
Chapter 72 Return to the Earth

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


~3 days later.

A ship can be seen going through tunnel-like path where the surrounding of that path is weirdly distorted apart.

"Kanda-niisan...why we give back to the Earth?" Asked Antonia as she presents at the Reisende's bridge.

"Well...I need to see our acquaintances there, Antonia-chan. You also need to meet with your grandfather and ask his permission if you want to follow me with my adventure later. I don't want your grandfather to worry about you." Replied Kanda at her.

"That's why you call me and Aoi to come with you, Kanda." Manami said that to him as she and Aoi also had presented at the bridge

"Of course, Manami. You might need to discuss with your mother later if she want to follow with us or she want to stay there though I don't know if your Kinjou Family will make her life difficult or not." Replied Kanda at Manami.

"But I don't have anyone on that planet, Kanda." Aoi said that at him.

"Just treat this as a vacation for us, Aoi. I want to invite some of the people there to join with our adventure later." Kanda said to Aoi.

"Do you want to invite them for adventure or you just want to invite your harem with you, Kanda?" Asked Manami while she looks at his face with scrutinised expression.

"Hahaha...you know me better, Manami. Of course, just like you've said I want to invite my harem or future harem with me." Answered Kanda while laughing.

Manami just sighs at him and say: "...I know it. So, who you want to invite?"

"Hmm...your mother, Jack, and maybe Anastashia." Answered Kanda.

"HAAAA!!! You want to include my mother into your harem, Kanda." Manami shouted at him first before she said that.

"No, of course not. The one who I want into my harem are Jack and Anastashia." Answered Kanda quickly at Manami.

"You should be, Kanda. If not, I will hit you hard later." Manami said that while cracking her fist.

"Hahaha...of course, Manami, of course." Kanda just laughing there while in his thought: 'Well, I'm not sure if your mother close at me first, Manami. Hehehe, mother and daughter duo in my harem. Ah~it's appetizing to see that.'

"What are you drooling about, Kanda." Asked Manami before Kanda wipes his non-existent drool and say at her:" Nothing at all, Manami."

Kanda looks at Melwin, his First Officer and say: "Melwin, what is the status for our current "The Sanctuary"? How is the progress in finding capable officials for the vacant positions? How about the status for the renovation of that planet?"

"Let me report about that on the behalf of First Officer, Supreme Commander." Maya said that at him which Kanda allows her to speak.

"The status for the position vacancies in the government had been filled by 75% where this amount of numbers had passed the minimum requirement to ensure our government running smoothly. Minister Kuune and Chief Secretary Rose had informed me that another 25% could be done by training some of the officials that had achieved above average performance." Explained Maya at the status for the government's ruling structures.

"Good. I will allow the training for those 25% officials that been mentioned by Minister Kuune and Chief Secretary Rose." Kanda said that to Maya where she had noted his instruction.

"Next, General Abrohams had increased the security around "The Sanctuary" and our industrial sites by moving 30 medium-size spaceships to protect these two planets. He also had started to recruit new soldiers where he had gathered the Catians at the range of age from 16 until 30 to replace some of the soldiers that had been sacrificed during our previous battle. He also had improve our army's armament by the cooperation with the Director of R&D division, Ichika-san. They had combined the technologies from previous Catia Federation and Dogisia Federation to make those improvements where they also had been thought to create new defensive mechanism for "The Sanctuary"." Explained Maya next about the status of planet's defense.

(A/N: If the readers had forgot about the size of spaceships that I had been written before:-

Spacecrafts (below 150 metres), Medium-size Spaceships (155 metres ~ 350 metres), Large-size spaceships (355 metres ~ 900 metres), Enormous-size spaceships (above 1000 metres))

"Next report, Jens and several construction groups had finished the construction of the building for our new R&D division. Jens had changed the name the planet of Dogisia Federation as "Revolutionary Park" where she said that this planet had became the subsidiary planet under "The Sanctuary". She had asked some of the people under Miss Ichika as she need some workforces to create a movable planet at "Revolutionary Park" to bring that planet near "The Sanctuary". Jens had gave us her guarantee to complete that within a month as long as she had been given some of the Catians with the rank of Captain and above at her." Explained Maya about the status at "Revolutionary Park".

"Why she need Catians with those ranks?" Asked Kanda at Maya.

"If I may say, Supreme Commander. I think that Jens want to use the power of reconstructive from the bell of the Catians with Captain-rank and above. Supreme Commander could see its power when you had built the Reisende." Answered Melwin on the behalf of Maya.

"...Alright, I will allow Jens to ask help from those people. You can inform Jens about that, Maya, after finishing the report." Kanda said that at Maya after he looks back at her from Melwin.

