
Ruyi Jingu Bang

The guy looked behind Zenkai and backed up as his soldiers moved forward.

Zenkai ran after him maneuvering around the running soldiers. Shadow soldiers ran into the soldiers there and took some out and got cut down.

Lyssa ran through the army stabbing as many people as she could while Flakes floated in the air observing the area he landed away from the chaos and touched the ground.

"Earths great domain"

The battlefield turned into a forest. Flakes brought all his animals out and went underground erasing his presence while his beasts jumped onto soldiers and he moved around grabbed people's legs forcing them into the ground as well. The giant trees start punching the ground and smashing everything.

Darling flew up and let out a bunch of explosions from his palm reducing the number by a lot.

Zenkai caught up to the dude and the guy stopped and turned around he put his hand up and looked at Zenkai.

"I'm not special so I don't expect to defeat you but I do have someone important to you so if you kill me then the little princess also dies."

"If she was random I probably wouldn't care about the loss of a human life but she's important for this country to function she's a symbol for Jadia even though it doesn't affect me so if you hurt her I'll make sure everyone you hold dear also goes through the same punishment," Zenkai said with a serious tone.

"Like I said if I don't get hurt she won't get hurt now let's talk." The guy walked away and Zenkai followed.

"I need you to steal something for me."

"Steal what," Zenkai replied.

"We can discuss it later but first call off your people."

Zenkai walked back and got in the middle of everyone and put his hands up

Vannox noticed Zenkai and backed up signaling Lyssa and the rest to do the same. Zenkai caused the ground to split and it divided the two groups fighting.

The man came as well and snapped his fingers making everyone leave and told Zenkai to follow him.

"Wait Zenkai where are you going," Vannox asked.

"I'll be back I want you to find survivors and help them out."

"By the way my name is Lugh." Said the men as he walked into a vehicle that arrived and signaled Zenkai to join him."

As Zenkai was going to enter a purple wave appeared and cut through the car Lugh died and Zenkai moved out the way the attack circled back around.

"Great Wall"

It crashed into the earth wall and made dust appear everywhere. Zenkai turned around

Moncler walked through the smoke from the cars explosion and had a mean look in his eyes he looked at Zenkai and rushed toward him with his palm aimed at his face. Zenkai punched the palm and caused a shockwave with everything around them to feel a great burst of wind.

Moncler slipped his leg under Zenkai flipping him to the ground and slammed his palm into the ground missing Zenkai.

The ground split and Zenkai got back up kicking Moncler in the chest pushing him back.

Hiroshima soldiers came out of the trees and rushed Zenkai's army causing massive destruction in the whole area.

Moncler flew up and the purple wave beam appeared on his hand again but Zenkai ran toward him and engaged in a fight before he could release it.

"Where did you go last time," Zenkai asked.

"Someone who said they knew you took me away but I didn't need it I had a plan to escape anyways pure luck." Moncler gave Zenkai a death stare and spoke with an intense tone "'next time you put your shitty filth on me I'll show you true disgust."

Moncler and Zenkai rushed and slammed their fists into each other.

"Ap Chagi" Moncler started using Taekwondo moves he performed a front kick scrapping Zenkai's face.

"Yeop Chagi" he followed the front kick with a sidekick performing a deadly blow toward Zenkai's head kicking him toward the ocean.

"Ryujin god of the ocean: Great tsunami."

Giant waves appeared and were followed by a giant one that went toward Moncler.

"Dollyeo Chagi" Moncler performed a roundhouse kick at the tsunami as if it was a person causing powerful winds to come from him that disperse the water everywhere, a rainbow formed.

Zenkai floated back up and stood in front of Moncler.

"You done testing each other?" Zenkai asked.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to get serious," Moncler replied.

"Alright then."

Zenkai's clothes disappeared and his white chiton and himation appeared while his halo came over his head with the black markings that turned white covered his body.

Moncler took off his gloves and the purple glow appeared around his body his eye gained a swirly look and the color of it was yellow while his other eye remained the same his black suit turned into black shorts with a tatted up leg and a Ruyi Jingu Bang tattoo appeared on his back.

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