she feel sick? I remember her collapsing on top of me when she tackled me out of nowhere.


"Hm...? Why are you apologizing?"

"Sorry for yesterday..."

"Oh that, no worries. It's just a small matter."

"But... Mom said you carried me when I lost consciousness..."

"Come on, that's nothing, but do you remember anything...?", I asked.

"Remember? Um... Sorry... I don't remember anything...", Naoki said while her head was cast down.

So she doesn't, huh...

"Hey, why are you so gloomy early in the morning?", I said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, if you keep getting gloomy like that...", Yuki then sat beside and took my hand, interlocking it with hers, "... I'll keep him all to me all day long."

"But...", Naoki said dejectedly.

My hand reached to her head started caressing it.

"It's okay, that's just a small matter. Don't sweat it.", I said.

"Right, Asuka? Give Naoki-nee some head pats.", I added.

"Okie!!", Asuka stood up and started patting Naoki on the head too.

"Hahaha.", Yuki started laughing, "Naoki, looks like a cat."

What Yuki was actually true when I started patting her head, Naoki started purring like a cat, plus adding Asuka on the mix her purring started becoming stronger.

After giving Naoki some love head pats, she copied what Yuki did and held my hand while her head was resting on my shoulders. We're all now watching the television peacefully.

Then I heard someone came in—It was my elder sister, so I asked her, "By the way, did you apologize to Naoki?"

Nee-san was giving Naoki a stern look to which Naoki flinched, she replied, "Yeah, earlier when I saw her."

"Is she telling the truth Naoki?", looking at Naoki.

"Yeah, she did...", Naoki replied.

"Hmpf, because you got a little harem there you even started doubting your sister...", Nee-san said with an upset face, "...Look at you, I don't even have a place to cuddle my own brother."

"You can embrace him from the back and cuddle his head.", Yuki suggested.

Nee-san didn't reply and just immediately did what Yuki suggested, "Hehe~", she started giggling.

I let out a tired sigh, "Haa..."

And that's how we wasted our time.

✯ ✯ ✯

I'm now sitting in the car with Yuki as I requested because I need to talk about something to her privately, when I mentioned that to her, something clicked on her and grinned. However, when I said that, Naoki and Nee-san weren't happy with what I requested.

But in the end, they just gave up and let it be. Naoki and Nee-san were riding on the other black car. As to why Nee-san was coming with us? Because Yuki offered my elder sister a ride to her school which made her transportation to her school quicker and about her transfer procedure, Yuki said that she'll just handle it.

Regarding the talk, I want to talk about our circumstances when we're at school and about what she found on the principal. I can't really get it out of my mind.

But before that.

✯ ✯ ✯

But once we got in the car, Yuki pushed me in and I fell flat on the backseat which made me confused, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Instead of replying, she immediately pushed her lips into mine, sucking on my lower lip, and bit it. Seeing that, I was left flabbergasted.

She stopped her sucking on my lips and looked into my eyes, and said, "You naughty boy~ I didn't expect that you took the initiative. You missed me that much?", she smirked.

I was wiping out the saliva from my mouth while having a flushed face, and said, "It's not! I want to talk about something!", I exclaimed.

"Aww~ What a bummer~", Yuki said dejectedly and sat properly beside me.

"Haa...", I sighed dejectedly.

That's too dangerous if our vehicle was moving if there are some bumps on the roads, it could lead to our teeth bumping with each other. I'm glad that the vehicle is not moving. How thirsty is this girl? Haa... She's not even holding back because there's a divider between the front and back seat.

"What do you want to talk about?", Yuki said.

I fixed myself and sat properly beside her.

"About our circumstance at school.", I replied.


"Yeah, people are speculating that we three are going out."

"Yeah? It's going to be true, anyways. What are you talking about?", Yuki looked at me with a puzzled face.

"Haa... It's about the polygamous thing you mentioned, I don't want that to get out. I want to keep it a secret between us."

"Why? I know that it's not pleasing in the eye of the public but why would we care about it?"

"That's one part but the backlash that it can have to your family could be devastating too.", I said in a stern voice.

Yuki flinched upon hearing that.

"Public opinions are everything now in this world as the cyber internet exists, one wrong move could ruin a person's life. And, they target people that are all at the top of the food chain in society—That means influential people like you, Yuki. I don't know why you didn't think of that but you're too focused on one thing that you forgot to realized other things around you. You're too narrow-minded."

From what I've seen, Yuki becomes too extreme in her actions. I could see that she's pretty observant at the time with the Oye Family, but the way she executed it was too overboard. I don't mind the result but I feel like over time she will lose control over it and will lead her to self-destruct.

That's why I decided to talk to her about it so that she could get a glimpse of what she's doing and think it thoroughly, I want her to think that this world doesn't revolve around us.

"Haa... Did I go overboard, yesterday?", Yuki asked with a desperate sigh.

"If you're talking about yesterday's kiss at the club, it does. Did you know how hard I tried to make an excuse to them? I was glad that Naoki was there and handled it better than me."

"Haa... Sorry about that, you're correct. I do go overboard sometimes when it comes to you, I didn't think it thoroughly. Even my grandfather mentioned that to me when I was about to meet you, and warned me about it. I didn't expect that you'll be the one who'll tell that part about me."

"Your grandfather must have known you too well."

"Well, yeah... He was the only one who took care of me... He's the one who taught me all about these things, like how a noble should act like or how I need to carry myself on a conversation.", Yuki wryly smiled.

"Sounds like a great guy. The way you handled the guy yesterday from lunch was great, I must say. You kept your calm and acted the way you should've. It's like you've been used to it."

"Ha-ha. I-It's actually my first time encountering those kind people or people associated with my family.", Yuki shyly said.


Then a thought emerged into my head, she's the princess of the Hatsumi Household which means she's pretty much confined inside her house. Probably, not even letting other people get close contact with her—An actual princess. Old style stuff, but it's plausible because some nobles still carry old traditions with them.

"Oh, that's why you broke that guy's arm?", I asked.

"W-Well... He just suddenly approached, it made me surprised so I instinctively broke his arm because I thought holding him wasn't enough."

"Hahahahahaha.", I laughed.

"If you're in my shoes you'll probably do that too.", Yuki puffed her cheeks.

Staring at Yuki, I'm getting more attached to her as she let out her real self. The mature and prideful Yuki image that was in my head, started crumbling down. I want to get to know her more, as I know that she's like Naoki but Yuki's persona was more extreme as it needs to be maintained because of her noble status.

Understanding that there's no way to know a person's attitude or behavior until you get to know them, observing them the first time will not do because studying or understanding a human's mind takes time, even though Izumi-sensei told me about that, I didn't really think about it that much. But now, I learned that I'm too cocky with myself as I only have the knowledge but don't have the experience to discern them. Can't help myself but feel excited as I learn new things every day.

Minor notes about Volume 2

-I'll be focusing more on the MC's school life.

Xeozcreators' thoughts
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