
Chapter 53 Ambush

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


==During the meeting between Jens and Kanda and before their fight==

After Kanda had gone to the location where Jens had been suspected to be stationed there, the people at the house stay home where Kio just had gone to somewhere which others did not care about his destination at all.

In the living room, Kuune, Durel, Melwin, and Chaika sitting on a couch where Eris, Manami, Aoi, and Lawry sitting on another couch in the room. Antonia sits alone on the couch where Sarah and Maya standing behind her seat.

"Is Kanda save going by himself to meet with Madam J?" Aoi asked worried to others.

"Don't worry, Futaba-san, he will be fine as he already assure us before he had gone there." Kuune consoled Aoi.

"Yeah, that's right. He had the capability to escape or survive if there is unforeseen accident had occurred there." Chaika supported Kuune's claim.

"No...I'm a bit worry for him as he always said that he is fine to us but he had shouldered all the burdens by himself." Replied Aoi.

"Don't worry, Aoi, we could communicate with him later at his communication device which I could guarantee that he will pick up immediately the call especially a call from us." Manami said to Aoi.

"...Fine, Manami. I just hope that he will be safe there." Replied Aoi after she ponders for awhile.

They having some tea and desserts where some of the desert had been made by Kanda beforehand as Chaika always had requested him for that.

"What do you think that Jens will talk about with Kanda, Captain Kuune?" Asked Eris to Kuune.

"I don't know, Eris. Maybe...Jens wants to offer something to him." Replied Kuune.

"What offer? For what?" Manami asked Kuune.

"I don't know what is she offer at him...However, I have an inkling for what is her offer about." Replied Kuune to Manami.

"What is it, Captain Kuune?" Melwin asked next to her.

Durel answers her inquiry before Kuune could answer: "It's about his affiliation with us, Melwin. As you know, Ichijou has acted as our ambassador where he had helped us to integrate in this planet though at first, there is slight accident between us and the residents of this planet which had been solved by him. Therefore, I guess that Jens wants him to separate from us as we had a suspicion that Jens had interested on him."

"Interested? Like a love?" Aoi speaks while being confused with Durel's reasoning.

"Not like that, Futaba, what I mean as interested at him is Jens had an eye on him for his capabilities where you could see that Ichijou successfully preventing any of Jens's effort to attack us." Replied Durel while explaining clearly to Aoi before continues: "Though we didn't know whether he will accept her offer or not."

"Kanda will not accept her offer as I knew about his character where he will loyal to the others as long as they also loyal at him." Aoi said that with certainty.

"I know that, Futaba, as I also knew about himself as we had spend some time together when I had called him for his inspection." Durel said to Aoi while there is a slight smile on her face. She continues: "Because of that, we could only face with the second option after he had refused Jens's offer."

"What is it the 'second option' that you had been talked about, Dr. Durel?" Asked Melwin as she looks at Durel.

"Jens will make her subordinates to attack us here while she had a meeting with Ichijou though maybe she already had planned this before his arrival at her place." Durel dropped a bomb in her words.

The people inside the house had shocked expression on their face when listened to her before Aoi suddenly said: "Maybe you're wrong, Dr. Durel as I don't think that she will do that as Kanda had went to her place. If that's had happened, I don't think Kanda will let her do that as she wishes."

"Maybe you right that I had wronged on my guess but I don't want to gamble with it, Futaba. You already know about Jens's character where her hatred on us already transparent enough for us to see it. Although Kanda could prevent her to do that kind of thing, what about if she had a plan to hold him back at her place." Replied Durel as she gave her opinion.

Aoi became silent as she listening to Durel's word where the people inside the house suddenly heard shooting sound from outside and a loud noise from a large vehicle.


The wall of the house suddenly collapsed where at that wall, there is a container of a truck coming through the wall. Fortunately, the people near the wall that had been collapsed had quickly avoided that place.

"Ready and arms yourself immediately. Protect all of our guest at all cost" Maya shouted at her team of maids where they quickly taking out their firearms and covered all the important people inside the house.

Claris and her team of maids take out their blade as Kanda had ordered them beforehand to carry those blades that had been modified after their previous mission.

Multiple figures can be seen coming out from the container of the truck where those figures are the dog robots that they had encountered during their mission. In their hands, there is a firearms on their right and a shield barrier on their left.

Those robots suddenly jump at them while aiming their guns at the people inside the house. Claris and her team immediately confront with those robots before they could shoot at them. Claris cutting in half the robot in front of her where her teammates also successfully destroy their share of robots.

