
Chapter 50

Two hours had come and gone without anyone seeming to care. Lisa had already discharged her two lovers for the night and spent time cleaning up the kitchen then set about making sandwiches for herself and everyone else around. She got a bag of cookies out of the fridge and sliced some cheese cake on disposable plates and gave each piece to April and Holly, both of whom were relaxing in the den. She carried a plate of sandwich and cake with her towards the master bedroom.

She tapped on the door before venturing inside.

Olu Shango had Ms. Jenn bent over on the bed and was fucking her hard. His pelvis and thighs smacked hard against her ample butt each time he rammed into her, sounding like thunder claps. She held onto the sheets jerking herself and the bed forward from the might of his thrusts; her other arm caressed her giant pair of udders. Shango grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head backward, smacking her butt repeatedly, making her whimper even louder.

Charmaine lay under the dominatrix with his face buried against her vagina. He wore her strap-on dildo and she periodically gagged down on it to help minimise her groans. Her pussy squirted all over Charmaine's face while his lips latched onto her velvet pussy folds, sometimes tugging on her sensitive clit. Master Shango's balls-sac smacked against his brow and he often played with them too. Shango climbed onto the bed crotched over Ms. Jenn's gargantuan buttock, gripping her waist for balance. He gasped with exquisite lust from the sensation he got sliding in and out of her cunt. It felt so electric but never slowed his momentum.

Lisa laid the plate she brought with her on a table. She sat down and massaged her pussy while she watched. Her pussy became sodden and her breathing heavy as she slipped her fingers deep into her velvet orifice. Lisa was good friends with Ms. Jenn. She loved whenever Jenn found time to come by her home to punish her husband or have fun with her, just the two of them in bed together. But the occasions were always terrific when they had a man's cock to share. Shango was the perfect specimen of manhood to satisfy them and leave them wanting for more.

"Give it to me," Jenn panted. Her face curled in erotic grimace as she glanced at Shango over her shoulder. "Gimme that big black dick!"

"I'm gonna give it to you," Shango snarled. "Ugghh . . . I'm fucking gonna give it to you!"

Jenn pressed her face against Charmaine's thigh while her hands gripped the sheets. "Ugghhhh . . . Awwhhh fucking give it . . . Awwh, GIMME THAT CUM!"

Shango smacked her ass before letting himself go inside her. Ms. Jenn continued thrusting back at him; her pussy muscles squeezed every ounce of cum from his penis. Shango collapsed on the bed when he was done.

Ms. Jenn was still moaning after he pulled out of her but she was not done yet. She squirmed and wiggled her butt over Charmaine's face while he ate the load of cum dripping out of her cunt. She squeezed her huge pair of melons as an orgasm ripped through her gut. She came and laid beside Shango just as Charmaine came off the bed wiping traces of cum from his face and licking it off his fingers.

"And where do you think you're going?" Lisa beckoned him towards her which he did by crawling on his hands and knees.

Lisa pulled him to his knees and licked remaining traces of semen and cum juice that coated his face. She stuck her tongue into his mouth to acquaint herself with a taste of what he had cleaned out of Ms. Jenn. Charmaine had saved some for her. He knew how much his wife loved swallowing cum as long as it was not his. Charmaine had not fucked his wife in years. The fact that he loved watching her have sex with numerous black men made her more desirable in his eyes than wanting to keep her just for himself.

"You'd better go see to Howard," she told him when she was done.

"Yes, my darling." Charmaine loosened the belt of the dildo strap-on and left it on the table then left the room. Lisa picked her plate from the table.

"Time to get your strength back," she came to the bed. "Anyone care for sandwiches and cheesecake?"

Charmaine went to the spare bedroom and opened the door.

Howard lay sprawled on the bed naked; his clothes and shoes lay in a pile beside the door where Charmaine had left them prior to when Ms. Jenn got busy stretching Howard out with her dildo. Charmaine went rummaging in the closet and found himself a fresh pair of panties and bra which he took his sweet time to wear. He scooped Howard's clothes in his arms along with his shoes and dropped them beside the bed before tapping Howard's arm.

"Howard, time to come awake," he shook Howard till he got more than a stirring from him. Howard murmured as his eyes opened and he focused on Charmaine. "Rise and shine, Howie," Charmaine said.

