
Chapter 2

A/N almost 3k words here. I'm getting more comfortable with writing I think. Tried to put more conversations and not just monologues in this chapter.


"Alexandra Knight?" my new teacher says, doing roll call.

"Present, although I like to go by Alex"

"OK, next is Luna Lovegood " I whip my head around the class and my eyes land on a little girl my age, with blond hair. What's she doing here, she's supposed to be a pureblood. I know I was going to be in the same year as her in Hogwarts, since I'm a year younger than Harry Potter, but why she's in a muggle school, I have no idea.

"Here" Luna replies to her shyly and the teacher moves on to the next student. At least there are no more characters from cannon by the time she is finished with all of the students. I'll have to investigate why Luna is in the same exact school as me. A pureblood child going to a mundane school is already suspicious, but going to one where I attend? I'll need to keep a lookout, constant vigilance and all. I'll have to talk to her later, but for now let's just observe.

Soon the teacher starts class, but it's more of a daycare. What else can someone do with a bunch 5 and 6 year olds apart from keep them from trouble, and teach them how to count apples when they have the attention span. Agh this is going to be boring, well time to plan the next couple of years I guess.

First thing - Magic. Mum doesn't have any meaningful magical textbooks apart from some first year ones - that won't do at all. Firstly all the spells and such go more into detail on how to move a wand, which I don't have, rather than the magic itself. Second I want more magical theory, I need to deconstruct and find out how magic works. I can without a doubt say Harry Potter magic is at the bottom of the totem pole - sure they have some good spells from what I know, like the Killing Curse or Apparition, but most others are too underpowered. Bombarada Maxima? Say that to the fuckers in the other universes that can throw a rock hard enough to destroy a mountain.

But what it lacks in power, it makes up in versatility. If I can figure out how magic works on a basic level, then I can rebuild from the ground up to suit my needs, and if all goes to plan then I can shape reality with a wave of my hand. Hell, I'm pretty sure I could legitimately resurrect the dead or create new life, or become immortal if I wanted. All without so-called Dark Magic and Rituals. Advanced transfiguration can already mimic life, so creating a functioning body is trivial. Just figure out how to make it permanent. As for sentience - well Hogwarts has one - if I wanted to create I could just steal it from there. But there's a much easier way - remember my advanced knowledge? Well guess what I know how to make - Artificial intelligence. What would happen If I add magic? Who knows but I'm excited to find out.

But that's a future research topic, not a priority right now. What is a priority research is my magic and soul. Over the lifetimes I've learnt to 'dive' within myself and see a representation of my soul and manipulate it slightly. But ever since I came into this world, there is a Parasite. My Magic Core. It's much less morbid than I make it sound. From what I've gathered the magic core is a meta physical organ which wizards are born with, it connects to the soul and siphons off power, converts it to magic and stores it for later use. That's why my stronger soul makes it so I can regenerate magic faster and more potent. It's also probably why emotions affect magic, your soul responds to them and pumps out more power to the magic core. It's also why I couldn't use magic in any of my other lives, I didn't have a magic core.

And that's a problem, whenever I reincarnate only my soul is unchanged, and my magical core is not my soul. Sure it's connected to it, but I doubt that's enough for it to come with me during my reincarnations. I need to fix that, but I also need to be extremely careful. Messing with my soul without enough research is outright suicidal at best, and at worse? I could damage my soul, or wipe out my existence. I don't know the specifics but I'm sure my wish only made it so I don't get wiped by the reincarnation cycle, someone could still probably force fully wipe me, including myself. However I still need to make haste, in case I die in an accident or something. I'm not worried about death, I'm worried about dying before I can integrate my magic core into my soul. God knows how long it might be before I reincarnate into another supernatural world.

Research into soul magic is going to be difficult as well, the only magic I know that deals with the soul are the Killing Curse, the Fidelius and the Horcrux. And that goes back to me needing to deconstruct and understand magic as much as I can.

"..... you Alex?"

"5 Apples"

"Good job, now let's see" and with that I tune her out again. Ugh maybe I should have a nap, I'm pretty sure we have mandatory nap time coming soon.

