
Chapter 81 Tyrant Rex, Easy Fight

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


"So, where are we going, Kanda?" Asked Raishin as four of them had going around the academy's administration buildings and education buildings.

They checking all the places in that area after they had separated from Kimberly when they had received their results.

"Well, I don't want to lose my way when we had started our schooling tomorrow so I just want to walk around here to familiarize myself. We also could see another interesting fellows like those guys before." Answered Kanda at Raishin.

When four of them are walking around the compound, they had encountered with several students where they want to challenge Kanda for his Entry Code. Without any suspense, Lily easily defeats all the automaton belonged to those students while Kanda shot several paralyze bullets to those puppet masters. Kyuu-chan just bouncing around in Yaya's arm as its see Kanda and Lily's fight.

"I don't think that Lily has such a strong capability as I only saw her as a fragile little girl. I also shocked with your marksmanship to defeat those students." Commented Raishin at the Kanda and Lily's performance.

"Well, I just want Lily to be just like a normal girl but I couldn't ignore her existence as my partner so I need her to be strong." Replied Kanda as he rubbing at the top of Lily's head.

Lily just smiling happily at Kanda's comments and the feeling from his hand.

"Raishin~ I'm jealous with both of them. I want you to spoil me too." Yaya said that after seeing Kanda's interaction with Lily.

"No, I refuse. You tend to be overly clingy at me when I done that." Replied Raishin.

"Of course, I'm your wife so I want you to always spoil me." Commented Yaya while raises her flat chests high.

Kanda just laughs at their bantering while Lily smiles lightly at that. Kanda looks at Raishin and say: "So, Raishin...what is your target for you to get the Entry Code?"

"It's Tyrant Rex." Answered Raishin before continues: "From the list, she currently second year in this academy and part of the Rounds with ranked 6th. I can see that you had been ranked at 99th but when I saw you and Lily's fight, I could see that you could placed at the upper half of the rank."

"Hahahaha, what an honest evaluation of you for both of us, Raishin." Kanda said that while laughing.

"Well, I'm already know that you and Lily still hold some of your strength during the fight but I don't really care about that until I fight with you later." Replied Raishin.

When they continues their walking at the compound, they finally had found Raishin's target, Tyrant Rex.

Tyrant Rex is a young lady with a petite stature, average height and has a small bosom. She sports a blond, long hair that reaches down to her waist that slightly curls at the end, with her bangs covering her forehead and reaches down to her eyes where her eyes are blue in colour. She is wearing a white long-sleeved blouse, a blue cravat tie, and tops it off with a black vest that emphasizes the chest area, three buttons on the left side, and tailored with sharp edges. On her left hand, there is the gauntlet with "Tyrant Rex" had been embroidered at her gauntlet's wrist strap.

Kanda and Raishin coming closer to them before Raishin starts to say: "Wait a minute, are you "Tyrant Rex"? If so, I want to challenge you to a battle for your Entry Code."

The blond girl turns her body at their direction before she say: "Who are you? How dare you challenge me although you had already knew about my title."

"I'm Akabane Raishin, student with ranked 1256th from 1257th of new students. I want you Entry Code so I could enter "Walpurgis Night"." Introduced Raishin about himself and his aim.

"New student with second last rank wants to challenge me. How ignorant are you." Commented the girl before looking at Kanda and saw the gauntlet at his hand.

She looks at Kanda and say: "Hey you...how do you got that gauntlet as I don't think that I had met you before in this academy?"

"I'm Ichijou Kanda, Miss Tyrant Rex. Nice to meet you. I have received this gauntlet from Professor Kimberly after I had scored perfect mark at the entrance examination. My Entry Code is "Dark Crimson"." Introduced Kanda about himself while slightly bowing his head at her.

Exclamation can be heard on that place from several students there when they heard about Kanda's achievement. They had heard a rumour that top student from new students' batch had been granted direct entry to the "Walpurgis Night" and they did not think they will meet him here.

"So, you're the one from the rumour." Commented the girl before she nods her head and say: "You qualified to know my name, I'm Charlotte Belew. Nice to meet you too. Can you tell me "Dark Crimson", why you had came with this second last guy?"

"Well, he is an interesting person so I want to see what he could do in the future. Anyway, he has some businesses with you so I could advise you to be careful with him." Replied Kanda at Charlotte.

"Hmph, you think that he could do anything to me. I will show you how wrong of you with that....SIGMUND!!!" Commented Charlotte while crossing her arms before she calls someone.

"Yes, Char." Answered someone to Charlotte's voice.

Kanda looks everywhere for that voice before he looks at Charlotte's shoulder and spot a small dragon there. That small dragon shines for a moment before its become a large grey dragon that had appeared on that location where Charlotte can be seen standing at the shoulder of that dragon.

Charlotte can be seen crossing her arms before she say: "I will show you the difference between Ranker and non-Ranker. Sigmund, do it."

Sigmund, the grey dragon had charged its breath before plasma beam went through its mouth and going towards Raishin and Yaya. Raishin seen the breath coming, he raises his palm at Yaya and say: "Yaya, 8th Strike: Howling Wind."

Blue strings-like aura are coming out from Raishin's palm before going inside Yaya's body and cause Yaya's body to shine in blue colour.

After Raishin said that, Yaya dashed forwards to avoid Sigmund's plasma beam while Raishin move sideways from that attack. Yaya and Raishin meets again at different spot before he say: "Yaya, 8th Strike: Nature's Ruggedness and 8th Strike: Flaming Light."

A mix of yellow and crimson strings-like aura coming out from Raishin's palm before going at Yaya's body.

