
Chapter 64 First Round's Victory

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.

For the clarification about the size of spaceships, I will introduce several categories for that:-

Spacecrafts = below 150 metres (example: Jem'Hadar Fighter from Star Trek)

Medium size spaceships = 155 metres ~ 350 metres (example: Olympic Carrier from Battlestar Galactica)

Large size spaceships = 355 metres ~ 900 metres (example: Reisende.)

Enormous size spaceships = greater than 1000 metres. (Example: Those two spaceships that had been used by the leader and the Orsonion.)



One by one, the spacecraft under the army of Catia Federation had been destroyed by the 80-metres Dogisia robot.

Those spacecrafts could not damage that robot due to the talisman that had been placed on its whole body. That giant robot had use its fists, guns and blade to counter the attack from those spacecrafts.

Frustrated with what had happened to his army, the leader of Catia Federation had ordered his army to split their forces where some of the army had fought with the robot and the rest going to capture Jens.

Why the Orsonion had not stopped the action of the leader of Catia Federation. This is because today's accident due to the mistake that had been made by previous leader of Catia Federation. Therefore, its only watch the battle had been unveiled in front of it.

As the leader of Catia Federation had seen that the Orsonion not preventing his action, he ordered full attack on Jens where Reisende also had been included in his list.

"Leader! Why you had attacked us too? Are we not the same race of Catians just like you?" Asked Melwin to the leader of the Catia Federation.

"Hahaha, I don't care about that. What I had seen here is the traitor of Catia Federation where this traitor had colluded with my enemy so the friends of my enemy are also my enemy." The leader said that while laughing sinisterly.

He continues: "But I could grant your forgiveness if you serve me. As I look at you right now, I knew that you're the subordinates under Captain Kuune so I will take your Captain and all of her subordinates to serve me. I also heard that there is a mother of three in your team so I like to know what that woman taste like." A expression that full of lust could be seen on his face as he licking on his lip fantasizing about Kuune and her team.

"Well well...I don't know that your leader such a pervert, Melwin." Remarked Kanda as he listened to the leader's ramblings.

The leader had heard the words from Kanda which he looks at him and say: "Who are you? Why are you sitting inside that ship?"

"Eto...Are you not listen to my introduction with the Orsonion beside you?" Asked Kanda.

"Hmph, you think that I need to remember insignificant figure like you who came from that backward planet." Replied the leader arrogantly.

"Ok, that's fine I guess as you will never know about my identity then." Kanda shrugged as he said that to the leader.

"You! Damn primitive beings! I will show you that you can't easily provoke me." The leader had separated his forces again from the forces that responsible to capture Jens towards the Reisende where Kanda is located.

30 spacecrafts coming to the Reisende where Kanda had deployed his air forces to counter that. The fight for the air supremacy had started where a group of five of F-22 Raptor, F-18 Hornet, and F-16 Falcon had fought with their opponent.

Manami had flight using one of the F-16 Falcon where she had maneuvered her plane perfectly as she shoot and dodge towards her target.

The fight at the air slowly siding to the Kanda's forces where his forces had planned the tactic of many attacks on one where three aircrafts had attacked together at one enemy's spacecraft. The plan had went smoothly as they finally destroyed 30 spacecrafts within 50 minutes of confrontation.

The giant robot also finally had destroyed the last spacecraft that had attacked on it. The only force left for the leader of Catia Federation is the force that coming fast at Jens's and Claris's current location.

==At Jens's and Claris's location.==

Multiple footsteps could be heard as they are slowly reaching at the room that located on the top of the building. Outside the building, 5 spacecrafts had parked on the ground near the building where Jens is, while the rest of spaceships had monitored any movement from Jens including Claris and her team.

When 50 Catia's solders had entered the room, they had been countered by Jens's humanoid robots where Jens's robots aiming their guns and shooting at the enemies which cause the enemies to be frozen.

As Jens's robots fighting with the Catians' Army, Claris and her team also joining the fight with the robots to defeat their enemies where the robots had supported the combatants from Kanda's forces.

Inside one of the enormous spaceships, leader of Catia Federation had clenched his fist as he had seen his forces had down one by one. Frustrated with that, he looks at the Orsonion and say: "Your Honor, could I ask you to help me to defeat that Dogisians girl and those traitors?"

The Orsonion said in its telepathy: "I don't want to. It's the mistake that had been done by your own planet so it's your responsibility to solve that mistake."

Not giving up, the leader continues: "Your Honor, you must know that the Dogisians girl had the key for her planet's knowledge chamber which had contained all the secret knowledge that shouldn't be revealed to others and she might give that key to these traitors if we leave her alone later."

The Orsonion moves one of its tentacles to rub its face as its thinking about that leader's work.

Seeing that the Orsonion had attracted to his word, the leader say: "If Your Honor gave his support, we could get the key for all of those knowledge inside the Dogisia Federation. Later, we could seal that knowledge at the Great Library of Supreme Knowledge again."

"...Fine. I will help you but if you lose in today's event..." Replied the Orsonion after had thought for a moment before its tentacles had pointed at the whole body of the leader of Catia Federation and say: "I will make sure that you will receive the highest punishment with your planet because of your own mistake."

"Of course, Your Honor, of course. I will show you that I could finish them easily as long as you had gave me your support." Replied the leader of Catia Federation.