Back to planning. For all that research I'll need money, and lots of it. I'll need resources, access to books and materials and I'll need to make my own instruments. And that costs money. I might be a genius, but I don't have enough raw brainpower to do complex calculations that I know I'll have to do for what I want. Sure I can do it given enough effort but why do it when computers are much faster, more efficient and can do multiple at a time 24/7. But they don't have fast enough computers yet, and so I'll need to make them myself. I know how to, but it goes back to not having the specialised tools to do so. Magic can hopefully help with that, along with making more advanced computers from any of my previous lives. And if I can build one, I can build a 100 to scale them. It makes me sad, if there was ever a magical industrial revolution like in the mundane world, the human race could've been a galactic race.

Good news is I know how to make money, I just need a good amount of starting capital to invest. And how you may ask do I get that? Maths. Yep, that is the easiest way. In most of my modern lifetimes there are always seemingly impossible maths problems that are unsolved. In my first world they were called the Millennium Problems, and solving one would net you a cool million dollars. Some called it the hardest way to a million, but I know how to solve these. I remember the solutions. An afternoon and about 40 pages worth of proofs and I have my capital. And there were 7 of them. I'll have to research what problems are in this world and how much money, but it's always similar on modern earth. Slight variations but still. Or I could just sell a software company a prime number that won't be discovered for another 100 years. Point is I can exploit a lot of things for money for a relatively small amount of risk, after all no one pays attention to mathematicians. But I'll wait a couple of years before I do that, 5 years is still a bit too young and I don't feel like explaining where I even learnt about the problems existence, I can't be a young genius who just randomly stumbles upon it on the Internet, with no Internet.

"Alright kids, it's nap time" The teacher says, whose name I'm pretty sure is Mrs Appleberry. I still need to talk to Luna and find out why she is here, but after nap time. Sleep is sacred, and I have all the time in the world for sleep.









"What the?" I wake up to the sound of a Window shattering and some scared

kids screaming

"Alright kids calm down, the wind probably knocked a rock into it or something. Now I need you all to line up next to the wall and make sure you're far away from the glass. We don't want you hurting yourself on the glass, I'll call for the janitor to clean up."

I follow the other kids and I line up, making sure to not let the curious kids touch the broken glass. Mrs Appleberry is trying her best to wrangle all the kids, but they're 5 years old. Eventually they all behave and we're standing at the back wall, and I choose to stand next to Luna.

"Hey! I'm Alex. You're Luna Lovegood right?"

"H-hi Alex, mhm yeah I'm Luna" I did not think she'd be this shy, she's literally turning into a tomato. Well she's 5, she hasn't had a chance to grow into her aloof persona yet.

"So..that window was because of you right?" I tease.

"W-WHAT? I mean no it wasn't me" She says shaking her head vigorously with a higher pitch towards the end, and continues in a mumble and almost crying "Mummy's gonna be mad at me, she said to be careful"

Ah that's enough, I feel bad now. "Hey hey, it's fine, I know that was an accident, it wasn't your fault." Leaning into her ear I tell her "I'm a witch too, my mum's a mundane born and she told me about the noble houses, including the Lovegood. I just recognised the name, no one else saw" That's a white lie, mum hasn't told me anything about the nobles.

"Oh, okay. Mommy might still be mad at me losing control"

"No she won't, trust me. It was an accident, and it's called accidental magic for a reason"

"I-it wasn't"


"The others were being mean to me, and saying they don't want to be my friends and.. And I wanted to scare them"

"Well then they deserved it. Tell you what I'll be your friend"

"Really!? My only other friend is Ginny but she rarely ever comes over, and her parents don't want to send her to a muggle school and sometimes her older brother is mean to me and -" wow she can talk, who would've thought, seeing me looking at her with an amusement she instantly shuts up and looks away.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

"Ginny says I talk too much sometimes and people don't like it" Wow, right through the heart. If she'd had good friends in cannon she would've been a much more cheerful person. She barely talked to others in cannon, and here she is wanting to talk my ears off.

"Well whoever Ginny is, is wrong. You can talk all day everyday to me and I won't mind. Whatever you want to talk about, you can"

"Are you sure? You won't say I'm wierd?"

"There's nothing wrong with being weird Luna, I like weird. But if you don't want to be, that's perfectly fine too. Whatever you want, I'll be your friend. But what makes you think you're weird? I bet I'm weirder than you"

".... I have dreams that I'm not supposed to have. Mommy and Daddy say it's a gift. None of the other noble children like me, and I wanted more friends and then I had a dream as well and I saw this school and lots of friends, and I wanted Mommy to send me here, but she didn't want to at first and I begged her to and I promised I'll be careful and I wanted friends… um I talked too much again" So she's a seer, confirmed I guess. And that explains why she came to this school.

