
Chapter 21 Rescue Plan (Rewrite)

==At another place==

A man in a lab coat and a suit can be seen standing inside a room where a woman in a military-like uniform is sitting in front of them while crossing one of her legs on top of another leg.

"Madam J, we had got the news that one of the Catia's people had been captured by an unknown organization." Said the man in suit.

"What is the name of that organization?" Asked the woman called Madam J.

"It's called "The Underside of Kitten Paw"." Replied the man in suit.

"Oh...a damn worshipper of that detestable aliens. How ironic that their own worshipper had captured their people." Sneered the woman as she heard the news.

"What is our next plan, Ma'am?" Asked the man in lab coat.

The woman ponders for awhile before she smiles and says, "We will worsen the situation more for them. Is our experimental weapon no. 6 had already been built?"

Man in a lab coat nods as he says, "Yes, the weapon had already built and tested. The only thing that need to be done is the practical use in the battle."

The woman nods and says, "That's good. Then, I will use it for good later. Do you know where that organization is located?"

Man in suit says, "Yes. We already have their coordinates where we could confirm that they are currently on the sea and just need your order to attack them."

"Good. I will bring two platoons of soldiers with me later. I also need you to equip 'that equipment' on our four Black Hawk-Variants." Instructed the woman in military uniform.

"Is it not too much, Madam J?" Asked the man in suit.

"Not at all as I think that those detestable cats will make a rescue mission for their people. Especially, that boy as we already knew that he had an intimate relationship with that catgirl. Therefore, we need much more manpower to overpower them later as we don't want our plan to be failed." Said the woman before she orders, "Now, go and make all the preparation for my departure."

"Yes, Madam J." Replied both men towards her order.

===Back to Kanda===

At night, after Kanda goes back home with Chaika and Catia's raid teams. He trying to gather any personnel that could help him during the mission to find Eris. Manami and Aoi also had arrived there and receive treatment for their injuries.

As he tries to make some plans in his thought, he heard the door's bell which he opens it and sees the people that he had called before have arrived. He invites all of them inside the house and makes a meeting at the living room.

"Kanda, why you have called us to come here and I can see that there are some faces that I'm familiar with and some are not." Asked JACK first while looking at the people inside the house.

"Well...I need some helps from all of you. That's why I call the people that I trust in this meeting." Said Kanda to JACK as he looking other people that he had called.

"And why you don't think that I will not report it to my higher-ups later?" Said JACK with a smile.

Kanda with a smile says, "I know about you, JACK. And I could fully guarantee that you will not report it to your superior as you're already friends with us and you think that this is much more fun than doing their instructions."

JACK laughs slightly before she says, "Fufufu~ Yes, you're right, Kanda, and I agree to help you with that."

"And how about us? Why you have called us here, Ichijou-kun? As I remember that we have some conflict before." Asked the person that sit beside JACK.

"I need your help, Itokazu-sensei. I need your influences to find me any resources that might help me with my mission later?" Said Kanda at the person beside JACK which is Itokazu Maki.

"How are you sure that we will help you?" Asked Itokazu seriously.

"I will pay for your services later, Itokazu-sensei. Furthermore, with my relationship with the Catians, we can help you with what your group had been wanted. I know about your organization's objective, Itokazu-sensei. You too, Jack, if you want me to pay for your services." Said Kanda seriously to Itokazu before he looks at JACK at the end.

Jack waves her hands as she says, "Nah, I don't need it, Kanda. As long as you make some of your food later for me."

Kanda just laughs at JACK's reply as he agreed before looking at Itokazu and says, "How about you, Itokazu-sensei."

"How much you can give us? We need to recover our loss first as we had fought you before."

Kanda ponders for a moment, "Hmm...how about 20 Million USD? But I will give you half of the money first before the rest of the money wil be given after you have finished the job? So, are your gonna accept it?"

After he said that, he can see that Itokazu takes a deep breath on the amount that he suggests for her before she says, "We will accept it."

Kanda nods and says, "Thank you, Itokazu-sensei."

"Kanda, may I ask you, who are those people behind you?" Asked JACK as she points at the people behind Kanda.

JACK can see three Catians behind Kanda which looks like a soldier due to demeanour that they had possessed.

