
Chapter Sixteen

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The streets beyond the towering structure of bricks and mortar which is the fence is quiet. Too quiet.

That was one of the first things I admired about this estate; how everyone kept to themselves, locked in behind tall walls surrounded by even taller trees, never bothering their neighbours with incessant greetings and needless visits. Never meddling. There were times you'd forget they are other people around and that you are the only one in your safe little cocoon, no disturbance. Just the quiet.

Today however, I feel that silence overwhelming. Aside from the distance rumblings of thunder, the rustling of leaves and the occasional chatter of night insects, I can hear no sound of people... except the ones in here.

I can hear the murmur of their conversation drifting through passageways in here from the living room. What are they talking about? And more importantly,why is she here?

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