
Chapter 9 A Fight? (Rewrite)

The next morning, at the front yard of the house. Kanda and Kio can be seen standing together beside Eris where she did something on the ground which is she planted some type of marbles.

"Hey Kio, Kanda. What are you doing? Are you planting something?" Said Uncle Yuuichi curiously as he saw those two together.

"Hello, Uncle Yuuichi." Greeted both of them together before before Kio says, "No, we are not planting anything. It's just Eris wanted to introduce someone to us."

"Introduce someone?" Said Uncle Yuuichi with confused tone before looking at Eris's direction.

Under everyone's sight, multiple figures suddenly emerge from the ground which startled them. Those figures rose from the ground before its clean itself up before standing before them.

Those figures had body structures like standing cat or cat robot with red and white color on its body.

"Everyone, form ranks!" Ordered Eris as she suddenly claps and shouts towards those robots.

The robots immediately forming a horizontal line of two in front of them after listened to Eris's command.

"Begin systems' diagnostics!...Dance!" Ordered Eris.

Eris commanded the robot to dance which the robot complied by lifting their right and left legs alternately.

"Stand tall!" Ordered Eris again.

The robots puffed their chest with both hands at the side of the waist.

"Fell Regret!" Ordered Eris next.

The robots bow its head while raising their right hand which their palm facing forward.

"Sing!" Ordered Eris.

The robots waving their right hand as they cannot sing.

"Ending systems' diagnostic." Ordered Eris as all the robots stand still immediately which she nods and say, "Hmm...alright! Their autonomous decision-making functionality appears to be working fine."

Eris seems satisfied with the robot's behavior before she heard some questions from Kio where she turned to face them.

"Uhm, Eris? What are these?" Asked Kio.

"All I can see that they look like an AI robot but their behavior is too advanced, I think." Said Kanda before he talks at his mind, "AL, can you identify what is the object that had been summoned by Eris."

[Affirmative...Identifying the object...Completed...Showing the information

Name: Assistaroid.

Background: An android that had used Catia's technology where current materials remain unknown and only being known by Catia's people to help with their daily tasks. They can do any type of task as long as their physical structures allow them to do that work.

Rarity: Rare

Source: Catia's technology.]

After hearing the information about the object, Kanda can see that Eris also trying to explain that to everyone here.

"They're Assistaroids. You need to scatter these nanomachine capsules like seeds, and they will rearrange the soil composition to create Assistaroids. I thought I'd use them to help me with my research here while waiting for my mothership to arrive." Explained Eris as she pulls out a marble-like object from her pocket.

"Maybe I should plant some of it." Yuuichi thought to himself after heard Eris's explanation.


Afternoon, the trio and a team of Assistaroids can be seen walking around the neighborhood which they had garnered some attention from other people.

"It's pretty hot today." Eris said that as she fanning her face with her right hand.

"I guess you're not good with heat." Said Kanda before looks at Kio and says, "Kio, can you buy that 'thing' for Eris here?"

"Fine, give me a second." Said Kio as he nods before says, "Do you want the usual, Ichijou-san?"

"Yes, thank you, Kio." Thanked Kanda as he saw Kio walks away.

"Kanda-san, what is it that 'thing'?" Asked Eris curiously.

"Just come with me, I will show you soon." Said Kanda mysteriously before pulling her at the direction Kio had left.

When they had arrived at the destination which is a park, they saw Kio bought something from the shop at the park before coming towards them.

"Here you go. This should help you a bit with the heat." Said Kio as he hands the object in his hand to Eris.

"What is it?" Asked Eris as she looks at the object where its has a cone-shaped holder which something cold had been added on that holder.

"Just give it a try first. I think you will like it." Said Kanda at Eris.

Eris nods before she licks and says, "Wow!!! It's cold, sweet, and soft! Importantly, it's so delicious! What is this, Kanda-san?"

"I'm glad you like it, Eris. Its called ice cream and suitable to be eaten during a hot day." Replied Kanda as Eris continues to bite down the ice cream.

"That's right, we always bought the ice cream here after going out on a sunny day or just eating it on any day." Said Kio as he also eating the ice cream.

"Umm, it's so delicious! What's about yours? I think that we have a different color as my color is blue where I can taste some lemon taste in it." Said Eris before asking about the ice cream that the other two had eaten.

"I'm chocolate-flavored while Kio had sweet potato-flavored. Do you want to try some?" Said Kanda before asking if she want to taste it.

