
Chapter 4 Eris's Arrival (Rewrite)

Next week.

Kanda and Kio went to the place where the memorial services will be conducted which they started to help the netizen immediately when had arrived there. The services continue until 5 in the evening where people start the feast to celebrate the work that had been done today.

Kio can be seen coming back from the errand that he had been tasked where he need to buy something to drink for those adult there.

"There are sure a lot of planes today. Is it about that news?" Said Kio while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He can see multiple planes flying above his neighborhood when he went for his errand. This due to the message from unknown being where the government had been received which they may been identified them as the alien.

"Yo! Having fun, Kio?" Asked the voice that suddenly appeared which disrupt Kio's thought.

"Uncle Yuuichi!!!" Said Kio as he looking at the direction of the voice came at.

The voice which Kio had heard was Uncle Yuuichi where currently he is wearing a red t-shirt with floral-printed design, shorts and sandals. He also wear a pair of sunglasses.

"Here you go, Uncle Yuuichi." Said Kio as he passes a beer to Uncle Yuuichi which Uncle Yuuichi thanked him.

"Kio! You're late. The food will gone you know." Said Kanda as he walks towards Kio while carrying some food on his plate with his right hand.

"Ichijou-san, where are you? Why am I need to do this errand while you're having fun." Questioned Kio while feeling dissatisfied.

"Hahaha relax, Kio. You can have fun right now." Said Kanda as he hands the food to Kio.

"Yes, Kio. Relax yourself and have some fun." Supported Uncle Yuuichi as he taking sip from the beer.

"I don't think it's the time for fun. We're supposed to be in mourning here." Expressed Kio on his opinion while eating the food on the plate.

"That's why we need to have fun. If we're too sad, those people won't be able to pass on to the next world. Now, let's have a toast for our fifth-generation grandfather." Explained Uncle Yuuichi as he raises up the beer in his hand.

"That's right, Kio." Agreed Kanda before he hands a cup to Kio and says, "Here, we also need to toast with Uncle Yuuichi."

"I'm still a minor." Refused Kio.

"It's fine, Kio. I give you a cup of juice just like me." Said Kanda assuredly.

"...Fine...Thank you." Thanked Kio to Kanda which he just smiles.

Kio take the cup from Kanda and drinks from it before Uncle Yuuichi asks them, "How is it the high school going, you two? Gotten used to it yet?"

"It's ok, I guess./ So so." Replied Kio and Kanda respectively.

"Then, got yourself a girlfriend?" Asked Uncle Yuuichi again.

"Well, maybe interested with some of the girls here and there while Kio already have Manami as his girlfriend." Explained Kanda.

Kio spurts out the juice before he retorts, "Ichijou-san! I don't have a girlfriend and Manami-chan had her boyfriend already. Furthermore, I think I'm too soon for that."

Kanda just shakes his head as Kio's refuted his words while pray silently for Manami.

"That's not good, Kio. You can have sex when you get older, but getting excited over just holding hand with a girl? That's something you can only enjoy now." Reprimanded Uncle Yuuichi with serious look albeit his drunk look appearance had destroyed his seriousness.

"Un-un-uncle Yuuichi!" Stuttered Kio shyly.

"If you take too long, you'll just miss out." Said Uncle Yuuichi before he pointing at another direction and says, "How about her?"

Kanda and Kio follows Uncle Yuuichi's finger and can see a girl that joined the feast with the people in the neighborhood.

"She's got a decent figure, she's pretty cute, and she's got those ears too." Said Uncle Yuuichi as he describes the girl appearance.

The girl that had been pointed by Yuuichi is a girl with long orange hair until her hip and two bang of her hair framing her face while she is wearing a red and white motif on the bodytights suit as she had been endowed with real ears and tail. She also has voluptuous body where she had large breast and bottom.

"Cat ears? A cat tail?" Said Kio with surprised expression.

"Don't worry, Kio. I also perplexed earlier when I see her." Said Kanda to Kio while tapping his shoulder before Kanda murmurs silently, "I think the plot will starts from now on and I need to ready myself."

While Kio dumbfounded with the appearance of the new girl, Yuuichi already went to the girl and talked to her, "Hey there, little lady. How about a drink?"

"Yes, please! I'd love some." Said the girl happily.

"What are you doing, Uncle Yuuichi? Minors can't drink!" Said Kio as he stopped Uncle Yuuichi when he saw him pouring his beer into the girl's cup before he quickly takes away the cup on the girl's hand.

"I apologize if Uncle Yuuichi is bothering you. He just a friendly person as you can see from him. Are you having fun eating at the feast here?" Apologised Kio as he talks to the girl.

"No, I'm not mind it at all. Everything's here really good. Let's see...What was this called again?" Said the girl politely before raises one of the food there.