Yaya moves forward at Sigmund's direction before she jumps and kick at Sigmund's abdomen which cause him to stagger backwards.

"What!! How could Sigmund being pushed back by that girl?" Commented Charlotte while being stunned from that attack before she say: "Sigmund, what are you doing? How could you let that girl hit you? Attack her immediately."

"Yes, Char." Replied Sigmund before he loos at Yaya and say: "Sorry, ojou-san, I will get serious now."

"Sigmund, what are you doing? Attack them now!" Ordered Charlotte again.

Sigmund smash his claws at Yaya where she parried with her kick which cause Yaya to fly away from the attack. Yaya tries to attack Sigmund by aiming at his back which being blocked by him using his tail to counterattack her strike. Sigmund can be seen recharged another plasma beam in his mouth before attack at Yaya's direction. Sigmund's attack had cause dust to be scattered around where he and Charlotte currently trying to find Yaya's location.

Yaya can be seen in front of Raishin after the dust had dispersed and he say: "Yaya, 12th Strike: Silent Forest, 12th Strike: Flaming Light" which green strings-like aura had came out from his plan and Yaya glows slightly in green.

Yaya starts her attack on Sigmund where each of her strike become more harder and difficult for Sigmund to counter. The fight between Yaya and Sigmund become more intense where several smale craters can be seen at the ground before a mist had enveloped both Yaya and Sigmund.

Raishin had stunned looks in his face for this sudden change in battle before he detects some movements from other people than him, Kanda, and Charlotte. He can see several students had equipped themselves with some equipment while they are pointing their weapons at him, Charlotte, and Kanda.

"What are all of you doing here? Do you couldn't see that I'm currently in battle with this guy here?" Asked Charlotte at those newcomers.

"Well, I'm sorry, Tyrant Rex, we want to challenge you for your Entry Code too and I can see that you currently exhausted fighting with that girl." Answered one of the students where he can be seen as the leader for that group of students. That student also looks at Kanda's direction and say: "This is also including you, Dark Crimson, as I want to test whether your rank as number one in the entrance examination is true or not.".

"Well...Good luck with that....Lily, could you do the honor for this battle? I will give you my new desert that I had created recently." Replied Kanda before he looks at Lily and say that.

"Yes, Ichijou-sama, I will finish this in a short time. I can't wait to taste your cooking again." Replied Lily enthusiastically before she going forward to confront those newcomers.

"Lily, can you fight with all of those automaton? I think that it's a bit difficult for you to do that though I couldn't say the same if you enter one on one battle." Asked Yaya while worrying for Lily.

"Can you handle them, ojou-san? If not, I think we could gather our strength to fight them." Sigmund also asks for Lily's well beings when he saw that Lily want to fight with those students and automaton.

"Thank you, Yaya, Sigmund-san. Don't worry, I could defeat them easily." Replied Lily while being confident for herself.

"Ok then, ojou-san. I will leave it to you." Replied Sigmund after had seen confident looks in Lily's face.

As Lily going towards those students, the leader of the group say: "What are you doing here, little girl? I need you to move away as I want to challenge "Tyrant Rex" and "Dark Crimson"."

"Well, I'm sorry about that, gentlemen. I need you to fight me first before you could get my master's Entry Code."

Seeing that only Lily had presented on the field, those students had tick mark shown on their face before the leader say: "How dare of you to throw this frail girl to confront us? I will show your that I don't give any mercy to anyone even if they are just girls. Everyone!!! Let's attack those people and show to them that they currently are making mistake to underestimate all of our forces."

Those newcomers starts ordering their automation to fight with Lily where Lily just casually blocking any type of attacks by hand or sometimes uses her ability to summon her shield in front of her to deflect any projectiles attack coming at her direction.

Lily can be seen had closes her eyes for a moment before opens it again and say: "What are you doing? Why don't you attack me yet. I'm still waiting for your retaliation."

Those students triggered and increase their hunts at Lily where Lily had been surrounded multiple strong attacks from those students.

"Kanda, what are you doing? Recall Lily back, she couldn't handle those many attacks on her." Advised Raishin at Kanda.

"Relax, Raishin. You will see a glimpse of Lily's full strength in any moment." Replied Kanda while pointing at the seat next to him and say: "Just wait her here, Raishin. She will finish it at any moment.".

Raishin just sighs for a moment before he sits on the seat beside Kanda and he also looks Lily's fight with those students.

Lily disappeared from the place which cause those attacks to be missed by Lily. Lily used her fist to fight with those automaton which leaving a hole at the abdomen of those automaton. Lily also had struck those students by tapping at the back their neck which cause them to collapse at the ground, unconscious.

Lily had succeeded to defeat all of those newcomers and cause Charlotte to be shocked with Lily's capability.

Lily can be seen coming at Kanda's direction after the battle where she say: "Mission accomplished, Ichijou-sama. Lily will wait for your desert later."

Kanda pats her head and say: "Hahahaha....Alright, Lily, as you had succeeded defeat those people, I will surely rewards you later." Lily can be seen smiling happily from Kanda's touch.

Charlotte also had ended her fight with Raishin as they had been interrupted by those students where she said that she will beat Raishin and Yaya in real fight later. Charlotte going away from that place with Sigmund on her shoulder after sent her regards to Kanda and Raishin.

"So, what we do next, Kanda?" Asked Raishin as he sitting beside Kanda.

"Let's find our dormitory as I want to sleep right now and Lily also want her desert too." Replied Kanda at him.

Both of them going to find their dormitory before they arrived there and take a rest for themselves and waiting for new day to arrive.


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