
Teacher's Day. (3)

" Leon, what will you do? Will you go up there? Are you nervous? Please don't be nervous. " Carla asked concernedly. It's very adorable to see how she held onto Leon's hand, trying her best to calm him down.

" Don't worry, I'm fine. And it depends on you whether I'll go up there or not, Carla. If you want me to go there, then I will. If not, then I won't. "

" Me? Why me? " Confusion envelopes the adorable little girl. This is all about Leon, so why is he asking her instead?

But Leon nonchalantly brushed her question off with a single sentence. " Because we are partners, remember? "

" That.... that's true but...but this is different Leon. You should decide on your own. Do you want to go up there? "

" Hmm... I think I should go? I want to finish this as soon as possible so we can go home immediately. "

" Are.... are you sure Leon? You.. you are not nervous? "

" Of course I am nervous, there are so many people here that are watching. But I think I can do it. "

" Mn. I.. I also believe in you, Leon. I'm sure you can do it. "

" Thank you, Carla. "


Meanwhile, a short distance away from them..

" Sister Jennifer, what should we do? Where's Leon? Will he go up there? "

Clarissa, the young female teacher next door asked Jennifer worriedly.

" I don't know, Clarissa. Leon is over there so let's just asked him. " Jennifer pulled her cousin and co-teacher towards Leon and Carla.

" Leon, are you okay? Are you going to go up there and perform? It's okay if you don't want to do this, I can tell them. You don't have to force yourself. " she explained after arriving in front of Leon.

" It's fine, teacher Jennifer. I will go up there now. See you later. " Leon started making his way towards the stage.

Arriving at the stage stairs, the emcee saw him.

" You are, Leon? "

" Yes. I am. " Leon replied as he continued scaling the stairs without pause and went beside the emcee.

" Can I borrow the mic? "

The emcee put the mic away from his mouth and replied in a low voice. " Mn. It's fine little brother Leon. But let me introduce you to them first. Is that okay? "

Leon nodded his head stating that it's fine so the emcee once again turned his head to the audience.

" Everyone, our Junior here, Leon, agreed to perform for us. He's from the prep-class and will show us magic! Let's give him a round of applause! "

" Woah! Is that him? He looked so small! "

" He's just like my adorable little brother at home. "

" Yeah right? Can he really do magic though? He doesn't look nervous. That's a good thing. "

" Stupid. As if magic is real. They called magic tricks exactly because there's some nasty tricks hidden in them. "

" Tch. Stop being a smart ass here okay? You're ruining the mood. "

Back to stage.

" Here's the mic, little brother Leon. The stage is yours. " said the emcee, handing the microphone over to Leon.

" Thank you. " Leon took a few steps forward. Facing the crowd of students below, he continued. " Ermm... Hello. I'm Leon Reyes. Nice to meet you all. "

" Woah! Good luck little brother! "

" He look so cute, right sister Ella? "

" Mn. He is. I wonder what will he do.. I hope he'll be fine. "

" It will be fine, it will be fine. Don't worry. "


In teacher Jennifer's side.

Sister Jennifer, look. Leon doesn't seems to be nervous is he? "

" Mn. You look more nervous than him honestly, Clarissa. * giggles * I'm sure he will be fine. I.. hope. "


Back to Leon.

" Magic isn't real. That's what most of us believes. I'm sure that most of you here doesn't believe in magic and I won't force you to believe it either. "


" I didn't expect any of this to happen so I wasn't able to prepare any props with me. "

Leon then turned his head towards the emcee that was standing on the side.

" Big brother emcee, since you are one of the reason why I am standing here now, shouldn't you have to take responsibility? Can you let me borrow that hat on top of your head and stand here with me? "

( The hat look like this 🎩. )

" My hat? But I don't have a ha-.. WHAT?!! " The emcee was confused for a moment before exclaimOMG I'm surprised. He noticed that he really had a hat on his head now. " How... you...how did you do that?! "

But Leon only smiled and didn't answer him while the audience started to became lively once again.

