
Vol. 4 - Chapter 34


... I'm going to regret this, aren't I? 

Kasumi was packing up her clothes. Outside, a drizzle of rain fell on her windows, casting a chill over the air as she continued to do this absent-mindedly. She didn't want to think about this too hard, otherwise, she'd quickly change her mind. She was running on only a minuscule amount of willpower as it was. Every bone in her body was begging her to remain at her home, but, she wanted to at least let Ash know what she'd heard. 

She still wasn't convinced that Pearl could be recovered, that the city could be rebuilt after what the demons had done to it, but she wanted to, at least, pass the idea by the half-demon. If she declined, then Kasumi would return to her home and do exactly what she'd been doing all this time. Her bed would always be there for her, after all. 

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