"Oh, that's miso-based skewer." Said Kanda as he arrived besides Kio when the girl asked about the food on her hand.

"Yeah, yeah! The skewer's really good. There are the kelp rolls, too! And the simmered pork! They're so soft and tender...It's all really good! The people here really knew on how to make very delicious dishes." Said the girl as she cheerfully explains her experience when she had eaten some of the food at the feast while the boys listened to her.

"Is this the first time you've had Okinawan food?" Asked Kio with surprised look.

"Yes! I haven't had meat in a while, so I'm really glad I had some." Answered the girl.

"A while? Where you've had been before?" Asked Kanda at the girl.

"Right! I forgot to load some food supply onto my ship, and for second there, I thought I'd gotten stranded here. But there was a cat named Aura who told me that some nice people were here where everyone's really helped me out as I recently just has arrived here." Explained the girl.

"What a clumsy girl aren't you? And you've met with Aura, Kio's cat? I was just wondering where Aura had gone too as I also trying to find her but not find it anywhere." Said Kanda while pinching his chin.

"Isn't your fault that she had run away from home, Ichijou-san." Said Kio while rolls his eyes.

"Hahaha, what can I say? I'm a cat lover and she has nice looking fur so I can't resist to feel her smooth white fur. It's so fluffy, you know." Said Kanda with a smile.

"You just like a pervert if you talking like that, Ichijou-san. It's sexual harassment towards her if there is law for animals, you know." Said Kio at Kanda.

"Relax, Kio. I just want to spread "Fluffy is Justice" or "Cuteness is Justice" to other people" Said Kanda while thumbs up.

As the girl seen the boys' interaction where she can see that they talking while laughing together, the girl starts to stand up before she introduces herself.

"Hello, I am Eris and will stay for a while here. What about you two?" Introduced the girl named Eris before she extends her right hand towards them.

"I'm Ichijou Kanda but you can call me Kanda. Nice to meet you, Eris and hope that you'll enjoy yourself here." Kanda introduces himself before he returns Eris's handshake.

"Kio! Why are you not introduces yourself and still stunned there?" Kanda said to Kio as he saw him mesmerized with Eris's appearance after her introduction after Kanda hit at the back of Kio's head.

"N-Ni-Nice to meet you. I'm Kakuzu Kio" Kio quickly bows down as he introduces himself before straighten himself before staggered backwards a little bit as he bows near Eris's chest and stunned on how big of her chest. His action make Eris confused before she asks him what happened, "What's wrong?"

Facing Eris's innocence expression make Kio says, "nothing at all". This cause Eris to tilt her head and makes her more cuter.

"He just surprised at how huge your brea-" Kio immediately closes Kanda's mouth with his hand before says, "Don't listen to his words, Eris-san."

Kio just laughs awkwardly as a cover for his embarrassment before he sips the water in the cup on his hand.

As he sipped the water, he suddenly starts to lose his consciousness as he had realised that he had drank from Eris's cup which full of Yuuichi's beer.

"Ok, that's as expected from him. Eris, can you help me to clear some space as I will lay Kio down? He cannot hold any liquor as you can see right now." Kanda just express understanding when Kio had fainted before calling Eris to help him which she agree with.

After Kanda laid Kio down on the ground where Eris had been cleared some of the space. Next, they also have some food which they grabbed before as they talking for a while there.

"So, Eris. Where are you came from? Although there are some people that looks just like you here, I knew that you're a bit of different or too much different from them." Asked Kanda while taking a sip of the juice.

"Well, I came from the space where I have a mission to interact with the people here while having some fun." Answered Eris honestly.

"Well, that's interesting. So, when you starts to arrive here?" Asked Kanda again.

"I just come here yesterday, but technically, we have been trying to interact with the people in this planet since the past six months ago. However, the people here still not trying to reply at us so I had been tasked to interact with the people here first before others arrive but here am I as I forgot to bring some food with me." Explained Eris.

"Although I knew some reasons on why the government still hesitant to interact with you, I thinks that they do not how to interact with you as your message suddenly appeared out of nowhere and it's too suspicious for them. Just say that they a little bit paranoid with it. That's why they cannot replied to your message." Said Kanda.

"Oh, I see. That's why we still not receiving any responses. We will try to look on this matter when we arrived at another place." Eris knocks her fist on her palm as she realise the blunder on their communication method.

"That's good. For now, let's continue with the feast. I'm still not done taste some of the food here." Said Kanda as he changes the topic towards the feast in front of him.

"Let's go, Ichijou-san. I'm excited in trying to eat every food here too and I can write it on my report later." Said Eris excitedly.

Then, they talks excitedly while going towards the table where all the food had been placed leaving Kio sleep at one of the tents.


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