He tried pulling himself up but groaned and stopped when he felt a sharp throbbing pain coming from his rectum. The pain reverberated down his thighs and for a moment he thought he was having terrible cramps. Charmaine took his arm and assisted him to sit upright. Howard was gasping from the pain the whole time he sat up on the bed.

"I know what you're having," Charmaine explained as Howard took a moment to catch his breath. "It'll hurt for a while, but soon you'll feel like nothing new. Wait here, I'll be back."

Charmaine dashed out of the room but returned in a minute and a half with a capsule pack and a glass of water in his hand that he gave to Howard. He popped open the pack and gave Howard two pills.

"What's this?" Howard asked.

"A mild sedative. Don't worry, it's not gonna knock you out. Just going to heal your pain a lot faster; it works wonders for me. Go ahead, down it."

Howard swallowed the pills and washed them down with water from the glass. He winced from the aftertaste in his mouth as they raced down his throat. He sat there for a while to let the drug wash down inside himself as Charmaine handed him bits of his clothes.

"How do you feel?"

Howard groaned once more as he pulled himself successfully to his feet. He tottered for a moment before retaining his balance.

"Like I've been royally fucked, is what; my asshole doesn't feel like mine anymore."

"Don't worry, you'll live. It takes a little getting used to. You're lucky Ms. Jenn went soft on you. I've seen her split a guy in half one time," Charmaine chuckled at the memory. "The guy told me he couldn't sit on a chair for a week, let alone knew how to shit."

Howard bent forward to wear his briefs and suddenly felt a clenching pain in his gut that made him turn purple.

"I think I'm going to be sick for a long time."

"It's the drug going to work on you. It's got its own little kick but just give it a little time. Drink some more water and drink more when you get home, nothing but that. By morning I promise it'll be gone."

Howard did finish the water in the glass and true to Charmaine's word the pain dissipated somewhat and he felt strong enough to wear his clothes.

"Why did you do that anyway?" Howard asked. "Hold me down and hurt my chin back then. Was that fucking necessary?"

"When it comes to obeying Ms. Jenn, everything is fucking necessary. Like I said, she went soft on you, probably because she wanted to have her own fun with Master Shango. Left up to her, she'd have twisted your arm like origami until you begged. I've seen her at work lots of times. I didn't want her taking the chance on you. How're you feeling?"

Howard nearly stumbled as he wore his pants. The throbbing pain was still there but not as aggressive as earlier. He felt grateful for that, whether it was the drugs doing their work or not.

"I'll manage." A thought then occurred to him as he wore his shirt. "Do you think April knows what happened?"

"I haven't told her, but she probably will. I'll go check on her."

Charmaine tied a wrap around his waist then left the room. Howard sauntered about the room to gauge the throbbing pain in his rectum and the rumble in his gut; he was feeling a bit better with himself each passing second. He washing his face in the bathroom and wore his shoes before leaving the room.

April was putting on her clothes and turned to see Howard coming to meet me in the master bedroom. She kissed his cheek then resumed her conversation with Lisa. Except for Holly who was sleeping under the bed covers there was no sight of Olu Shango or Ms. Jenn. Howard enquired from Lisa who indicated with a finger pointing at the bathroom door.

"It's getting late," he said to April after noting the time on his watch.

"Yes sure, honey. I'm almost done here."

April exchanged on last hug and kisses with Lisa before saying goodbye. Charmaine was cleaning up the living room where they found him. April exchanges kisses with him as well.

"I'll give you a call later," Charmaine said to Howard as he embraced him; he pinched his bottom and sniggered. "Take it easy till then, Howie. You're one of us now."

He saw them out his apartment and waved goodbye to them before shutting the door. April tapped Howard's arm as they approached the elevator.

"What did he mean by that, saying that 'you're one of us now'?"

"Beats me," he responded casually. "Probably just something that occurred to him that's all." Howard pressed the elevator button while they waited. "How did you enjoy Shango?"

"Oh my God, you should have been there to see us together. Such stamina about him; his cock is fucking incredible."

Howard believed every word she said, listening to the awe in her voice. After all, he too had seen Shango in action first hand and knew.

The elevator doors swung open for them and he ushered her inside.

"I'll bet you had your own fun, didn't you darling?"

"Oh yeah," he answered as he pressed the lobby button and the elevator doors closed in on them. "I had a fun swell time."

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