~inside the Reisende.

"Melwin, what is the status of our battle?" Asked Kanda as he sitting on his seat and tapping his finger on the set's armrest while looking at the screen where the Catia and the Orsonion's spaceships still in front of them though his distance with them about 5 kilometres.

Ichika and Antonia had came to the bridge to see the fight between his forces and the Catia after they had been informed about the battle.

"We had successfully repelled the enemies that coming at the Reisende with our own air forces which being lead by Hawk and Swallow. Next, our forces that had been left for the rescue mission had succeeded to take out all the victims from the collapsed building. Claris and her team had also succeeded repelled their enemies while being supported by Jens's forces." Explained Melwin about the battle report.

"Hmm, that's good. Order our air forces to return at the Reisende for the refuel and damage report. Order Second Squadron and Third Squadron of our Air Force to be standby for any movement from the enemies." Kanda gave his instruction at Melwin.

"Yes, Captain." Replied Melwin short before she busying herself to execute his instruction.

Kanda looks at Chaika and say: "Chaika, inform Claris again to connect us with Jens." which Chaika replies: "Ok~."

A minute later, the video transmission with Jens had been established where the room where Jens had resided has many damages on it due to the fight with the Catia's army. Although Kanda had ordered his forces to fight with the enemies, he had ordered them to not kill any people of Catia Federation where they only need to immobilise their enemies.

"Jens, I could see that you had defeated some of the Catia's army and bombarded some of the buildings. Do you have satisfied yet?" Kanda said to the Jens.

Jens had sat on the chair inside that room while crossing one of her legs onto another. Her replies: "No...I'm still have not satisfied yet, Ichijou. Furthermore, I know that the attack from this detestable planet had not finished yet. I know very well the character's of the leader of Catia Federation as he had the same expression as the people that had been blinded with the greed. He will make his next attack which might be the strongest attack he could manifest as long as he had received the support from that Orsonion."

"Why the higher beings race like the Orsonions need to help that guy?" Asked Melwin as she had confused with Jens's words.

"I think that they don't really care about Jens's revenge with the Catia Federation as long as her or him not had affected their planet. It's more that the Orsonion had gave the chance for the leader of Catia Federation to correct his mistake by eliminating us here." Replied Kanda on Melwin's inquiry.

"That's right with what Ichijou had mentioned about, so I advise you all to ready yourself to the next retaliation from that guy." Jens said that while leaning her back to her seat.

"How about you, Jens? What will you do when that guy had continued his attack?" Asked Kanda at her.

"Hah...Don't worry about me, Ichijou. I have already made my own preparation when he had attacked me later. You just need to worry about yourself." Replied Jens at him before she continues: "Ah! Before I forget...Your Captain or Ex-Captain Kuune, will wake up at any moment as the drug that had been administered on her will wear off its effect."

After Jens had said that, a notice from Durel had came from her infirmary where she had informed that Kuune had regained her consciousness. A sigh of relief can be seen on everyone's face as they heard about this good news.

Kanda looks at Eris and say: "Eris, I need you to meet Captain Kuune at the infirmary and request her to take control her Mothership again. You also need to support her as you two will go to that spaceship. I also need you to retrieve our forces in the rescue mission along the way to the Mothership."

Eris raises from her station and salute while saying: "Yes, Captain. I will do just like what had been instructed."

Eris starts to go out from the bridge before had been stopped by Kanda where Kanda pulls out the bell on his neck and throws it to Eris which she had caught it. Kanda say: "Give this bell back to Captain Kuune as she might need this to control her spaceship again."

Eris just salutes at him before she going to the infirmary to meet with Kuune.

"Is it alright for you to give that bell back to the Captain Kuune, Kanda-niisan?" Asked Antonia after she had seen the action of Kanda.

"It's fine, Antonia-chan. I only need that bell at first because I need its power to create Reisende. If I need to modify anything later, our forces have some of the Catians as our personnel so I could ask their help later." Replied Kanda at her.

Kanda looks again at the monitor where Jens had appeared there, he starts to speak: "Jens, may I know a little about your pendant as I'm being curious with that."

Jens looks at Kanda on the hologram in the room while holding her pendant and say: "You want to know about this?" which Kanda nods at her.

She said: "This is the pendant that had been belonged to our first leader of Dogisia Federation where you all had known that our leader was a human. I had been inherited this pendant from my parents where their grandparents were the Royal Guard of Dogisia Federation where they once had served the First Leader before he had died. The First Leader had mentioned that this pendant could only be used by him and the Royal Guards with their descendants. However, he also said that this pendant could be used by someone other than what he had mentioned if that person had been recognised by this pendant."

"What is the secret of this pendant as I don't think that this pendant could only act as the ornament for the king and its royal guards?" Asked Kanda.

"This pendant..." Replied Jens before she had been interrupted by a huge energy beam that had came to her building and the Reisende as the ship had located near the building.

That energy beam had came from those two enormous spaceships where its travel fast towards its target.


Huge explosion had appeared as the energy beam had hit its target which raising some cloud of smokes which had engulfed all the things inside the radius of that energy beam's attack.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." The leader of Catia Federation had laughed loudly seeing the energy beam had hit its target. He said: "Although it's a pity that I couldn't get that key and those women, I'm still satisfied as long as that key had destroyed which others couldn't use it."


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