
Chapter 87: Face to Face

The two hours passed in an instant, using Navi I gave several orders to my wives to organize a defensive formation at our base, while they are fighting, Yuko will attack the light squads from behind to make a pincer attack.

Most of my forces were focused on my main base so I will have to face Wesker's armed forces at a disadvantage in numbers.

In these two hours, I pushed my body to the limit to prepare various traps and an improvised army.

Madness was dedicated to eating corpses to replenish my black blood as I used it excessively to create various traps along the street, we were also looking for mutant animals and subjected them to force to form a small army of mutant animals, but as I did it in a short time, those animals will not listen to my orders and will only attack the soldiers.

An army of cannon fodder that will only serve to distract the soldiers while I face Wesker alongside Kaede, Shiro, and Sayo.

Monika sent two pods with combat units with a strength comparable to Shiro but they will only be able to fight for two hours after being activated.

It was bizarre to see that the alleged battle droids were a beautiful white-haired woman and a seemingly ordinary high school girl, the creator of them had strange fetishes.

Monika mentioned that, although these were not the most powerful androids, they were the most obedient since their creator gave them free will and only these two would listen to commands during a fight.

The models are:

Android No2, Use: Combat, Model: Samurai, Name: 2B.

Android No7, Use: Combat, Model: Angel, Name: Chise

2B is a close combat android, she uses a katana and her combat style is based on speed.

Chise is an aerial artillery model with a heavy machine gun that can switch to a plasma cannon, but using the plasma cannon drains most of its energy so it can only fire once.

Before the battle I activated both of them for 5 minutes to talk to them and convince them to help me.

2B had no problems since her mentality is that an android must follow orders and since Monika gave me control then I can give her any order.

I had to tell Chise that this battle was to protect innocent people from a villain who wants to destroy the world, she is a naive and innocent girl despite being turned into a weapon of war.

It will not be difficult to conquer them both in the future but that is only if they survive this battle.

I would have liked to meet the creator of these androids to force him to mass-produce them, but according to Monika, he committed suicide at the beginning of the apocalypse.

Anyway, now it only remains to prepare.

Madness rushed to my side in the miniature form, there were human remains in his mouth as he chewed.

"All set, woof" - Madness smiled showing her food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's unpleasant" - I ignored this idiot and looked out into the street.

I am standing at the entrance of the Takagi mansion, since it is on the high ground I can see the military group approaching.

Leading the formation were twelve armored tanks, thirty military jeeps of which ten had turrets, the formation consisted of several civilian vans full of armed soldiers and their numbers should exceed 2000 considering the recruits brought in by Wesker from the Umbrella base.

According to Rika, they used to be a better-equipped army but several clashes with mutants such as the Tank and Charger used up their resources since there was not a general with enough authority to command the soldiers.

But even so, I don't feel calm since behind this army I felt the gaze of a really dangerous creature watching me like prey.

"Hey Listen! We need music! " - Navi came to my side with remote control.

"What's that?" - I feel like I'll hear something stupid."When the perverted scientist set the earthquake alarms she added an option to play background music since a war without music is not worth it!" - Navi was flying in circles.

Shiguma accessed the seismic alarm system with the help of Monika. Using the alarms Shiguma was able to replicate the artifact that Umbrella used to set a trap for me by attracting a wave of mutants.

When the alarm goes off it will attract nearby mutants to increase the chaos.

"Whatever, why do you have the remote?" - I asked with annoyance.

"Hey Listen! I took it after leaving a note! " - Navi spoke with pride.

"Idiot, your existence is supposed to be a secret, don't go around leaving notes everywhere" - Well, it's not the worst thing this idiot has done and I still plan to add Shiguma to my harem.

"You can't stop the world from knowing my greatness! Everyone should kneel down and worship me muahahaha! " - Navi was acting like an idiot so I hit him.

Now we have to wait.

The group of soldiers did not stop advancing, I was glad to see that they put the heavy artillery to the front instead of the rear, perhaps they were too confident that I would have no way to block their tanks.

As the group advanced I pulled out a detonator and pressed it causing the ground below the tanks to begin to break apart.

When Rika pointed out the direction the army was coming from, I asked Shiguma for help to make a trap.