"They are our helper from Catians where three of them are also a team leader for their own respective team." Answered Kanda.

"How about their strength?" Asked Itokazu about the strength of these people.

"Don't worry about that. They are top of the cream personally selected from those Catians." Replied Kanda as he believed with those people's strength.

"How could you ask for their help as I don't think that they would interfere with this problem?" Asked Itokazu curiously.

Kanda scratches his cheek before he says, "Well...I'm acting as their ambassador right now so they give me some of their personnel when I ask them for their help. Furthermore, the problem that I had faced right now also involved their own person."

Itokazu has surprised looks as she says, "You're the Ambassador!!! When you become that, Ichijou-kun?"

"He had been accepted that position for a while now and it's hilarious when I think about his expression when he had been received that position before." Said JACK as she explained to Itokazu.

Kanda shrugged as he says, "What can I say about that as I also had bewildered expression when they had gave me this position at that time."

"Kanda, why don't you tell us first about your plan for your mission later?" Said Chaika suddenly as she joins the talk.

Kanda nods his head as he looks at Chaika and says ,"Thank you, Chaika, for reminding me of it. JACK, Itokazu-sensei, I need your help to find Eris and takes her back as she had been kidnapped this evening?"

"Do you already know who is the one thay had kidnapped her?" Asked JACK.

Kanda nods as he says, "Yes. I could 100% sure that the ones who has kidnapped her are the people from "Underside of the Kitten Paw"."

"'Underside of Kitten Paw'? Who are they, Ichijou-kun?" Asked Itokazu.

"They are a cult where their members had worshipped all those cat's features has and they also mimics the appearance of the cat by wearing fake accessories of cat ears and tails. Their leader is Antonia Lirimonie Norfedras Papenorgas Arecroteles Cnorses Morfenoss, the daughter and an heir of a multi-millionaire." Explained JACK about the cult called 'Underside of Kitten Paw'.

'That's right. We spared their members before when they are trying to capture one of the Assistroids. However, they still couldn't give up with this matter which they had kidnapped Eris next. That's why I will show them, how their action is a big mistake for them to make." Supported Kanda on JACK's words before he shows strong looks at the end.

"How are you will divide our task?" Asked Itokazu.

"JACK, I need you to help me in finding the most possible location that they may hide Eris from the list of places that I had placed in this documents here." Said Kanda to JACK before he looks at Itokazu and says, "For Itokazu-sensei, I want you to provide us transportation to get there after JACK had confirmed the location. After you had done that, I will infiltrate that place with Catia's raid teams later."

"Why you did not use any of Catia's technologies already to find her or take her back?" Asked JACK curiously.

"You think that the higher-ups will tolerate us when we use Catia's technology. I can sure that they will want us to hand over the technology to them later. Although we could just take it out as an emergency, they will not accept that reason. Moreover, the Catians still in the first phase of interaction with those higher-ups. When the exchanges between Catians and the government become stronger, then I could use those Catians' technology with ease."

JACK listened to Kanda which she nods and says, "Hmm...that's right, Kanda. I forgot those problems."

Kanda sighs as he says, "You know, JACK. I really want to go with a bang and finish everything like that. But, the politics behind it later, it's too annoying for me to handle. I'm really need someone to help with this political problems later."

Jack laughs as she says, "Hahahahaha, you're right, Kanda. I also feel the politic is too troublesome for me too."

"Anyway, just do your own task for now. Then, we will initiate the mission next morning which I hope that you're already had finished your preparation beforehand." Said Kanda as he looks at JACK and Itokazu seriously.

"Sure." Replied JACK and Itokazu seriously.

After that, Jack and Itokazu go out of the house where they are doing their own job that had been given.

As for Kanda, he also orders all the personnel from Catia to rest first so they can perform well during the mission later.

Next, Kanda goes to visit Manami and Aoi inside one of the rooms in the house. He can see that Aoi had downcasted look when he enters the room while Manami had already felt asleep. He silently walks to her before talks to her.

"Aoi-chan, why you had downcasted look on your face?" Asked Kanda curiously.

Aoi looks at Kanda for a moment before she says, "Kanda-kun...No, there is nothing at all."