Maya nods her head and say: "I will tell that at Miss Jens later, Supreme Commander. Next report is the status for the renovation at "The Sanctuary". Captain Rosaline had said that 50% of the renovation process had been done where all the collapsed buildings had been cleaned up and the replanting process had been completed. Now, she and her team had started to construct the infrastructures according to the city plan that had been passed its design by the collective signatures from Supreme Commander, Minister Kuune, Chief Secretary Rose and Head of R&D division, Miss Ichika. Captain Rosaline had estimated the completion for all of those infrastructures within 3 weeks after she had recruited a large numbers of the people on the planet to help with her construction. We had received massive support during this reformation period which had allowed us to speed up the process at the government building, soldiers' recruitment, "Revolutionary Park" construction and finally, the renovation of "The Sanctuary". That's all my report for our current status of "The Sanctuary"."

Kanda looks at Maya and say: "Thank you, Maya, for the report."

"It's my pleasure to do this, Supreme Commander." Replied Maya while she slightly bows her head.

~One hour later.

Reisende coming out from the warp tunnel where its had located 500 KM from the moon.

"Finally, we had arrived back to our home. Let's go, everyone, we will have a vacation on Earth. Melwin, activate "Invisible Mode" for the Reisende before we reaching the Earth." Kanda said all of that before looking at Melwin's direction.

"Yes, Supreme Commander. Activating "Invisible Mode"...Reisende had became invisible...entering the Earth's atmosphere." Replied Melwin before she said series of commands as the Reisende had entered the Earth.

~One hour later.

Reisende had landed on the secluded area nearing the shore of Okinawa Island, approximately 50 KM from Kio's house.

Kanda looks at Maya and say: "Maya, I need you to go at Anastashia's place and try to invite her to follow us later. If there are any things had happened there, quickly inform me later. You can take one of the spacecrafts that we had taken from "The Sanctuary" while being accompanied with 30 personnel."

"Affirmative, Supreme Commander." Replied Maya while salutes at him.

Kanda looks at Manami next and say: "Manami, I need you to go at your mother's place and try to invite her. You can take another spacecraft while being accompanied with 15 personnel where Aoi will follow you too. I need you to inform Jack about my invitation too. Can you do that, Manami?"

"Of course, Kanda. I can do that. We will give now. Let's go, Aoi." Replied Manami before she invites Aoi to follow her.

"Ok, Manami. We will go now and take care of yourself, Kanda." Aoi said that at Kanda before she shyly had kissed him before quickly going to Manami's side.

Touched his lips for a moment before he said at Antonia: "Let's go, Antonia-chan. We will go to your grandfather's place. We will take the last spacecraft inside the Reisende where Melwin, Sarah, and another 10 personnel will follow us later. The rest of the personnel will stay at Reisende and ready for any of my instruction later."

"Yes, Supreme Commander." Replied the people at the bridge while salutes at him.

Later, three spacecrafts coming out from Reisende's hangar where Kanda, Maya, and Manami had went to their own respective destination.

Kanda had arrived at the place of Antonia's grandfather had resided after she had informed her grandfather about her arrival at him.

When the spacecraft had landed on the compound of a mansion, Kanda and others had been greeted by a large number of maids where they had lined up in two lines from the compound until the front door of the mansion. At the front door of the mansion, an old man with short blond hair where some of his hair had turned white had stood there while being accompanied with a maid at his side.

Kanda, Melwin, and Antonia had walked side by side as they coming closer to that old man. Sarah and other personnel had guarded the spacecraft as the trio had came out from there.

"Grandpa~I'm back~" Greeted Antonia as she running at the old man before she hugging him.

"Hahahaha...welcome back, An-chan. How are you? And who is this gentleman that had came with you today? Is it your boyfriend, An-chan?" Greeted the old man at Antonia before he had asked about Kanda from her.

Antonia blushed as her grandfather had said that Kanda is her boyfriend which she say: "No, grandpa...Kanda-niisan is my Onii-chan where I had became one of his acquaintances and he also had spent some of his time to play with me." She looks at Kanda and say: "Kanda-niisan, I introduce you to my grandfather, the head family of Morfenoss's Family."

Kanda comes closer at Antonia's grandfather and reaches out his hand before say: "Hello, I'm Ichijou Kanda, Antonia-chan's acquaintance where she had took me as her older brother. Nice to meet you, sir."

"Hahahaha, what a polite boy you are. I'm Alfred Norfedras Papenorgas Arecroteles Cnorses Morfenoss, the head of Morfenoss's Family . You can call me as Alfred, Alfred Ojii-san or Grandpa just like what my granddaughter had called me." Introduced Alfred as he handshakes with Kanda.

"Ok, I will call you that, Alfred-jiisan." Replied Kanda before both of them release from the handshake.

"Hahahaha, just what I like, Ichijou-boy." Laughed Alfred at Kanda before he turns his body and going to his mansion which he say: "Come in then, Ichijou-boy. We could talk comfortably inside the house. I will order my maids to prepare some food for you and Antonia later."

"Thank you for your reception, Alfred-jiisan." Replied Kanda at him.

"Hahahaha, nevermind about that." Laughed Alfred again as Kanda follows him to enter the mansion with Melwin and Antonia in his side.


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