First I went into the sewers and ran to look for the mutant women called Witch as they seem to prefer the sewers and dark places.

Due to lack of time I was only able to attract a small group of about 200 Witch, I gathered them at a specific point in the sewer system, and then with the help of Shiguma's calculations I put explosives in the supporting pillars of the sewers.

When the tanks reached the indicated place I detonated the explosives causing the tanks to sink.

That wouldn't stop them forever since the opening was small, but it was enough for the first step.

Hundreds of Witch began to emerge from the hole in the ground who had been enraged by the noise and light.

Since only the Witch would not be enough to deal with a heavily armed group I filled several corpses with Hamon and fed them to strengthen them, now they were authentic killing machines.

"Madness, call them" - I gestured to Mini Madness.

Insanity transformed into his real 2-meter dog form.

Taking a deep breath, Madness let out a loud bark that was more like a combination of thousands of agonizing wails, Madness is truly transforming into a nightmare creature.

The 'bark' of Madness resounded for more than a kilometer, in response to that bestial sound hundreds of growls began to resonate in the distance.

Hundreds of mutant animals rushed towards the soldiers like rabid beasts. To increase the strength of the animal army I infected them with Madness so that they would be willing to fight to the death.

As the animals ran like a pack of hungry wolves, the loudspeakers came on as loud music blared practically throughout the city.

I looked at Navi who had pressed a button on the remote despite not having hands, in fact, it's strange how the remote sticks to her body.

"Vivaldi?" - I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey Listen! I didn't think you would recognize her since you are an uneducated pig! " - Navi yelled happily.

"I know Vivaldi, I just didn't expect to hear him here" - It's strange to see soldiers facing an army of mutants while Antonio Vivaldi's Storm plays.

The sounds of machine guns and explosions complement the music appropriately creating a real storm.

"Hey Listen! There are cameras installed so when we return to your world we can upload it to the internet! " - Navi exclaimed happily.

I don't want to be a film director so I ignored Navi and kept my eyes on the battle.

Soldiers and mutants slaughtered each other creating a grotesque yet fascinating scene of carnage and death.

It was a chaotic battle of all against all, Navi pressed another button and while the music continued playing there was a low-frequency sound almost impossible to perceive for the human ear that began to attract the infected and mutants.

The chaos increased, the animals were blinded by madness so they began to howl and growl like beasts from hell.

Mutant animals are connected by their primal instincts so unless they are domesticated they will respond to calls for help from members of the same species so the roars attracted more mutant animals.

As time passed the situation only got worse, the soldiers who died rose up turned into zombies, the mutants attacked both soldiers and animals while devouring any corpse they found, and the crazed animals carried out suicide attacks to kill any enemy that they had in front of even others animals.

What was surprising was that the Madness that I used to drive the animals crazy stayed in their bodies like an infectious virus so that when the mutants ate the remains of the animals they were also infected by the Madness making them more violent repeating the scene of carnage in the school.

Tsubaki who was in my Core of Existence to look at what I see spoke with a worried voice. - "Luis, when we go to other worlds avoid using this tactic or you could cause an apocalypse worse than that of the zombies"

I was also surprised that my Insanity was so volatile and infectious, the most alarming thing was that as the battle intensified my Madness of Egoism energy grew.

[Energy: Madness of Egoism (50.2%)]

[Energy: Madness of Egoism (50.8%)]

[Energy: Madness of Egoism (51.1%)]

"Yes, I think it will be better to be careful when using this power" - It will be a problem if the multiverse fills up with genocidal psychopaths.

I kept watching the battle, instead of the chaos diminishing due to the casualties the situation only became more violent.

Just as a cornered mouse is willing to fight the cat, the soldiers were pushed into a desperate situation so they broke their limitations for the sake of survival by becoming ruthless and violent beyond conventional human limits.

The mutants kept freaking out as they consumed the meat tainted with my Insanity, becoming more savage, stronger, and more aggressive.

The animals lost their instinct for self-preservation and launched themselves like suicidal warriors who do not know pain or fear of death, they only knew how to attack with claws and teeth, tearing everything in their path.

