
Those Eyes

He hated this world, but he loved its people; he ran from its existence, but he returned at last.

Carson pulled up to the tree to train with Senzu but wasn't there. He sat down and waited.

The Phantom demons walked through the town as everyone questioned what was happening. They could feel their blood lust as they passed by.

"Whoever they are after, I feel bad for them." A father said as he continued to sit down and eat."Making a Phantom mad, you might as well kill yourself since you'll end up dead regardless."

"Split up and find him." They said. "If he was a regular person, we could sense him, but he's a phantom. It'll be hard," Moses said as they all went in different directions.

Phantom Carson walked as he thought of what to do. "The Phantom will find out if they don't already know I'm here. How can I handle this? I must explain my situation but lying to them is pointless. They probably already know everything." He pondered.

As he continued to walk, he passed by a tree with a kid sitting under it. He looked at the kid and walked toward him.

"Hello there. How are you doing." He said to him.

"I'm just waiting for my teacher to teach me." He explained.

Phantom Carson stared at the kid.

"Your eyes remind me of my wife, same color, which was rare."

The kid didn't say anything. He was confused.

Phantom Carson tapped the boy's hair and got back up.

"Sorry, that must have been weird." He smiled at him and continued to walk again. He waved back, "take care."

Before he got any farther, he heard Ella's Voice.

He turned around.

"Ella?" He said.

Nobody was in sight, and he grabbed his head.

"Fuck, so they already know."

Sekhmet appeared in front of Carson with his fist coming toward him but was caught by Carson.

"Hey Sekhmet, long time, no see." Carson let him go and kicked him out of sight.

He appeared before him and looked down at Sekhmet on the floor.

"I didn't come to fight. I want to check up on my wife, and I'll be on my way."

Sekhmet laughed "your wife? You're such an idiot." Sekhmet got back off the floor, healed, and tried to attack Carson, who dodged it, and the rest of the attacks Sekhmet used after.

"Why did you laugh?" Carson said as he thought about the worst possible.

"Did you guys hurt Ella?" Carson questioned again.

Sekhmet ignored Carson's questions and kept trying to attack.

Carson grabbed his arm and snapped it, putting Sekhmet on his knees.

"I asked you a question, didn't I, Sekhmet."

Sekhmet continued to ignore Carson, which pushed Carson to his limit.

Young Carson got up after Senzu never appeared and went back toward the town.

Dachi and Moses appeared in front of Sekhmet's body and looked at him beaten to a pulp.

"It seems Carson has gotten the wrong idea." Dachi thought as he got back up and started walking again.

"Well, if Sekhmet told him we hurt Ella, then we should tell the Phantoms to move cautiously."

"No, let's let them do what they want, Carson, who hasn't used his power in many years. How much has time affected him? That's what I will find out." Dachi explained.

Phantom Carson walked through the town and had many people staring at him.

"Is that…"

"Did he return?…"

"So that's why the Phantoms were on the move." The demon said as he laughed with his son next to him.

Carson ended up floating over the town so he could see everything. He let out a scream that made everyone hear him, including the remaining Phantoms.

They all appeared in the air and stood in front of Carson.

"Welcome back to the Phantom Union, Carson the Shadow Phantom."

Carson looked at everyone and let out his words.

"Please tell me Ella is safe as long as she's safe; I don't care what happens. Just swear to me, you guys didn't touch her."

Dachi looked at Carson and laughed.

"The second you went missing, we took our anger out on her." He said.

Carson looked at the Phantoms but couldn't speak. He tried to say something, but he couldn't, and suddenly, a black aura rushed from his body as he started to change.

His eyes went red, and a snake tattoo appeared under one of his eyes as the horns on his head grew, with a black Halo over his head. Black markings formed over his body as his shirt disappeared.

"Your Shadow third form," Dachi said. "You are using it this fas-" before he could finish his sentence, Carson was already attacking the Phantoms and slamming them back to the floor.

The sky went black as an angel came out of it. The angel went dark and grew horns as a staff appeared in his hand. He handed it to Carson and vanished.

"I will kill all of you. I don't care if it breaks my body apart or kills me in the process, but today, the Phantom will be nothing but history. Being away from here made me realize even though I escaped my duties as an angel, I was still a slave as a demon. I could never be what I wanted until I went into the human realm. There I saw what it was like to live without thoughts of my failure or what was expected of me." A tear rolled down his eyes as his aura got stronger, which was destroying the weaker demons below them.

"At least that's what I thought, but being in the human realm might have freed me physically, but mentally, it put me in a jail cell I couldn't think for myself."

"What's your plan to stop this Dachi." Senzu came toward him.

"How we are right now…he'll kill all of us, but if we enter our forms as well, we can kill him." He answered.

"Alright." Senzu started to change, but Dachi grabbed his arm and made him stop.

"We'll win this fight without it." He said.

"How will we do that." Moses jumped in.

Dachi looked around and saw young Carson looking up at them and flew toward and lifted him.

"Phantom Carson, I want you to meet someone."

Phantom Carson saw the kid and stopped attacking.

"Traitor Carson, meet your son Carson, and little Carson… meet the man who caused your mother to die, the traitor, Carson."

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