"I told you it's fine to talk as much as you want. And you can tell your mommy after school that you have another friend, OK"

"Mm OK" she says nodding shyly.

"Alright kids, the janitor has cleaned up the mess, so we can get back to class. Say thank you to Mr Janitor" Mrs Appleberry interrupts

"""Thank you Mr Janitor""".

We take get back into our seats, and this time I sit next to Luna. She notices that is quite literally over the moon that I actually chose to sit next to her. All things considered, today's been a good day. Especially with meeting Luna. With this I can probably meet her mother and save her from the accident. And she's a spell crafter so I can pick her brain about magical theory.









First day of school is finally over, I can't say it's been too bad. Meeting Luna being the highlight of it all, and she has been talking nonstop for most of the day. At first she was reluctant but after slipping up a couple of times, she figured out I really did not mind her talking about why the Crumple-Horned Snorkack are the best hide and seek players, and she still hasn't finished the game that she definitely started with 1 a year ago, but she doesn't remember what they look like so the game continues. We're waiting at the reception now, waiting together for our parents to pick us up. She really tired herself out with the talking today, and she's trying not to nod off whilst leaning on my shoulder.

We decided we're gonna introduce ourselves to each other's parents.

*Pop* I hear a slight pop, past a corner wall, in a spot that's out of sight. I turn and see a beautiful blond come out. As good looking as she is, I have an urge at the back of my mind to look away. Guess that's what a notice-me-not feels like.

"Psst hey Luna, I think you mom's here" Luna sits upright and looks around, finally noticing Pandora Lovegood as the urge to ignore her vanishes.

"Mommy! I MISSED YOU! LOOK I MADE A FRIEND" Luna shouts regaining all her lost energy, grabs my hand drags me to her mother.

"Hello, my name is Alexandera Knight, but I like to go by Alex. Luna has been telling me a about you all day"

"Aww hello Alex, my name is Pandora. I'm glad Luna made a friend on her first day. What has Luna told you exactly?" she asks slightly cautiously, can't say I blame her. Luna is only 5, and she can easily break the statue of secrecy without realising. It's probably one of the major reasons Pureblood children don't go to mundane school, they're used to magic being out in the open so much, they are bound to slip up. So I decide to reassure her, I make sure no one is close enough to hear

"It's alright Mrs Lovegood, I'm a witch too. My mom's a mundane born witch as -" * POP* "and I think that's her now"

And my mom walks out of the same alcove as Pandora, she's 5'11 with brunette hair wearing a casual business suit and blue eyes. I don't know who my dad was but I must've gotten my red hair from him and my blue eyes from mum.

"Hey honey, how was your first day at school" she greets and hugs mr

"Good mommy, I made a friend. Her name is Luna, and that's her mum Pandora Lovegood" I say pointing at Luna hiding behind her mum and then Pandora

"Lovegood huh? Hello my name is Evelyn Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you" my mom says greeting the two blondes.

"No, pleasure is all mine. Luna and Alex seem to have become good friends, if Luna's excitement is anything to go by. Alex has also told me about you being a muggleborn, and I'm glad Luna has a friend who she can be herself to. I'm sure they''ll be great friends, and Luna will love having her over-" and I tune her out. Seeing Pandora it makes sense where Luna gets her talkative side to. Leaving my mother and Pandora to talk to each other, I turn to Luna.

"Hey Luna, I had fun with you today. I'll miss you and can't wait until tomorrow to see you again" She lights up at that, Good. I'll make sure to slowly I'll fill her up with confidence and raise her self esteem.

"you mean that? I'll miss you too" ahhh, and the tomato returns. I can't help but hug her

"Yeah I do mean that. See you tomorrow, I think my mum is done talking to yours"

Mum turns to me, and grabs my hand. "It was wonderful meeting you Pandora, and I'm sure the girls will love having a playdate on the weekend, won't you girls?"

"mhmmm" I think Luna's overheating because of the vigorous nodding.

"Yes mum, we will. See you tomorrow Luna"

And with that we're off. For the third time, it really has been a good day today.

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