"Can I really have a taste?" Said Eris happily which Kanda and Kio nods and hand their ice cream near her.

Eris tries both ice cream before she cupped her cheek with one of her hands after tasting the ice cream which she really likes it very much as her tail can be seen swaying around while she comments "delicious" every time she tasted them.


Near the place where Kanda, Kio, and Eris had been located.

Manami saw the interaction between the boys and Eris, especially Kio which makes her infuriated and broke the pen in her hand again.

"Let's get this over with, JACK." Said Manami impatiently.

"Negative. There are too many people right now. Don't lose your patience, Manami." Refused JACK.

Manami just clicks her tongue after she heard that before she continued her job to look at the target.


In another place where a container of a trailer truck can be seen.

Aoi can be seen preparing to suit up with her armor before standing by as she waits for further instruction.

"What about our target, Endou-san?" Asked Aoi.

"There is nothing notable that happened right now. Just be on standby, Momiji." Replied Endou.

"Affirmative." Replied Aoi before she murmurs, "I'm sorry for about what will happen next, Ichijou-kun."


After finished eating the ice cream, the group went to the public library as Eris wants to find some piece of information about this planet.

After spending about four hours in there, they went back home as they had decided to come back here later on another day.

"At this rate, I should be able to collect all the data I need by the end of the week. I also estimate that the mothership will come within this week." Said Eris happily as they walking.

"That's amazing, Eris-san." Said Kio.

"Anyway, it's still hot here..." Said Eris where she starts to sweat again on her forehead which she wipes with her arm after she came out from the library.

"It's feels a lot cooler to me compare to this afternoon. Want to get some more ice cream again then, Eris?" Said Kanda before mentiones about ice cream to Eris.

"Sure!" Replied Eris as she starts to be excited after she heard about the food that she will eat later.


Other place.

"They have left the building, JACK." Said Manami as she see the group left the library.

"Ok, I'm also ready right now. Hope for your assistant later, Manami." Confirmed JACK.

"Sure." Replied Manami short.


"It's time, Momiji. Good luck with your mission." Said Endou as he order for deployment.

"Affirmative. Type-7, activate!" Replied Aoi as she starts to suit up her armor before ready for her launches towards the target's location.


At the park.

"Eh? I guess there's no one here." Said Kio he looks around and could not see any people there before the lamps at the park start to shut down one by one.

"A power outage?" Said Kio as he looks puzzled on what had happened right now.

"Careful, Kio. It's suspicious enough when the light suddenly gave out." Said Kanda to Kio while he took out a pair of black gloves before he wears them on both of his hands as he raises his vigilance.

The gloves on his hands are fingerless gloves where unknown material can be seen act as a protector plate at the back of the glove.


A screeching sound can be heard before a van suddenly arrives and brakes forcefully at the roadside located on their left side. Multiple figures come out from the van while carrying guns before a man can be seen appeared behind a tree in which opposite direction from the van.

The man also can be seen carrying a gun and starts to aim towards them as he comes closer before he suddenly shouting at them, "Don't move!!!"


On another side of the park after the masked group has arrived.

"What's happened? What do we get to do now, Jack? I can see some unknown people had arrived at the park and met with our target." Said Manami at JACK.

"Let's wait for a while and see what happens next." Ordered JACK.

"Ok, JACK." Replied Manami before she prays silently for Kio.


Back to the park.

"We are the secret society, Beautiful Contact." Introduced the masked man at the front of the trio that acts as a leader before looks at Eris and says," You! the alien there!!"

"Y-Yes?" Answered Eris while being confused.

"On the behalf of mankind's development, we reject any contact with your species. Withdraw from our planet immediately!" Said the masked leader.

Eris just looks confused with the sudden outburst from the man as she does not know what happened right now.


Another place.

"There's been a change in situations, Momiji. Stand by for now." Said Endou suddenly.

"What's happened? I can see from the visual that a group of an unknown organization had suddenly appeared at the park." Said Aoi.

"Yes, an unknown organization suddenly appeared and we need to see on what that organization will do now and respond to their action if they interface with our plan." Explained Endou.

"Negative! I will go right now. Let's go, Type-7!" Said Aoi before she propelled herself from her place and going towards the park flying.

"Momiji! Please be on standby! This is an order!" Endou's voice can be heard from the earpiece but Aoi ignored the voice from her earpiece and continue flying towards her destination.

"Ichijou-san, wait for me. I hope that you're safe." Thought Aoi as she flying towards the park.


Back at the park.

