
Chapter 16 Night's Raid (Rewrite)

"Kanda-san, Kanda-san, please wake up. We already reached home." Said Eris softly as she shakes Kanda's body lightly.

"Hmm?... We've already arrived?" Said Kanda as he slowly opens his eyes before sit straight in the seat as he says, "Thanks for your laps, Eris. It feels so good as I have a nice dream."

"You're welcome, Kanda-san." Said Eris shyly before she says as her face blushes, "Ma-maybe, we can do it again at another time."

"Sure, Eris." Said Kanda as he stares at Eris's face.

As both of them stares at each other, Melwin comes in and says, "Ichijou-san, wake up already. Everyone else already gets out except you two."

Kanda and Eris quickly recovery as Kanda talks to Melwin, "Sorry, Melwin. It just too good to sleep here which makes me didn't want to wake up.

"Just continue your sleep then." Said Melwin as she puts before looks at Eris and says, "Eris, let's go and leave him here."

"Hahaha, calm down, Melwin. Maybe you can give let me sleep on your laps too as I also want to feel how I sleep on those nice looking legs.

"W-Wh-What are you talking about, Ichijou-san?!" Exclaimed Melwin before she murmurs, "Well, ma-maybe later."

"What, Melwin? I don't hear what you're saying right now." Asked Kanda as he see Melwin's mouth moves.

"No-Nothing at all." Denied Melwin strongly.

"Mou, Kanda-san. Don't tease Melwin-san and get up already as the others are already waiting for us." Said Eris as she pouts seeing Melwin talks to Kanda.

"Ok, let's go." Agreed Kanda as he gets up from his seat.

After that, Kanda goes out from the spacecraft with others before going inside the house.

When they had entered the house, they can see that everyone already waiting for them as they sitting on the couch in the living room where Kanda also surprised to see someone familiar with them.

"Yo, JACK. When you're arrived at this house?" Greeted Kanda as he goes to one of the couches before sitting with Eris and her group.

"Hello, Kanda. I've just arrived here about five minutes before your spacecraft has arrived here. I'm want to visit Manami as I want to inform her that her job as a CIA agent had been rejected due to her contact with their target of the investigation." Greeted JACk before she explained her purpose.

Listened to JACK's words, Kanda looks at Manami and says, "I'm sorry about that, Manami. Although I already know that they will do that, I don't think that they will do it immediately."

"It's ok, I'm fine, Kanda. It's just that I want to be a CIA agent as it is my dream but I couldn't become one." Said Manami at Kanda as she talks cheerfully but her face shows her sadness.

"Sorry about that." Kanda apologised again before looks at JACK and says, "How about you, JACK? Your organization doesn't kick your out from their place."

"Well, they said that I'm a valuable asset to them so they couldn't do anything to me but Manami, they can kick her out." Said JACK.

"I can see that you're a 'valuable asset' to them." Joked Kanda as his eyes looks at the JACK's prominent body parts.

"Hahaha, well what can I do. I'm just that valuable there." Said JACK as she laughs while her arms folds under her chest which emphasize the volume.

"What are both of you talking about?! And JACK, don't raise your breast like that." Exclaimed Manami before she looks at JACK.

"Relax, Manami. We must proud of our own figures and you also have a nice figure too." Said JACK at Manami before her hand clasps on Manami's chest and says, "Hmm? Manami, are your breast becomes bigger again?"

"Wa-Wait a moment, JACK! Please stop groping my breast." Said Manami weakly as JACK continues groping Manami's chest.

"Hoho...I like what I see right now. Do you agree, Kio?" Said Kanda as he looks closely at their interaction. 

"Yes...." Replied Kio unconsciously before he reacts and says, "N-No, I don't really know what are you talking about?"

"Do you heard what Kio's had said, Manami? Kio just said yes on your current figure. And JACK, please stop teasing Manami." Said Kanda to Manami.

"Mou...you're so boring, Kanda. I know you like that too." Said JACK as she stops her movement.

"Fine, I declare that I like what you're doing to Manami but I'm not the one you should show it from. This guy here that you should let him see that." Said Kanda before points at Kio.

