


18 chaps ahead on Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Don't forget to give me your stones~


Yami and Luffy were standing on Rocket Man, looking at Enies Lobby. Luffy said "Cut the fence, I'll go first." Yami nodded and Luffy sling shotted himself flying through the air, over the fence, and into Enies Lobby. Yami slashed the fence apart and jumped through the air, shooting for the Enies Lobby island.

He landed on the ground and said "Jump." Luffy jumped into the air and Yami slashed "Sick of the Damned." a giant purple wave slashed out, cutting the buildings in half and flying through the island, cutting everything off. Luffy and Yami ran forward, Luffy slingshot over the marines to the room of the courthouse and engaged in battle with a CP9 agent.

Yami continued to run around as Giant arms came out of his back, punching in front of Yami and sweeping out, sending the marines flying into the rubble. Yachiru punched through a building and Yami ran inside as the rest stepped foot on the island.

They ran forward and looked at all the carnage and destruction. Zoro said "That was easy. I knew I shouldn't have let him go first..." Nami said "Shut up and run!" but they were stopped by 2 giants, who just got up from Yachiru's punches.

She wasn't trying to kill anyone, though Yami didn't care if they died from a sword slash then they were just too weak. It was hardly his fault. He barely even tried.

Yachiru punched through the floor and pulled on the ceiling, jumping up to the next floor. Yami smiled and said "You're so cool." Yachiru blushed and said "Thanks, love~" Yami smiled and they were met by a three-headed judge.

Yami said "Ruru, you can relax now." Yachiru's arms returned to normal and she jumped out from his scarf reverting to her normal size. Yami held his hilt and let out a purple breath, disappearing and reappearing on the wall behind the 3 headed man, clicking his sword back in the sheath.

The 3 headed man had all 3 of his heads roll to the ground and Yami appeared next to Yachiru. He slashed up before wrapping his arm around her waist and jumping up as the others arrived. They followed him and jumped to the roof to see Luffy standing on one of the rafters.

Yami jumped to the one next to him and Yachiru went next to Yami, Zoro went on Luffy's other side and the rest of the crew filled in on the sides. Yami held Crimson's sheath and rested it on his shoulder, looking up at the CP9 agents.

He locked gazes with a man, but he had never seen this man before. He wasn't wearing CP9 clothes, he was dressed in a Marine uniform. The man said "Good thing Fleet Admiral reinforced all Marine locations..." he had an extremely long hat on and a pink haired man with a leather mask, shouted "Do you understand what you're doing?!"

Luffy ignored him and Robin shouted "Go away! Leave!" Luffy ignored her and said "We're here to save you!" Robin teared up and told everyone the truth of Ohara before shouting "This is what I deserve!" Yami mumbled "That's fucked up." Yachiru covered her mouth looking at Robin, Luffy was silent and Spandam, the man with a leather mask and washed out pink hair, pointed at the flag above and shouted while laughing "That's her enemy! Do you know what that flag represents?! Over 170 affiliated nations are under that flag! Who wouldn't think she was a burden! That's her enemy!"

Luffy looked at the flag and said "Sogeking." Usopp looked at the flag as Luffy said "Shoot down the flag." Usopp said "Yes, sir." before pulling on his slingshot and shooting a projectile that burst into flames and shot towards the flag.

Yami flashed forward and blocked the marine with the large hat, looking right in his eyes as the shot, burned the flag to flames. Yami pushed off and returned to his position, looking at the man that was looking at him now.

Spandam gawked and all of the marines, as well as Robin, stared at the ashes in shock. Spandam shouted "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE!? YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WHOLE WORLD!" Luffy shouted "WHO CARES! IF THAT'S ROBIN'S ENEMY THAN WE'LL BEAT THEM ALL! BRING IT ON!" the marines were thoroughly shocked.

Luffy shouted "SAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Robin cried and shouted "I WANT TO LIVE! TAKE ME OUT TO THE SEA WITH YOU AGAIN!" A blue haired guy chuckled and broke his shackles before saying "Hey, spanda. Looking for these?" Spandam looked over and said "My blueprints!"

Franky chuckled and blew fire, Yami slashed out and sent a purple slash through the balcony in front of Franky, the marine stopped and looked at Yami, saying "You're annoying." Yami looked at him silently.

The marine disappeared and Yami jumped into the air, slashing out and clashing with him in the air. Yami looked at him in the eyes and said "Your hat is stupid, I'll fix it for you." the man narrowed his eyes and said "You're too confident, pirate. I'm a Vice-Admiral you know."

He smashed his swords on Yami's and blasted him away as he said "Strawberry." Yami landed on the roof as the rest jumped off and were caught by Rocket Man, smashing through the Tower of Justice. The blue haired guy was caught as well and entered the Tower of Justice again with the crew.

Yachiru looked at Yami above and smiled slightly as she saw a grin on his face, she entered the Tower of Justice with the rest, leaving the Vice-Admiral to Yami.

Yami straightened out and looked up at Strawberry, saying "Are you a logia?" Strawberry stood in the air and said "No." Yami grinned and let out a purple breath as he said "Excellent. Hopefully, someone comes to collect your corpse." as he jumped off the roof, leaving a crater behind as he shot towards Strawberry and slashed out at him.

Strawberry's swords turned black and he blocked but was slammed far away. Yami's face turned blank and he flickered after him.

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