
Chapter Three

My breath quickened. I smiled awkwardly as the most handsome man took my hand and led me to his car. I don't think any guy has led me to his car until now.

"How are you Y/N?" John asked starting up the car.

"A bit nervous for your notoriously awful driving." I joked.

He laughed that hearty laugh which made my stomach flutter. Soon after we were long gone from my house I realized why he made that joke about being so bad at driving. He sucked. John would stop suddenly, start suddenly, jerk the car around, and for a second I thought that he was doing it on purpose. As if it was a miracle, which it was, we made it to Annies.

"So." John chuckled, "I'm so sorry about that one light. I think I almost set of the airbags."

"Quite alright!" I Grinned. "Just glad we get to eat now. I've been craving their pizza for ages."

"Shall we then?"

"Yes." I grinned flattening my dress. I hope I looked good enough. Sitting with a famous person for dinner was defiently not a casual attire thing. He linked arms with me as he led us to the entrance. He linked arms with me. I can't right now. I looked up at him and smiled, which caused him to blush. I blushed right back at him. I assume at least for my cheeks got increasingly hot. As we entered the restaurant my he let go of my arm and told him our names. Of course he got a damn reservation, he's from the 50's. (John is immortal as you all know) The waiter sat us down and gave us our menu's. I glanced around at the fancy place.

"I've never been anywhere so fancy." I blurted out. God damnit I just said that? But John laughed.

"Perks of living in New York and seeing a semi famous comedian I guess."

"Seeing?" I grinned. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.

"I assume this is a date yes?" He asked cautiously.

I smiled and nodded. Seeing John Mulaney. It sticks. After I was done fangirling the waiter came to take our orders. John ordered a chicken sandwich with a salad, and I ordered salmon. The food came and the conversation got even better.

"How was your show?"

"Great! Lot's of laughs and smiles. Makes the job worth it. I wish you were there."

"I'd be willing to go anytime you wish.." I muttered with a hint of a smile.

"Well I have a show in two days at the Beacon Theatre. Would you care to join me there?" He asked smiling nervously.

"I'd be delighted!"

Smiling larger than I ever have in my life I began on my salmon and John ate his sandwich. The conversation came to a brief halt as John was so exhausted from the show and just wanted to eat. We were done eating paid for the check and he led me to the car. We drove home listening to What's New Pussy Cat, singing at the top of our lungs. When we arrived he walked me to my apartment door.

"I can't wait for Monday." John said squeezing my hands. "You haven't heard it yet. I hope you find it funny."

"Literally I find everything about you funny."

"Even my masculinity?" He said pouting.

"Especially that." I laughed squeezing his hands back. "I'll see you Monday."

John grinned widely as if he were a little kid waiting for his birthday.

"Again, I can't wait."

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