
Chapter 27 Fishing

Hi guys, I'm want to make a voting process for MC's next world adventure. Don't worry, this arc still takes many chapters (above 10 chapters) to be finished. I just want to make some preparation for the next arc such as understand the story that will be chosen, characters inside the story, make a reasonable storyline to connect the new arc with the first arc. How the voting process will be going? I will explain it at the end of the chapter. For now, let's go for today's chapter.


The next morning Kanda had been hugged by Eris on his left and Aoi on his right while Melwin sleeps on top of his chest. The morning's sun slowly shines on his face which make him starts to wake up and moves his body for a bit. Other girls that had slept with him inside the room also start to wake up due to his slight movement.

Eris: Hunyaa~

Melwin: Nyau~

Aoi: Hmm~

Kanda: Good morning, everyone.

The girls: Hmm? Kanda/ Kanda-san, why are you sleep with us here?

Kanda: I think that you three had forgotten about your visit last night.

After he said that, they suddenly remember about the event that had been happened last night which they had blushed on their face especially Melwin where her face full of red.

Melwin: Ano...Kanda-san, is it what had happened last night true?

Kanda: Of course, Melwin. From your love confession to my answer for that and even the kiss between us after that. All of those things is truly happened to you.

Melwin: I-It that's so. I'm really becoming your girlfriend?

Kanda: Yes, Melwin. You're my precious girlfriend.

Kanda just hugging her tightly while she on his chest where he can see Eris and Aoi are looking at them from both his side. Kanda opens his arms and pulls them closer to him.

Kanda: Of course, you two also my precious girlfriend.

Aoi: Um...thank you, Kanda.

Eris: Hehe~ I'm your precious.

Kanda: So, let's wake up. We can do this again at another time.

Kanda says to them which they complied and clean themselves before going downstairs. They can see that the maids already prepare the breakfast where they are the first group to arrive at tbe dining table.

They wait for a while before others also start to gather at the dining table. After everyone have arrived, they eat their meal together.

Kanda: What is your plan for today, everyone?

Kanda asks them during their breakfast.

Kio: My club will make some club activities at this place so I will spend time with them.

Itokazu: Although it's summer break, as the advisor for the club, I need the members of the club to make some activities related to the club.

Kanda: Where are you planning to do your activities?

Kio: Hmm...a vast place and has a scenery of the nature maybe.

Kanda: Is there any place like that here, Antonia-chan?

Antonia: Hmm? I will ask my subordinates. Maya?

Maya: There is a suitable place that fulfill Kio-sama criterias.

Antonia: Good. You will send some maids to bring them at those place and guard all of them.

Maya: Yes, Antonia-sama.

Kio: Thank you for that, Antonia-san.

Itokazu: We really appreciate for your effort.

Antonia: It's fine, Kio-san, Itokazu-sensei.

Eris: What's about you, Kanda? What are you going to do today?

Kanda: I will go fishing later. I want to experience those activity as it's my first time for fishing.

Antonia: I know the hot spot for fishing, Kanda-niisan. I will show you later.

Kanda: It's fine, just tell me the direction for that place later.

Antonia: What's about your safety? I'm afraid Madam J will attack you again.

Kanda: I will be fine is what I want to say but I know that you will be worried later. How's about you let one of your maid forces to come with me later. She can protect me there.

Antonia: Hmm...if that's so. I will make Maya to follow you as she is the strongest in the maid forces. Maya...I want you to protect Kanda-niisan later.

Maya: Of course, Antonia-sama. Kanda-sama, I will be in your care later.

Kanda: No, Maya. It's me that should say that. How about others? I only hear about Kio's activity only.

Eris: Me and others except for Dr. Durel will going to shopping and visit some places to eat a delicious food where Antonia-chan will join with us too.

Durel: I'm just want to continue relaxing at this chalet and I don't really like to go anywhere for today.

Kanda: Ok but I want all of you have some bodyguards later to protect you later. I hope that Antonia-chan can arranges that.

Antonia: Sure, leave it to me.

Antonia just puts her right fist on her modest chest after she said that.

~ After breakfast.

Kanda says goodbye to others as they going out of the chalet where they split into two teams which Kio with his club members and Eris and the girls.

Kanda: Durel...I will going out right now. Maya, let's go and shows me the way.

Durel: Ok, be careful.

Maya: Alright, Kanda-sama.

Kanda goes out with Maya where he wears a short, a yellow aloha shirt, and a flip-flop slipper. He also wears a sunglasses while carrying a pail with a case of fish baits inhis left hand and two fishing rods at his right.

He walks about 25 minutes away from the chalet before arriving at the fishing spot which had been shown by Maya.

The spot locates at the rocky place where several boulders can be seen and the ocean waves splashing around after hitting the boulders.

He places those things that he had brought at one of the boulders that wide enough to be sit by 10 people.

Kanda puts the bait at the hook of both fishing rods before casting it away. He sit at the edge of the boulder where his puts down his legs and his hands hold the fishing rod. Another fishing rod had been placed at the holder for the fishing rod. He also humming around while fishing.

Maya can be seen standing about a meter away behind him where she still wearing her maid attire.

Kanda: Ano...Maya. Why don't you sit next to me? Is it not too tiring and too hot for you standing there?

Maya: No, I'm fine, Kanda-sama. I couldn't sit beside you as I just a servant while you're Antonia-sama's guest here.

Kanda: You're too uptight, Maya. Where your usual self when I see you for the first time during the cruise attack?

