
Far Far Away 1

All the way back at Moonlight kingdom, cities fell and in ashes cities rose. Everyday dead bodies would litter the ground, the walkways even hung upon spikes. Beastly and demonic creatures roamed the streets devouring whatever that was left of a person.

A little close to a year ago, many places in the kingdom was attacked. The Wicked god believers were finally able to do what they have been dreaming about; To control both beastly and demonic creatures to do their bidding. They were using the strength of these creatures to expand their settlement.

Soldiers, civilians, nobles were all caught unprepared and unaware of the imminent danger that was to befall upon them as villages, towns and Cities were felled.

Nobles were kept prisoners.

Soldiers were made labourers used to do the harshest of manual labour in the mines.

Citizens were made to become farmers of the field, their men that is while their women were turned into play things.

Children taken away from their parents and loved ones then are sent to the temples which kept rising continuously day after day.

Any who refuses dies...

Any who resisted dies...

Any who rebels are hunted down and killed...

The ex-rulers of these felled villages or cities could only pacify the people to reduce the possibility of having more casualties.

Those whom they had put their faith in and trusted would come to their rescue did come. Spellcasters in colourful robes came and brandished their colourful spells. However, if it had only been the Wicked god believers then they would have been swept clean and swiftly, but when demon creatures that could also wield powerful spells joined the fray the Spellcasters that all consisted of Unspokens of the Second and Third Class were overwhelmed.

Many brave warriors joined the heated battle of survival with the powerful Spellcasters, dragging with them tens of demon creatures to hell. Yet, it seem as though if ten demon creatures died they would be replaced by twenty and if twenty died, thirty more came. That was the greatest advantage of the demon creatures; Their number...

...At the end their one strength, their chance for a comeback. Those they put their faith in all withdrew from the battle. They withdrew after realizing they were fighting a losing battle...

"You know every time I remember who allowed these scums into the territory it angers me to no end?" a young man with defined build, brown hair and green eyes said.

His voice was filled with hatred. He was locked up in a cell along with other people. Like so many cells held captives of the new era. These cells were cells that weren't at all unfamiliar to these very people held within. This is because they had once sentenced deadly criminals to this very place. But now, it was their turn to be locked up in their very own prison cell that they built.

"Indeed, for someone as Count Albert and co to stoop so low and cahoot with those despicable barbarians, I am sad. Does he have no conscience?" another man in another cell said indignantly.

"Enough." by the side a slightly older man said in a low voice.

"Thank you Kain." in a more bigger cell surrounded by different torture tools was a man chained on all four of his limbs to the wall leaving him in an X position.

"Is there anything you want to tell us, Baron Williams?" that man called Kain asked.

"Baron? Haha! Hardly. But there is something to tell you all; we have to wait..." his head that was hung down got raised. "...for him to come get us out of this shit hole."

"Bar... Williams, you can't expect one man to possibly do anything to help us. That my friend is absurd." a man with prestige not far from Baron Williams' rebuked.

"I believe in him" Old Williams said letting his head fall back down. "Yet, I hope you don't come, Ben. I hope." this he said to himself.

A trickle of tear fell down his eyes as memories of his hard training came to play in his head. He felt useless. Elemental Swordsmen? What use were they if not to be perfect canon fodders? What was he even thinking to make Ben not walk the path of greatness? He was embarrassed of himself, trying to hinder his children's happiness.

'Yes, happiness. Their happiness is out there. They might as well stay away for ever. But for how long? How long would word get out that nearly half of Moonlight has fallen?' Old Williams sighed inaudibly.

"Williams, my friend. it has been three full seasons since the girl, her friends and our most elite student went in search of hope, freedom... and your son and every other child from our territories that became Chosens. Yet, they have yet to return Williams. Nothing, not even news." Mally, a middle aged woman with dark skin tone said softly to Old Williams.

She was the head of the court under Count Albert. Because her heart was with someone else who in turn have no idea he had an admirer, however, Count Albert has tried many times to woo her to be one of his concubines which will allow her and her House to escape the calamity that was to befall them. But she refused, in fact one who knew of the two would know that Mally despises the Count with great passion.

When she looked at Old Williams tied a lot more than any noble, any soldier, any captive she would smile. This was because it showed just what the man packed inside that skin and muscle. That was real power. And that was where her heart desireth to be, within the muscular arms of a great man.


The prison doors swung open. The footsteps of the incomer was low but slightly hurried as it made its way past numerous cells before stopping before the only cell holding the only female prisoners, Mally. This was specifically arranged by Albert himself. He wasn't going to watch the evil god believers lay a hand on what he has set his eyes on. Although the god believers weren't too happy about it, they let it pass, after all, it was only one woman while they have many, many more women to play around with. That aside to them Albert still has a little more use to them.

"The Count Albert Einst wants to see you." the guard that stood outside the cell said. Mally said nothing but merely stood there.

It has become a regular thing to those around where Albert would bring her to be with him only to return with a swollen face and torn skin. Through the gossiping guards the rest were made to understand that she would always refuse Albert's advances on her, but for what her reasons were for refusing his advances they knew not.

After making sure she was bound well the guard guided her down the long corridor. Eyes of many powerful political figures fell on her, they watched as her once elegant dress were torn in many places, mud and blood smeared all over the ragged gown. Despite all the blemish covering her body it couldn't cover the beauty of her excellent physique.

Even without her maids to dress her hair she was able to braid her waist length pitch black hair into a single braid. Many would still stir their head towards her direction even in her haggard state. It told of her great beauty.

Your Stones is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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