"What are you say, Ichijou-san/ Kanda." Exclaimed Kio and Manami.

"Ichijou-kun, how about your meeting that you've attended with others." Joined Aoi as she talking about the meeting.

"It's too troublesome, Aoi-chan. It's like this..." Said Kanda before he told the people about what had happened during the meeting.

~30 minutes later.

"And that's what happened at the meeting." Finished Kanda telling the story.

"Wow! I don't think that we already had been invaded by an alien before the Catia Federation. That's why the higher-ups said that I need to keep the secret about what have you said to myself because that's true. They already had been interacted and being ordered by that unknown alien a long time ago.

"Actually, I don't really want to reveal that during the meeting but that spokesperson, Mr. Sawamura just couldn't shut up his mouth so I just casually called her name and I don't think that she will really appear in front of us although we couldn't see her face." Said Kanda.

"When will you start to capture her?" Asked Manami curiously.

"I don't know." Replied Kanda immediately.

"WHAT?! You don't know! So, when will you make your move to capture that alien?" Said Manami loudly before asking Kanda again.

"Yes, I don't know. Right now, I will just be waiting as I can feel that her attack will have happened in the near future. For now, we need to be careful of any attacks from other organizations as they will try to capture any people from the Catia Federation." Answered Kanda.

"Why do you think that, Ichijou-san?" Asked Aoi curiously.

"It's because of their technology, am I right, Kanda?" Answered JACk instead of Kanda.

Kanda nods before he says, "That's right although it's one of the reasons. Furthermore, I want to recruit Manami and Aoi-chan to help me."

Kanda looks at Manami and Aoi, "Manami, Aoi-chan, as both of you are competent fighters where Aoi-chan can fight well with me while Manami had been assured of her skill by JACK here, Can both of you help us?"

"Can we really do that, Ichijou-kun?" Asked Aoi.

"Of course. Moreover, I can assure you that you also already know your organization will try to kill you as you've jeopardized their mission." Said Kanda as he looks at Kuune and says, "Don't worry, Captain Kuune can accept both of you to be one of their personnel as I think that she already had an idea to make an embassy on this planet so they can interact more with the people here. Therefore, they need a bodyguard to keep their people's security during their stay here."

"Maa...I don't think that you've already known about my plan, Ichijou-kun. How you can think about that?" Said Kuune with amazement.

"Well, If I'm want to create a relationship with the residents in an unknown place, I need to create a headquarter first so I can keep my communication with them." Explained Kanda.

"Briliant, Ichijou-kun. That's right, we want to create an embassy where the place had been chosen by us which is this residence where we can easily come in and out from here to our Mothership." Said Kuune as she claps her hands.

"Eh? My house again!" Complained Kio as he heard that his house will become the place for the Catians's Embassy.

"Accept it already, Kio. I think that your house already been destined to help other people. Anyway, you two can start to permanently stay here and if you want to take your things from your house, you can use Assistroids here to help you just for precaution as I think that others still trying to capture you two. If you can do it as soon as possible, it's very helpful." Said Kanda as he pats Kio's shoulder.

"Sure, Kanda./Alright, Ichijou-kun." Replied Manami and Aoi respectively.

"Can you help them too, Eris?" Asked Kanda as he looks at Eris.

"Ok, Kanda-san. You two, let's go." Said Eris before she invites Manami and Aoi away.

After Eris, Manami, and Aoi going out with a group of Assistroids, Kanda looks at Kio and says, "Kio, as they are going out to take their things, can you cook some food for dinner for our guests here?"

"Sure." Kio nodded before he goes to the kitchen to prepare for the dinner as tonight, there are many people will need to be fed.

In living room are left with Kanda, the rest of the catgirls, and JACK where they just relaxedly drinking some of the drink that had been prepared beforehand.

"Ah...It's really delicious, this tea. Kanda, I don't think that you can give good instruction to the others. You're just like to be born as a leader." Said JACK after she praises the drink.

"That's right, Ichijou-san. Your order is precise and easy to understand." Agreed Melwin as she looks at Kanda with a smile.

"Nah, I'm just a lazy person, you know. I give them precise order and easy to understand so I will not repeat it again. I just want to work behind the scene except when the situation needs my involvement." Said Kanda as he talks about his personality.