This had ceased to be a battle and turned into a carnage while listening to Carl Orff's O Fortuna, apparently Shiguma set up a somewhat dramatic classical music list.

Despite the soldiers being mutilated like meat being passed through a meat grinder into sausage, Wesker still did not enter the battlefield.

Wesker and I stayed out of the massacre only by acting as spectators.

From Monika's information I knew that Wesker was a confident man who would wait until the end to confront me directly, this army was only a tool to eliminate the infected on the way and for him, it would be a waste of time to face them.

Wesker is the kind of villain who waits for the hero to gather weapons instead of eliminating him at his weakest moment, it is something absurd but understandable considering the confidence that Wesker has in himself.

Most importantly, with this Wesker is more aware of my capabilities by being able to form this nightmare scenario in just two hours, now he will definitely want to kill me to eliminate a dangerous enemy.

The fight continued for several hours until sunset, I turned off the music to stop attracting infected since the armies of soldiers, mutants and beasts were practically devastated.

Although there were still hundreds of enemies left, they were no longer relevant, their numbers were no longer a threat and could only be considered a hindrance.

Seeing that the heavy weaponry was practically destroyed, I adjusted my clothes.

In these two hours I had time to go to my base at full speed to make preparations.

I changed into a custom military combat armor made by Black Label scientists.

It was a black military suit that did not limit my movements, I asked for a design equal to the wardrobe that I usually wear in my homeworld when I go on assassination missions.

There are several pockets to hold different throwing weapons and small explosives, although I can create weapons with my black blood that would use up part of my energy reserves so conventional weapons are useful.

The most important thing is that under the cloth there is a carbon fiber armor capable of dispersing the impact of physical blows and is resistant to high temperatures.

It is not as good as the chainmail that Shigure gave me in the world of Kenichi but the power of science is amazing, this suit was made with mutant animal skins and was sewn with my black blood so it is an excellent conductor of Rasen, Ki, and Hamon.

In addition, there is a mask with a special filter that can even prevent radiation damage, however, I will not use that as it will limit my vision and in this fight I have to give it my all.

In one hand I held a special shotgun designed to use ammunition that could pierce the armor of an armored tank, but only someone with superhuman strength could use it from the recoil.

I took out the radio that was on my belt and called Monika. - "Wait for my signal"

"Fufufu, do your best dear ~" - Monika answered strangely happy, the emotions that her voice transmits continue to bother me since they feel artificial as well as authentic, it's strange.

I left the radio in the dream, Madness that was next to me turned into liquid and entered my body through the small openings that were in the arms of my suit.

I called Tsubaki out of my Core of Existence. - "Tsubaki ninja sword"

In my right hand was a short sword while my left hand held the shotgun.

I started walking towards the battlefield.

Wesker got out of a truck that had been separated from the battlefield, he was a tall man with blond hair combed back, he was dressed in a black leather raincoat, his expression was severe and slightly indifferent while his eyes were covered with dark glasses But despite the opaque glass of his glasses, there was a red glow from his pupils like two warning lights that gave a sense of danger.

Wesker began to walk calmly, as we both approached the battlefield the maddened creatures noticed us and some tried to attack us.

A giant mutant dog tried to bite Wesker but he only raised his hand and with a casual blow destroyed the animal's head.

A Tank tried to hit me, I learned a little to avoid the blow, and with a cut from the sword I split it in two vertically.

Finally, we both stopped at a distance of 5 meters, Wesker's gaze was like a poisonous snake that can kill in one bite, I felt a great amount of danger just with the presence of him.

"An interesting young man, you will make an excellent laboratory sample" - Wesker nodded in approval.

"Thanks for the compliment, you will be the best food for my dog" - I tightened my grip on my weapons, my back muscles tensed ready for combat.

"Great words for a teenag-" - When Wesker let the air out to speak I timed the moment when he blinked to push me forward to attack him.

Regardless of the medium, I have to assassinate this man before he can assassinate me.

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I didn't write over the weekend and just finished this chapter, sorry for not posting yesterday :c


On a separate note, I had a credit card issue so I am currently unable to receive Ko-Fi payments, this week I will resolve that if anyone wants to support me uwu

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