
The Dinner (2)

After eating dinner, Haru-san picked up all the dishes, while Aunt Ayaka and Sakura-san went to the living room. Right now, I'm currently sitting with the little girl who so eager to eat the cake, and now got what she wants.

The dinner went well, except for Ikeda-san she became the main target of the two. Even though Haru-san was trying to stop them, he didn't manage to do it. I feel bad for Ikeda-san, as we finished our dinner she quickly left. When she left and saw her back, my mind recalled the lost girl from the convenience store last time. It took me a while to remember since I didn't see her face that time and only saw her back against me.

"Now what?", I said to myself.

Asuka looked at me innocently, while eating her cake.

"Ah, nothing", I said and patted her head.

"I need to go to the bathroom, just eat okay?"

Asuka nodded.

I got up and went to the living room.

I saw the two chatting, so I interjected, "Um, Sakura-san where's the bathroom?".

"Oh, Tatsuya-kun, it's only right over there.", she pointed her finger in a direction.

"Thank you.", I nodded.

I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror, I saw my clear face reflecting.

I wondered if I look stiff earlier it's been a long time. When was the last time I let other people see my face other than my family?

This is the first time I felt comfortable around people with my face being seen. I don't know how, but I don't feel nauseated or suffocated at all. It feels weird, I do understand that I'm okay with Aunt and Asuka because Aunt was like a second mother to me because she took care of me when I was a child back then, and for Asuka, well she's Aunt's child. I treat them as a family.

I do understand why Aunt fixed my hair and let my face show, I know that she wants to help me and I'm very thankful for it. I agreed to her request because I want to help myself too, and I'm sick of it. I went here to have a new life, it took me 2 years to go back to school. I've been stuck at home ever since that happened. Even though I'm okay with people now but the lingering of that is still there, that's why I decided not to stand out. Since my past trauma is still here, I want to take things slow. I do want to overcome my past that has been eating my conscience ever since. But, I really don't know what will happen to me. That's why what happened today felt like an accomplishment to me.

But, there's a weird feeling inside my chest. Haru-san, Sakura-san, and their daughter Ikeda-san. I feel like I've known them for a long time, and the way Ikeda-san was looking at me earlier, I did saw her glancing at me from time to time. I don't know but I sense some familiarity from them.

After using the bathroom, I got out and saw the two still talking in their own world.

I went to their backyard to get some fresh air.

And saw, Haru-san sitting who seems to be finished cleaning the dishes.

Then he greeted me, "Tatsuya-kun, you're here."

"Ah yeah, just getting some fresh air.", I replied.

"By the way, my wife told me that you took interest in my painting."

"Ah yes, the painting looks appealing to look at."

"Haha, thanks, what do you think of the painting?"


"Yep, I mean, what's your interpretation of the painting?"

"Oh, Uhm, I don't really know but... Maybe, greed?"

"Oho~ what makes you think that?"

"I don't really know but the woman in the painting gives off some sense of fulfillment on her. But at the same time, she doesn't. I know what I said was kind of contradicting."

"That's an interesting take, but not close enough. I do give you props though, greed is maybe part of it or maybe not", Haru-san said.

What? Huh? What is it then?

"Huh?", I confusingly said.

"Hahaha.", Haru-san laughed.

"You got the same face as my wife when I told her that. Are you fond of mysteries?", Haru-san added.

"Yes.", I answered.

"Oho~ Now, I have a question for you why do we humans are so obsessed about unveiling the mysteries of the world?", he asked me.

"To know the truth?", I said confusingly.

"That's correct. We live in a world full of mystery, we try to unveil every mysteries we see out there. Because we humans are obsessed with knowing the truth. Don't you find it interesting, that we humans are so obsessed with knowing the truth, but we find it hard, to tell the truth to each other?"

"Now I have another question, Did you ever wonder, why we people love solving mysteries? Was it because of the thriller feeling we got? Or maybe the sense of accomplishment we achieve after solving? You know, personally, I do find mystery fun, not because of the feeling of thrill or sense of accomplishment. But, because of the feeling of a new world opening in front of my own eyes, like, opening a new perspective of our world.", he continued.

From what I can see, he's clearly saying that 'It's no fun if just tell you the answer'.

"Even though I have more to say, but that's all for today. Shall we go in? It's getting cold here.", he said with a smile.

"I'm always free, so if you came with another answer, the door is always open for you.", he added.

"Uh, okay, thank you Haru-san, and I'll make sure the next we meet I have the correct answer.", I said politely.

"Haha, no problem, and you better be, I'll be expecting it.", he said mockingly.

So we head into the house.

I saw Ikeda-san holding the sleeping Asuka who seems to be finished eating her cake. I guess she got full and went to sleep.

And saw, Aunt Ayaka and Sakura-san waiting for me.

"Shall we head home, Tatsuya?", Aunt Ayaka asked.

Then I saw Ikeda looking at me with a hint of sadness. Why is she sad though? She kept glancing at me since earlier. Does she have a crush on me? Or maybe because of what Sakura-san said earlier? But, I still don't get why she had a sad expression in her eyes, whenever she looked at me.

"Okay, Auntie.", I said.

We head out to the front door, Ikeda-san handed the sleeping Asuka to Aunt Ayaka.

"Thank you for the dinner Sakura-san, Haru-san, and Ikeda-san." I bowed and then smiled at them.

"Oh no worries, you can have dinner with us anytime.", Haru-san said.

"Yep, for my future son-in-law, you're free to visit us anytime.", Sakura-san said with a proud look on her face.

"...", Ikeda-san only glared at her mother.

"Fufu~", Aunt Ayaka said with a smug face.

Then we head into our home, Aunt Ayaka put Asuka on the couch first. As for me, I went to my room.

And took my phone out to check my inbox. When I opened it, I saw a new message notification popped up.

I opened the message that was from Zeno-chanღ.

It was my otaku friend, I met him on an RPG game called Runic Chronicles. Well, I assumed that it was a guy because of the way he talks, but I haven't really met this person in real life.

I read the message, it says.

'Yow, where have you been? you've been offline for 2 f*cking days!!!'

Ha—aa... this guy...

I replied.

'I told you that I will be moving to my aunt.'

Then a new message popped up.

'I swear! if you miss tomorrow's crystal event, I will go to your house and beat you up.'

'Ye ye, I know I know, I'll be there.'

'You better be! I don't want to find some random to party with!'

'Alright alright, need to head out to take a bath.'

'Okay UwU, Bye~'

And after that, I heard Aunt Ayaka.

"Tatsuya! The bath is ready."

"Okay, Auntie! Coming!"

I took my bath and went back to my room.

And laid down in my bed.

And suddenly, I remembered that I need to get a new mouse and keyboard for my laptop since I forgot it back at home.

I can buy it before lunch since the event will start at 1 pm.

Then I close my eyelids and went to sleep.

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