Maya: I'm sorry, Kanda-sama. You're our enemy before but now, you're our guest. I need to pioritise our guest's comfort first.

Kanda: Hmm...as I'm your guest right now, I order you to sit beside me right now.

Maya: I'm sorry, Kanda-sama. I couldn't do that.

Kanda: *sigh* Fine, I guess...You know, I just want someone to accompany me for fishing, not them become my guardian here. Anyway, I appreciate for your help here.

Maya: Thank you, Kanda-sama.

They spend half an hour in silent where only the sound of waves splashing can be heard there.


The fishing rod in his hands suddenly shaking vigoriously before he stands up and reeling up his fishing rod. He can feel the fish is trashing around in the water which make his reeling the fishing rod a bit difficult before he successfully takes the fish out of the water. The fish around 50 cm length with the weight of 2kg. He puts the fish into the pail before he cast the rod again after he puts the bait again.

Kanda: Although it takes some time to get a fish, my luck a bit good today as the size of the fish that had been captured quite acceptable.

Maya: Congratulations, Kanda-sama.

Kanda: Nah...Anyone can easily catches this fish but I still thanks you for that compliment.

While he still celebrate his first fish that he caught, he suddenly heard footsteps are coming towards him. Maya already readies herself with her throwing knives where the owner of those footsteps finally appears near them. Kanda surprises with the appearance of the owner of those footsteps.

Kanda: Manami...Why are you is here? I think that the girls have shopping activities today.

Manami can be seen in her shorts where it shows her cream and plump thighs to him. She also wearing a yellow crop top that show her cleavage where the small size of the top cause her breasts to rise more.

Manami: I asks Eris to excuse myself from their activities today. I just want to walk along the coast today before Dr. Durel said that you're fishing at this place. Therefore, you can see me here right now. How about your catch today, Kanda, any fish that you've got?

Kanda: Of course, though it just one fish for now. Do you want to join me right now?

Manami: Sure.

Kanda: That's good. Come here and sit beside me. Thanks god that I bring two fishing rods with me. Maya, can you leave us alone for now?

Maya: Yes, Kanda-sama.

Maya goes out of the place but she can still see Kanda and Manami though she couldn't hear anything from them. Manami also sits besides him where she takes out the fishing rod from its holder before holding it in her hands.

There silence for a while before Kanda starts the conversation between them first.

Kanda: So, Manami...Anything you want to talk with me right now? I had been requested by Aoi to talk with you.

Manami: Why she had done that?

Kanda: Well, she said to me that her best friends had a downcasted expression after the date with Kio. What's really happened to you?

Manami: Do I really need to talk about that with you?

Kanda: Of course. But if you don't want to, I will not force you. We can just spend time by fishing like this. Anyway, your fishing lines already had been pulled right now.

The sound of lines had been stretched can be heard from the fishing rod.

Manami: Eh?...What I'm going to do now?

Kanda: Stop your line by holding the wheel at the side of the fishing rod first.

Manami grabs the wheeler which make the lines stop from being pulled.

Kanda: Now, slowly retract back the lines by spinning the wheeler.

She slowly reels back the line where the fish sometimes moves left and right which make difficult for her to reel the lines.

Kanda: I will help you, Manami.

Kanda goes behind her before his hands grabbing her hands and guides her to reel the lines back. If he looks at her face for a while, he could see a blush appears on her face before quickly disappears.

~10 minutes later.

Manami successfully catches the fish with the guide from Kanda where the size is slighy bigger than his fish. She unconsciously hugging him due to how happy she had caught the fish for the first time before she quickly separates herself from him after realising what she had done.

They starts back to the fishing again where they have caught several more fishes before Maya coming closer to them and informing them that lunch already had been prepared at the chalet.

They quickly pack up their things where Kanda hold the pail full of the fishes that they had caught before. As Kanda starts to walk back to the chalet. Manami suddenly calls him which makes him stops on his track.

Manami: Kanda, do you really want to hear my story?

Kanda: Manami...If you feel that hard to tell me, just don't tell me, I will wait for your anytime and anywhere.

Manami: It's ok, I will tell you as I need some advices from you too.

Kanda: Well...If you say that, I will try my best though I don't really know if my advice can help you later.

Manami: It's enough for me if your hear me. The story is...



The voting process that I will do is I will list several animes below where you can choose any one from the list. There are some rules that you need to follow for the voting to be going smoothly.

1. You will be allow to vote at the end of this chapter 27, chapter 28 and chapter 29 where 1 vote available for you for each chapter. Therefore, you either use all 3 votes available for you in one basket or divides it according to your choices. However, if there is more than 3 votes from you, the first 3 votes will be counted.

2. This voting process will going for about 3 chapters from this chapter 27 to chapter 29 where chapter 30, I will announce the result.

3. The voting process will end at 8.30 am (GMT+8) 25 April 2021. If you're voting after that time, your vote will be invalid.

4. You need to write how much your vote will you put first before giving your comment at the list of the anime below.

For example:

A. You want to vote no.1 from the list so you need to write your comment like this.

Number of votes(+1)/(+2)/(+3). Any comments or ideas for that world later.

If you've vote (+2) at no.1 and another (+2) at no.2, the vote that will count is (+2) of the no.1 and (+1) of the no.2 as I only take the first 3 votes only. Therefore, cast your vote carefully.

My anime suggestion for the next world. (Please cast your vote)

1. Isekai Seikishi no Monogatari

2. Tenchi Muyo GXP

3. Vandread

4. Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio

5. Unbreakable Machine-Doll

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