"Uhm, I'm sorry, but who are you?" Asked Eris curiously.

"We are humanity representatives!" Declared masked leader loudly towards Eris's question.

"And...exactly which part of humanity do you represent?" Asked Eris again.

"You have no need to know about that." Answered the masked leader.

"I've come here to gather information, so I'd like to hear your group's thoughts. To that end, I need to learn more about your organization. Please tell me about yourselves." Said Eris as she bows her head to that man while she had been pointed with a gun.

"I can't do that." Replied the masked leader.

"Why not?" Asked Eris as she tilts her head.

"Because we're a secret society!" Said the masked leader loudly.

A silence suddenly resounded at the park before Eris suddenly says while knocks her hand on the palm, "Oh...I see...I guess you did say that. I didn't notice. I'm sorry."

Looking at the conversation between Eris the masked leader cause Kanda to laugh loudly while saying, "It's so hilarious, Eris. Good one on that speech."

Kio on the side just sighs at Kanda's action although he also feels funny with that.

"Are you making fun of me?" Shouted the masked leader as he felt like he had been insulted by her statement before he raises his gun and aiming at Eris.

"Relax, man....She just tells you her honest thoughts. And Eris, if you want information about their organization, you can ask me later. I've all the information about them from their base in this country and their leader. Right, Grimdenbaum Toni or head security for the Japanese branch of Beautiful Contact?" Said Kanda as he wipes his tears from laughing before coming out and stands beside Eris.

"How you know my name?! Who are you?!" Said the masked leader or Toni with shocked expression while being wary with the boy's identity.

"Chill man...I'm just a tenant in this neighborhood." Said Kanda while shrugging his shoulder

"Y-You!!! I will kill you!!!" Shouted Toni as he enraged with Kanda's nonchalant act before he quickly aiming his gun towards Kanda and pull the trigger.


As the bullet coming towards him, Kanda also starts to move towards the bullet.

"chijou-san!!!!" Shouted Eris and Kio together as they saw the bullets traveled towards Kanda and Kanda ran to the bullet.

[<Battle Instinct>, <Fighting Spirit>, <Hand-to-Hand Combat>,<Close Combat> <Quick Thinking> had been activated]

Listened to system's reminder, Kanda has a smile on his face before says softly, "Good. Let's do this. I also need to see my limit in this world."


In another place.

As the sound of a bullet reverberated around, Aoi quickly fastens her speed towards the scene. Manami also shouts Kanda's name as she has seen a bullet had been fired at Kanda though her voice sank due to the sound from the gun.


Back to the scene.

Kanda narrowly avoids the bullet before he appears immediately in front of Toni before burying his right fist towards Toni's stomach.

As Toni collapsed on the ground, other members of Beautiful Contact start firing their guns towards Kanda.

Kanda quickly takes Toni's gun and runs away quickly from that place which cause those bullets met empty space before he also shoots back towards other Beautiful Contact's members where all the members are being either on their limbs or the weapons.

The fight only occurs for about 30 seconds after a first bullet had been fired before all the members of Beautiful Contact collapsed on the ground except the driver in the van.

"Ichijou-san! Where you learn to fight like that!" Said Kio has he has that scared look on his face when he saw Kanda's fight where he easily defeated those members of Beautiful Contact.

"Well, I'm training with Uncle Yuuichi. You never knew how big is your uncle's connection is, Kio." Said Kanda at Kio.

"Ichijou-san, are you okay? Is there any injury on yourself? I can help you too as I'm quite strong too." Asked Eris while asking if Kanda wants her assistance.

"Don't worry, Eris. I'm strong enough to handle them and I will ask for your help later if I need it. Let's leave from here quickly before other forces arrive." Said Kanda before states his decision to leave.

"Alright." Replied Eris and Kio.

Next, Kanda, Kio, and Eris start to run away from that place before they had been stopped by a figure that suddenly appears from another tree. The figure wearing a black mechanical suit and starts walking slowly towards them where Kio and Eris tensed themselves up while Kanda just had a calm look on his face.

"Well, I don't think that it's so easy to escape from this place. Can ask you to step aside so we can leave this place?" Said Kanda as he walks closer to that mechanical suit person.

The figure just changes into its battle stance after it saw Kanda coming closer as he said that.

"That's a no, I guess?" Said Kanda as he shrugged before he smiles and says, "Well, I just need to break through then."

Next, Kanda makes a fighting pose where he and the person with the mechanical suit just staring on each other as both of them know that the fight can start at any moment.


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