While Claris and her team fighting with the robots that came out from the container, Maya and her team bring Eris and the others away from the fight where they going upstairs as the fight also had happened at the front door where the maids stationed outside the house had confronted enemies there where the shooting sound outside can be heard echoing inside the house.

They hiding inside one of the rooms upstairs where Maya and her team readying themselves for any sudden movement from the enemies.

"What Dr. Durel had foreseen before this had been occured so I could assume that Kanda had rejected her offer which cause Jens to initiate her plan immediately." Melwin said that as they staying inside the room. She continues: "For now, either we defeat all of these enemies or we waiting for Kanda to arrive here."

"Melwin, I don't think we have time to wait for Kanda as the enemies almost surrounded us in this house." Manami said that to her.


The sound of window shattered can be heard where the window inside the room that they currently hiding had been stormed in by those robots. Maya and her team had fought with the robots where Aoi, Eris, and Manami also joined the fight to help Maya. As they fight, one of the robots successfully pass their defense and a robot coming closer to Kuune. Sarah, who is the person close to Kuune trying to protect her where she immediately fire her pistol at that robot before trying to hack it with a dagger. Although Sarah successfully pushed back that robot, she could prevent its attack on Kuune where Kunne suddenly collapsed on the floor.

"Captain Kuune!!!" Eris and Melwin said that before they going to her place quickly where Durel already arrived at Kuune's side.

"Dr. Durel...How is with Captain Kuune?" Asked Melwin.

"She just lost her consciousness and there is nothing had happened to her though..." Replied Durel before paused slightly.

"What is it, Dr. Durel?" Asked Eris next.

"I couldn't wake her up at all though her vital still functioning like a normal person." Replied Durel.

"So, is it she fine? That's the most important for us right now." Manami asked Durel to be sure.

"Yes, she is fine. Anyway, we need to clear all these enemies immediately so I could make in-depth investigation about her condition. Eris, I need you to inform Ichijou immediately about our current situation so he could come back as soon as possible." Replied Durel.

"Yes, Dr. Durel." Replied Eris short before she calling Kanda's communication device and talking about their situation after the call had been connected. After the call, she said: "However, how will we clear all of these enemies as I don't think that we could defeat them in a short time."

"No problem, Eris-sama. Just let me do this." Antonia suddenly said while patting her small breasts.

"What do you want to do, Antonia-chan?" Asked Eris to her where others also had the same opinion with Eris.

"Hehehe...Just watch everyone, this is a newly created weapon where the idea for this product came from Kanda-niisan." Replied Antonia while laughing slightly before she looking at Maya and Sarah and talks to them: "Maya, Sarah, initiate plan D."

"Yes, Antonia-sama." Replied both Maya and Sarah. They taking out a short black baton from the pocket of their maid's clothes where there are three buttons had fixed on the baton. They had pressed those buttons multiple times where its combination are bottom, above, middle, middle, above, and bottom.

A bright white light immediately covered the whole room that they had been resided before the light enveloped the whole house next where Claris and all the maids that had fought with their enemies need to close their eyes from that bright light until it reached the whole house compound.

When that white light had completely disappear, everyone in the house whether the people downstairs or upstairs could see that those robots suddenly collapsed on the ground without any movement.

"What had happened?" Asked Manami while being dumbfounded with current situation.

"Hehe...What do you think everyone? About those weapons. I could say that I'm proud with the result as this is the first test for this weapon." Antonia said that while she raised her non-existent breasts.

"You said that this is the first test for that product. What will be happened if the product is not functional?" Manami curiously asked her.

"Well...it will go KABOOOM like that." Replied Antonia while made exaggerated motion with her hands.

"You KNEW about the possibility for that to be happened and you USED THAT THING LIKE THAT!!!" Shouted Manami at Antonia.

"Relax, Manami-san, although I said that it will went KABOOOM, its effect only minimal where we will only lost our hearing for a while before our hearing come back as usual." Antonia said that to appease Manami.

"You said that this product came from Kanda's idea, right? We will see what I will do to him later as he gave your that ridiculous idea." Manami said that.

After that, all the maids starts to tidy all the debris from their fight where the others had went to the room to see the investigation report for Kuune's condition after she had been attacked by the enemies.

After a while, Kanda also can be seen coming to the house where he had seen various evidences where the fight also had occured at this place and some of the maids still cleaning up the compound.


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