
Week 14 - Air 3

Ro avoided talking to Ky about what happened. Every day for the rest of the week, Shiki would poke his head in the room and stare at her with a little frown before leaving. Finally, on Friday, Rin had enough of waiting for the Nug to leave.

First, he summoned his steward through his magic to tell them to fire her uncle. He was told that his father had ordered the farm turned over to Ky. Then he tried to use his magic to hurt her uncle but found a ward over him so he could not touch him. Then, completely frustrated, he went after the rest of her family. They too were protected from him. Even when he tried to use his magic to give them accidents, he found himself thwarted.

There was only one person who could have done this, and that was his uncle. Rin realized that this meant the school did not want her gone. He decided to break her will as punishment. The first step was to make her see how utterly defenseless she was. He sent Shiki to bring her to him.

As soon as Ro entered the room, the door closed behind her, leaving her alone with Rage. She was once again pulled to the center of the circle of chairs. Ro met his eyes with a glare.

"My friends and family are protected. You can't hurt them." She spat out. Rin smiled cruelly.

"I already found that out, so I've decided to educate you on our society. The first thing you should know is that direct eye contact like you're making is a sign of aggression or rudeness, in your case. So, lower your eyes in front of your betters." Ro felt her eyes drift from Rin to a spot on the floor just in front of him. She snarled and forced her eyes up. It was hard. If she let her attention slip for one moment, they would return to the floor. "Ah, I see lesson one will be hard." He let out a fake sigh, "Very well if you insist upon looking at me you should do it from your knees. Which incidentally is where you belong." Rin called on his magic and sent immense pressure against the girl to force her to her knees. Slowly she went, struggling the whole time, first to one knee then to both. He enjoyed watching her struggle in vain, so he kept the pressure up, forcing her down farther.

Ro felt hatred and white-hot fury well up inside her as her knees hit the hard floor. She did struggle, as hard as she could but she could feel herself being pushed farther down. She put her hands out to help hold her up, but even her arms were bending. She managed to lift her head and glare at him.

"You're even more pathetic than a human. Needing to put others down to feel better. You disgust me." She gasped out. He stood enraged and the pressure increased, slamming her against the floor. The air left her lungs in a whoosh and Ro felt one of her ribs crack. Pain shot through her chest as she sucked in air.

"Your words don't matter to me. You are nothing but a worm under my foot. Easily squashed." Rin lifted his foot as if he were going to step on her.

"Don't you dare." Ro gasped out. She was so angry her vision turned red. She struggled against the pressure holding her to the floor with her body even as her mind reached out struggling for magic to release her. Ro watched as his foot slammed down on her hand, shattering bones. As the pain ripped through her, her mind was able to reach something. She latched onto it and drew it forward as Rin ground his foot on her hand. The pain made her cry out, but Ro pulled whatever it was that she had found in her mind closer to the present.

At last it tore itself from her grasp into reality. Wind whipped around the room knocking first Rin back, then the tables and chairs. It was roared so strongly even the fire went out. Ro found herself suddenly able to move. She stood up gingerly careful of her rib and hand. She looked at Rage. He was once again sitting in his chair, although he was purple faced with fury.

"Good talk. I'll keep it in mind." She said making sure to meet his eyes and left. She headed for the infirmary. Even after she walked out, the wind continued to dart around the room.

After getting magically healed in the infirmary by the concerned Nyiad, Ro returned to class.

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