
Chapter 49

She gave me a cool half lidded look, but shrugged and nodded, "Sni, Snivy."

I grasped the mouse and idly pulled up the internet, "The other half of this place is a total shit hole," I explained as I went, "But, it's a shit hole that has quite a lot of potential if I'm right."

"Sni?" she cocked her head to the side and looked at me curiously.

I looked over my shoulder, wondering where Bellossom was for a moment. Just to see she was snoozing away on my pillow. Weird, but I shrugged and put her out of mind for now, "You probably don't know much about this being a pokemon and all, but for people to build places like this pokemon centre we're in, you have to own the land," I explained, keeping it simple, "The reason I think this place has potential is that because of how run down it is and abandoned, land here is bound to be really cheap."

Snivy's orange eyes opened up a bit wider, as she grasped on to what I was saying, "Sni!" she raised a little green arm and pointed at me before nodding in approval.

"Yeah, seems you get it," I grinned. In all her appearances, she did come across is pretty intelligent, "I'll eventually need a place of my own after all, and a big one at that considering all the pokemon I plan on getting."

"Snivy, sni." Snivy nodded in understanding.

A moment later, I found myself on the Hollywood property website. And I promptly choked on my own spit.

I was expecting to have to dig through specific areas and building ownership and the like, places owned by dozens if not hundred of people. But no. There, shown in big bold letters over an image of the abandoned half of Hollywood was an utterly insane caption.

'Land For Sale - ₽20 per square meter!'

.....I felt completely light headed for a moment as I read that over. Seriously, what the actual fuck? Per square meter? Only twenty pokedollars?

This doesn't seem fucking real at all.

With the cash I have right now, I could literally buy over fifteen thousand square meters of land!

That's the size of a massive football stadium.

Hell, forget being light headed. I almost fell right out of the chair I was sitting in. would have, if not for the vines that shot out and wound around my arms and heaved me back up before I could fall.

"...Thanks Snivy." I absently pet her head gently in a daze as she sat me back down in my chair.

That price had to be wrong. It seriously could not be the correct one.

That was my initial thought. I poured over the computer and everything I could find about the land on the website for over an hour. But, no matter how I looked, no other prices appeared for the land on the abandoned side of Hollywood.

And the most I could find on why it was so cheap, was because the city went through a massive depression. It apparently had little export that brought money into the city beyond the movie industry and when that went under, the city followed not long after.

And with the overabundance of land in control of humans, compared to the lack of human population, led to this.

'This is fucking insane.' I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. The more time I spent in this world, the more I felt how lacking in common sense it all was.

At least compared to what I was used to before. Here, in this world, I am literally basically a thirteen year old that can legally buy and own enough land for an entire football stadium.

It was amazing. Yet at the same time, just so fucking absurd I can barely wrap my mind around it.

I have enough money to buy a football stadium worth of land, just from beating up and capturing then selling a little delinquent vandal in an alley in Pewter City.

I shook my head. Utterly insane, but I'd have to get used to this kind of thing and roll with it.

In the end, I should be happy with this. I can totally put my plans into motion for my own massive place far easier than I thought.

That was totally a good thing, right?

I would have continued letting my mind wander in circles like that, if a sudden sharp tapping noise on the window didn't break me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I sat up and looked at the window. Through it, I could see Pidgeotto perched on the ledge.

Quickly, I jumped up and bounced over to the window and swung it open. As soon as I did, Pidgeotto flew through to land on my bed, followed by Fearow and Zubat.

And then bringing up the rear was the massive form of Butterfree who had to squeeze through the window due to his sheer size, eclipsing that of even Fearow.

His red eyes were glowing blue with psychic power.

And as he squeezed in, five bipedal tailed figures, limp and unconscious, surrounded with psychic power followed him in.

And the huge butterfly proceeded to unceremoniously drop all five unconscious Smeargle in a heap in front of me.

"...I was not ready for today." a disbelieving laugh choked out from my throat.

What the actual fuck?

From the possible lap dance from Hilda, to catching Persian and his gang, the prices of land in this half of Hollywood and now this?

It honestly feels like everything is coming up Jord now. I feel way too lucky right now.

I'm not used to things going my way so easily like that.

Still. I wasted no time in balling all five of them. I'd feel bad about them, being dragged to me like this if I was planning on raising them as my own pokemon and wouldn't go about it like this.

'But that's not my plan at all.' I grinned shakily, hands trembling with adrenaline and excitement from the sudden turn of things.

They were basically walking money bags after all.

I've started uploading stuff a little bit earlier on my Pa--treon. If you wanna see them just that little bit quicker, you can find the links in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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