Kanda see Aoi's face which cause him to sigh before he says, "Aoi-chan...you know...I don't really blame you about what had been happened today."

"I know that Kanda-kun but... I'm still feel guilty about that." Said Aoi with sad looks.

Kanda pulls Aoi as he hugs her before he whispers to her ears, "You know, Aoi-chan, I feel really lucky that you and Eris are my girlfriends. When I heard that all of you had been attacked today, I'm feeling that I will really lose both of you. However, I'm glad that you and Manami are safe right now."

Kanda separates from Aoi before he smiles and says, "I know that I must worry about Eris too but I know she is fine right now as the organization for Eris's kidnapper is a cat's worshipper cult and she also is a catgirl. I can think that right now that she had a luxurious meal in their location and had been treated like a queen. So, please push aside your worry for now and rest."

"How could that Eris will be treat generously by them like that, Kanda-kun. I know that you will cheer me up but don't tell a lie." Said Aoi as she chuckles.

===At another location==

Eris had woke up from her slumber and confused when she suddenly saw many maids tend her needs in that place.

She also had been treated with many dishes where she are happily eating all of those food that had been prepared. She also had tried to contact witb others but as she could not contact them, she continues eating the meal with relish as there are no harmful substances inside the meal.

==Back to Kanda==

"Well, you couldn't deny that Eris will forget about other things when she looks at delicious food." Said Kanda as he shrugs.

Aoi chuckles as she says ,"Fufufu~ That's right, Eris-san tends to forget something when she eats delicious food."

"That's why I hope that you will not blame yourself for that." Said Kanda with a smile.

"Um...Thank you, Kanda-kun." Said Aoi as she becomes shy as she looks at Kanda's smile.

Kanda laughs as he says, "Hahaha, why you are still polite to me, Aoi-chan? You're my girlfriend right now so you need to depend on me more. I also need to pamper my own shy girlfriend here." Said Kanda as he pinches Aoi's nose gently.

Aoi pouts as she says, "Mou~ Kanda-kun, you're a tease."

"Hahaha, sorry about that. Anything you want from me then, Aoi-chan? I could help you right now." Said Kanda after he laughed.

Aoi thinks for a moment before she says, "Hmm...how about you call me Aoi but not with the -chan, Kanda-kun?"

Kanda nods as he says, "Sure but you also need to call me Kanda just like Eris."

"K-Ka-Kanda. Is that ok?" Said Aoi shyly.

"Of course, Aoi. But you need to call my name clearly later." Said Kanda with a smile.

After that, Kanda comes close to Aoi's face and starts to kiss on her lips where she also reciprocated his action and they start to kiss together gently.

They kiss for awhile before they heard a cough beside them which Aoi separates quickly from him while blushing madly after realizing about their action. Kanda just awkwardly glances at his side and see Manami is looking interestedly at them.

"Yo, Manami. You're already waking up. How does your body feeling right now?" Asked Kanda to Manami.

Manami with a smile says, "Other than feeling jealous looking at you two kissing, I think that I'm fine right now."

Kanda laughs for a moment as he says, "Hahaha, it's that so. Then, I will excuse myself first so you could rest again. Aoi, I will go to my room now. Good night."

Kanda just scratches his nose slightly on Manami's remark before he goes out of the room and leaving still blushing Aoi with Manami.

The silence in the room had been broke by Manami where she says, "How is it, Aoi? Is it good?"

Aoi flusters as she says, "Manami, what are you talking about?!"

Manami harrumphs as she says, "Humph...you think that I'm blind to see that you're so exhilarated when he has kissed you first."

Aoi tongue-tied as she says, "Th-That's..."

Manami waves her hand as she says, "Anyway, that's good for you, I guess. And here am I, still in a normal relationship with Kio-chi."

Aoi recovers quickly as she looks at Manami's downcasted expression before she says, "Manami..."

Manami with forced smile says, 'That's fine, Aoi. It's just that I also want to feel how someone will love me dearly but I think that's impossible for me right now."

Aoi listens to Manami melancholy look as she said all of that before Aoi saw Manami goes back to her sleep back again.

Aoi looks at the asleep Manami as she lost in her thought for awhile before she also goes to sleep too.


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