
Chapter 75 : Visiting home.

Third person point of view

Joshua was looking through a report he received. He had a few doubts in it and went to Olivia. He asked her about all of them. " Thanks ". Olivia smiled. " No mention ". Joshua smiled and looked at the report. " You are wearing turtle necks more than you do recently ". Olivia said and Joshua looked down at his shirt.

He did wear them often to cover the hickeys on his neck these days. " Am I ? " He asked nonchalantly. " Yeah. I think you are ". Joshua shrugged. " You know me. I just wear whatever I find and the thing that comes to my hand first ". Olivia laughed. " That is you ". He walked away to go to his seat. He let out a small sigh. He was thankful his bluff worked well.

The day for them to go visit Joshua's parents came by. Both of them finished packing their bags. They were going to take a bus the next day morning to go there. " Are you really sure you want to come ? " " Why ? You don't want me to ? " Elijah smiled. " Not like that.... just.... I don't know ". Elijah laughed. " It will be fine. Don't worry ". Joshua nodded.

They woke up early to catch the first bus. It was 5 hours from the place they live in. They got down the bus and Joshua helped get a taxi and they went to his home. He rang the bell and his mom opened the door. She looked at Elijah and then back at Joshua. " You didn't tell me you were bringing someone with you. But he is handsome so I will forgive you ".

Joshua cursed in his heart. Elijah smiled. They both walked in and Joshua went to give his dad a hug. " How are you dad ? " " I am good. How are you doing ? " " I am good too ". His dad turned to Elijah. " He is ? " " Hello uncle. I am Elijah ". " You are his friend ? " His dad glanced at Joshua. " No. My boyfriend ".

His dad and mom froze for a second but then they quickly recovered. His dad extended his hand towards Elijah. " Nice to meet you. He never brought any of his lovers home ". Joshua scratched his head. " You might be special that he brought you home ". Elijah smiled. " It is a pleasure meeting you ". He turned to Joshua's mom.

" Hello aunty ". " I think you can just call us mom and dad too ". Elijah looked surprised and Joshua hit his forehead. His mom just giggled. Elijah smiled and Joshua took him to his room to put the luggage there. It was really simple. Elijah looked around the room. There were a few pictures hanging off the wall. There was not much furniture.

There was a bed, a desk with a chair and wardrobe. The room was neatly arranged. " Is this how it always is ? " Elijah asked and Joshua nodded. Elijah looked out of the window. It had the view of the street. " Let's go ". Joshua said and Elijah followed him out of the room. They went to have lunch. " I cooked all your favorites today ". Joshua smiled. Elijah mentally took a note of it.

" What do you do ? " Elijah looked up to meet dad's eyes. " We own a few companies so I am the CEO ". Joshua choked on his food. He drank water and covered it up. " Really ? " Elijah nodded. " You look like a really good kid even if you are rich ". " Thank you ". Joshua ate as all the other three chatted. Once they were done, he went to his room saying he wanted to sleep.

Elijah sat down to talk to dad. " Can I ask you something ? " " Sure ". " Are you fine with this ? Us ? " Dad let out a sigh. " I can't ruin my own son's life, can I ? It is his life and his choice. I don't think I have the right to say not to love the person he wants to. And you look like a really good guy and I don't mind if he actually settles down in his life. He isn't really old but I don't mind it if that is what he wants ".

Elijah smiled. " Thank you so much ". Dad smiled. Elijah got up and went to the kitchen to see mom cleaning the utensils. " You want any help ? " Mom shook her head. " Joshua complains that you are sweet to others but not him ". Both of them laughed. " It is just our way of showing affection. We are used to it and bicker a lot ". Elijah laughed.

" Take good care of him for me. He works so hard all the time ". " Sure mom ". She smiled. " You should also take some rest. Go ". He nodded and went to see Joshua curled up on the bed and happily sleeping. He smiled and slept beside him. Elijah was the first one to wake up later. He looked around and it was pretty dark.

He walked out of the room and to the kitchen. He saw mom cooking. " You want any help ? " " You know to cook ? " Elijah nodded. " Just chop those for me then ". She gestured to the vegetables on the counter. " How do you want me to chop ? " " The kind for soup ". Elijah nodded and got to work. He chatted with her as they cooked.

" We are almost done. Go wake him up ". Elijah went to the room and opened the door. " Joshua wake up. Dinner is ready ". Joshua turned towards Elijah and nodded still sleepy. " You will wake upright ? " He nodded again. Elijah walked back to the kitchen. They were almost done and they started arranging the table. Joshua walked in looking fresh. They all sat down to have dinner.


Elijah is being such a good guy and son in law. My eyes hurt. Ew makes me want to gag. lol

Author : I mean... why ? Just why are you doing this ?

BR : I know right.

Elijah : What are you talking about ? I've always been a nice guy.

BR : ( dumbstruck )

Author : You are such a good actor. I thought you were thick skinned but I didn't think you were more than me.

BR : Please tell me he was kidding.

Elijah : You are the only ones saying I am a bad guy though.

Nicholas : There are three of us. And it is because we know your true colors.

Author and BR : ( nods in agreement )

Elijah : You are making it look like I am some sort of criminal.

Author , BR and Nicholas : ( silent )


Author , BR and Nicholas : ( still nothing )

Elijah : I am done here. ( leaves )

BR : Revenge is so sweet ( sips tea )

It definitely does. This is so like my BR actually. Hahaha.

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