Kuune nods her head and says, "So, you just want to be a person where on his palm had controlled multiole people to do what you've ordered."

Kanda shakes his heads before he pretends and says, "No, I will not be that extreme, I'm like a God that views creatures other than him as insignificant beings."

Chaika spurts out her drink before laughs loudly and says, "Nyahahahaha...that's cool, Kanda."

"That's right, hahaha. I'm here to please others." Said Kanda as he pose exaggeratedly.

They continue the conversation as they are laughing together before suddenly a shooting sound can be heard from the outside.


Listened to the sound, Kanda sighs as he stands up while saying, "I just said that other organizations will come here now or later, but I don't think that they will really do it after we've already finished the meeting. Let's go and see what happened outside."

"Relax, Kanda. Just have some of my drink here while we going outside." Comforted Chaika as she also standing beside him before gave him her drink.

"Thank you, Chaika." Said Kanda as he sips on the drink before commented, "Hmm? It's delicious."

After all the people inside the house come out, they can see two figures being captured inside a net where a bunch of Assistroids surrounded those two figures while Aoi and Manami point their guns towards them.

"So, what's happened here?" Asked Kanda before he looks at Eris and says, "Eris, can you explain what has happened? Manami, Aoi-chan, can you put down your gun for now."

Manami and Aoi puts down their guns as Eris said, "When we have finished ordering the Assistroids and saw them going to Manami-san and Aoi-san's house, we are planning to come back before a car suddenly appeared and took one of the Assistroids before start to go away. However, with Manami and Aoi-san's quick action, both of them succeeded in capturing these two kidnappers before the Assistroids put them inside the net so they couldn't run away."

"Can you tell me the name of your affiliations and the reason behind your action to steal one of our Assistroids."

"No! We will not give you our affiliation's holy name although some of you look like Our God."

"Holy name? God?" Said Kio with confused looks.

"Ok, I already know about your affiliation when you have said holy name." Said Kanda as he heard the keywords.

"Impossible! You barbaric people couldn't know our affiliation name." Said one of the kidnappers.

"I really know your group name..." Kanda sighs as he massages his forehead before he says, "Fine, I will tell you that you're from the cult of "Underside of Kitten Paw", am I right, Sarah?"

"How do you know my identity?" Asked one of the kidnappers called Sarah as she has shocked expression.

"I know everything about you even your three sizes." Said Kanda as he raises his eyebrows.

"Y-YOU BRUTE!!! I will kill you." Cursed Sarah as she struggles to come out from the net.

"Nevermind, just tell your leader that she needs to give us a letter first before coming here or maybe an invitation before we could 

coming to you later. Anyway, give us your invitation first before coming. Assistroids, you can release them right now." Said Kanda before he ordered Assistroids to release those two kidnappers.

"Why you let them go, Kanda?" Asked Manami.

"Well, their organization is not bad but their methods just too extreme sometimes when involving with their God. Just let them go and I can guarantee that their leader will give us an invitation tomorrow or soon." Said Kanda to Manami.

The Assistroids release the captives and those people quickly move away from that place after they had been released.

"It's that really fine, Kanda?" Asked JACK as she looks at Kanda.

"Yes. Let's go inside the house right now. I need some food to release my stress here or maybe some breasts." Replied Kanda as he moves his body to enter the house.

"You can use my breast later, Kanda. It's so soft, you know." Said JACK as she raises her folded arm under her breasts.

"Sure, thank you, JACk. I know that your chest looks very soft." Replied Kanda as he starts to move his hands towards JACK's breasts.

"You couldn't do that, Kanda-san/ Ichijou-san/ Ichijou-kun." Said Eris, Aoi, and Melwin as they coming closer at Kanda.

"Ichijou, tomorrow, I will get Eris to take you to the Mothership so I can check you up later." Said Durel suddenly which stops others on the track.

"Sure." Answered Kanda while being stopped from coming closer to JACK by Eris, Aoi, and Melwin.

After that, they are going inside the house and eat their dinner after Kio spent about an hour preparing the meal before all of them go to rest at their own place.


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