
Vol. 6 - Chapter 19

As the first night was underway, the caravan was set to rest till morning. The two camps were busy with civilians and soldiers walking around, chatting. Kaori, however, remained sitting near the first wagon, just watching everyone. 

"Are you sure you don't want any more food, ma'am?" A soldier asked her. Kaori waved his concern away, smiling up at him. 

"Yeah, I'm good." 

He then nodded, bowed, and walked away. 

Kaori only asked for some scraps of the meat that the soldiers who had gone out to hunt brought in earlier. Only enough to where she wasn't on a completely empty stomach. If demons did come to fight them, she didn't want to get caught eating. 

I don't know if Niven's going to want to fight me here,  she thought, as she watched both camps,  but... if he does, I'm going to try not to make it easy for him. 

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