Knock Knock
A knock reverberated on the green coloured door. A strong heat wave was escaping from it.
"Yes, come in." a muffled voice came right after.
Ben stepped into the lab and found alchemist Erin and Ashley before a large cauldron. Sweat was rushing down Ashley's face as she tried concocting a basic healing potion. However, because of a distraction she failed.
"Good day, alchemist Erin, Ashley" Ben bowed and greeted.
"Oh, hi Ben." Ashley stuttered. She didn't know why Ben would come here and to meet her like this now of all times. She hurriedly ran to the back of the lab to excus herself.
"Ah, hello Ben. What brings you here?" when both alchemist Erin and Ashley saw it was Ben there countenance changed completely. They still had little knowledge about the young man before them.
"Well, I would have met with my mentor but he is unavailably absent at the moment and I do not know when he'll be returning. I actually came so you can appraiser these products of mine." with that Ben brought out two bottles of Consumable Lotion, two bottles of Mind Accelerator, and two bottle of Hunger potion.
The first which is known is a type of lotion that can either be consumed or applied to the skin to heal injuries.
The second, Mind Accelerator, works as an aphrodisiac that works only on the brain, boosting the brain to work faster for no side-effects. Yes! No side-effects!
The third is a potion when consumed makes the person to not feel hunger for five days. This is actually the hardest potion Ben had to make from all three potions he brought out. It is called Hunger Potion.
When alchemist Erin heard the ability of these potions from Ben, he simply couldn't believe it. Never in his entire career as an alchemist who hails from an Alchemy based clan to not have heard of such potions.
"Ben, I do not know if you really are from an ancient hidden clan but I hardly think such ability in potions exist. And for you to say you made them yourself makes it even harder to believe."
Ben knew it would be hard to believe such crazy effects his potions have so he spoke. "Yes, my potions really do sounds bizarre, but what if I show you. I believe that it will be very helpful to the school. I am willing to make a bet."
"A bet? Why?" alchemist Erin asked wondering what this young man has to offer.
"I am willing to bet ten Elemental Crystals that this healing potion is more powerful than any basic healing potion The Phantom has to offer AND," Ben hastily added when Erin wanted to interrupt "I will be making this very same potion before your very eyes." it was now that Ashley returned missing the explanations of the potions but hearing about the bet.
"What are you two betting about?" Ashley asks when she arrived. Erin replayed everything for Ashley only for her eyes shine when she heard Ben was betting away ten Elemental Crystals for an over exaggerated potion description. "Ben, I never knew you were such a good conman. What you say can lead you to serious troubles, you know?" Ashley frowned and said.
"That is why I am staking ten of these crystals before you. How about this, alchemist Erin, you should have a basic healing potion on you, right? I can't experiment on myself because of my body, but I'll need one of you to do the honours of giving yourself a shallow cut and we'll gauge between both potions which is better. I must warn however that my potion hurts a little."
""Why can't you experiment on yourself?"" both Ashley and Erin asked at the same time.
"I heal fast, that's why." Ben gave such a simple reply that left the two confused.
So Ben chose to show them why. He picked up a knife that was on the table. He first gave himself a light cut but nothing happened. He applied more pressure but what could have left a deep gash left a light cut, and in less than thirty seconds it got healed up without even leaving a scar.
"How...?" alchemist Erin came closer and observed Ben's skin, even touching it.
"This is why I don't want to do the experiment myself... so who wants to go first." Ben cleaned the dagger and passed it to they two.
"I'll do it. No pain no gain they say." Erin received the dagger then asked, "How do we do it?"
"We will first test the strength of my potion if it is poisonous, fake, or useless, you win. But if it is better in all rounds compared to yours then I win."
"What will happen if you win?" Ashley who stood quietly at the side questioned.
"Hmm, first things first, you'll buy these bottles I've brought out for 3 times what it is sold at the Exchange Point."
""What!?!?"" the siblings both shouted. "That's 15 Contribution Points for your healing potion. The other two aren't even known potions and aren't known if they truly work!" Erin was starting to think his sister was right, Ben is a conman.
"What if I add another ten crystals to the wager. And for the other two we will be taking it to the school to clarify it's validity." Ben swiftly dropped another ten Elemental Crystals.
When the duo saw the amount of Elemental Crystals Ben had dropped on the table their eyes shone. But Erin quickly brought himself back from his fantasies. Even he didn't have the ability to casually pull out Elemental Crystals anyhow like the way Ben did.
"Alright then." Erin answered.
Using the dagger Erin made his hands draw blood. When it was four inches long and one centimeter deep he stopped. He took the Consumable Lotion the same way he takes other potions, orally. A sharp stinging pain came from the wound on his arm making he groaned as the pain surfaced.
Exactly twenty seconds was all it took for an injury of that level to heal. When the pain subsided Erin looked at his wounded arm in wonder.
"No way!" Ashley exclaimed when she saw what is not meant to happen under normal circumstances with a regular potion.
They knew that a regular basic potion could heal fast but the speed of Ben's potion is just astronomical. Ashley ran her fingers over Erin's arm and found it spotless.
"You can still wait it out to make sure there aren't any side-effects." Ben's voice broke them from their shocked minds.
"Ben, this is incredible. I can't believe such a magical potion exists. I can feel that there is no side-effects whatsoever... and... and it's healing other injuries I had before now. My goodness!This... is unbelievable." Erin's shock could be seen as he watches a shocking display of the potions power.
"So, alchemist Erin, does this mean my potion is more superior than yours in the basic level?" this question spoken out casually held great weight.
"Yes, I will not lie, they are indeed more superior than a normal healing potion but that doesn't mean they are yours." alchemist Erin said after calming his emotions down.
"What do you mean, sir." Ben asked confused.
"Ben, something of this caliber cannot be made by an Entrance-level Spellcaster. It might even take me years to break down and understand this potion, with multiple times trying to find out what herbs were used. That's why I know you aren't the one who made this."
"You seem sure of yourself. Haha, should I stake another ten crystals to prove that too?" Ben smiled. When the two saw Ben's smile they began feeling apprehensive.
"I don't think there's any reason to up the wager, why don't you just show us if you are really the one to make this and we'll be the ones giving you twenty Elemental Crystals." this time it was Ben and Erin's turn to be shocked. Ashley that has been quiet all along spoke.
"Then you don't mind me using your equipments, right? But there's a small problem..."
"Ha! I knew you weren't the one that made these potions." Ashley chided.
"Let me finish. What I'm saying is that I'm out of stock and I don't know if you can help me with these ingredients." Ben said handing them a piece of paper with a little more than thirty herbs in it.
"So, your trying to say you'll be making this potion with only thirty-three herbs? Ben, you seem to amaze me more and more. These herbs are easy to find since it can be sold even to normies. I also have a pile here." Erin went to a cupboard with a laugh and brought out what Ben had asked for. Thankfully these herbs weren't hard or rare herbs. Larger cities sells many of them.
Ben was happy the second part of his plan worked. The first part was to successfully show them the potions while it is also tested. From there, if there is further doubt he'll ask them to let him brew a bottle while they provide the ingredients. This will make them loose the bet even more since there won't be any way to say he either cheated or simply brought out another bottle of the same potion.
Do you want to see real alchemy? Wait for the next chapter.
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