" Hey, that... that hat. Have you seen how that hat appeared on the emcee's head?! "

" No. He's definitely not wearing that hat before! "

" Yeah right? Then.. then how did it happened? It couldn't simply appear out of nowhere right? "

" You're asking me, but whom should I asked huh? "

The audience discussed among themselves in confusion. They really don't have any idea how did that even happened.

Leon ignored the shocked on their faces and just smiled at the emcee before asking, " Can you let me borrow it, big brother? "

The emcee still wanted to asked more questions but he stopped himself and just took off the hat on his head and give it to Leon.

" Here. "

" Thank you. "

Leon received the hat before once again facing the audience. Clearing his throat, he continued. " Please be quite everyone. As you can see, I have a hat now in my hands so we can start the real show now. "


On the other side of the school.

Not every students came to watched the programs offered by the school. There are also those children whom find it boring and chose to stay inside their classroom instead------ playing with their classmates. Without their teachers knowing of course.

In front of one of those classrooms, under the shade of the star apple tree, a group of students can be seen playing with each other. They are all grade 6 students and are more daring to disobey their teachers compared to the other students. These children have grown some horns.

Some of them are even climbing the tree and currently eating its fruits. Can't blame them though as the star apple fruit are simply that damn delicious.

" Hahahah. It seems like its my win again today. Too bad for you guys. Your Kung Fu isn't high level enough. "

" Kung Fu my ass. You're just lucky today Justine. Nothing more. "

" Haha, you also said that last week, Elkim. It might become your motto in life if this will continue. Help me arrange all of these cards so we can prepare to go home. " said the boy named Justine while holding plastic bag full of 'Teks' inside.

The other children among them also stepped forward. " We will help too. It's quite boring here now.. "

( AN: Teks are small cards that's popular in the Philippines. Children tend to play them a lot during their elementary years. Just google it if you want to know more about it. )

" Hey! Everyone! "

While these group of children were busy arranging the cards, they heard someone calling them from the distance. They all turned their heads to look at it and saw that it was one of their classmates.

" Hey Samuel, what makes you this excited? Did something happened? " asked Justine after the boy arrived in front of them.

The boy named Samuel took a few deep breaths before saying, " What are you doing here? The show is almost over, do you know that? "

" Huh? So what if it's over? Isn't that what we want the most so we can go home now? Who would want to watch those boring things anyway? "

" That's right, Samuel. What's wrong with you? "

" Haha. Well, Samuel will always be Samuel after all. "

Thy made fun of him.

But Samuel ignored his friends teasing and just said, " It's not like that guys. It's magic! Magic you hear that? There's some super cool magic show that's happening there for awhile now! "

" Magic? "

" Really?! Damn, why didn't told us earlier? Let's go, let's go. Let's finished this later guys. " Justine put all of the cards inside his bag before bolting towards the quadrangle. His friends also followed him from behind along with Samuel.


Back to Leon.

" That's all for today everyone. Thank you for watching. " Leon did a small bow before turning around. He went down the stage leaving the still stunned audience and the emcee behind.

" It's... over... already? " said one of the audience below. His words was like a stone that was thrown in the middle of a calm lake making ripples appeared on its surface.

" Huh? It's over already?! "

" No!! Junior brother, please comeback and show us more! "

" That's right! Please don't just leave like that! "

Seeing them like that, the emcee finally snapped out of his stunned state and started to calm down the audience. After trying his best for awhile, he managed to calm them down.

The program then soon ended after the awarding of winners. Leon wasn't interested in that so he asked his teacher if he can go back to their classroom after his performance and she agreed so he pulled Carla with him and went there. His classmates are still excited so they also followed him. Perhaps hoping he will show them more magic.


" Hey...guys, that... how ....how did he do that? " asked the boy Justine after the show ended. Although he only saw a small part of it is still enough to make him shocked.

Samuel has a proud expression on his face like as if his the one who did that magic show as he replied, " It's cool right? If only you saw the first part, it's more amazing! "

" Really? Tell us what happened! "

" That's right, tell us what happened Samuel! Don't even let a single word slip. "

" Fine. Fine. I'll tell you. You guys calm down okay? Let's go back to our classroom first. " said Samuel helplessly.

He and his friends then went back to their classroom together after that.



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