
Chapter 68 : Plan execution.

Third person point of view

They finished dinner and were walking back to the apartment. " Are you sure about this ? " Elijah asked one again. Joshua nodded. " I am ". Elijah nodded. They fell asleep as they had time and Joshua woke up after a while. He went to Elijah's room and knocked on the door. Elijah opened the door. " Get ready ". Elijah nodded and Joshua went back to his room.

They both dressed in all black. They put on cap, gloves and masks and walked out of their apartment. Nicholas helped them get a car, so Elijah drove there. They parked a little away from the office and walked towards the building. The security guard was sleeping in the chair. They slowly sneaked in without making any noise.

They went to the floor in which Alex's cabin was located through the emergency stairs under Joshua's guidance. They tried to open the door but it was locked. " How do we open it ? " Elijah said looking around. Joshua opened the bag he had and took out a screw driver from it. " Like this ". He showed it to Elijah and moved closer to the door.

He pushed it into the key hole and after a few twists he opened the door. Elijah was standing to the side dumbfounded. " How did you do that ? " Elijah asked still shook. " You can learn a lot of things from the internet these days ". Joshua said with a neutral expression. Elijah nodded. They went in and checked around the room.

Both of them went through multiple shelves and files. They didn't find any files or paperwork which could be useful for them. They stopped and stood in the middle of the room examining it. " How is it possible that there is nothing ? " Joshua said still scanning the room. Elijah went to the table and checked the drawers.

None of them were locked. He went through them too but found nothing. They looked pretty normal. Joshua was looking through the shelves once again. There was nothing even there. He stood back and looked at it. Elijah was standing to a side but he kept observing the outside to see if anyone was coming their way.

Joshua looked down to the bottom of the shelves and bent down. He found a few boxes. " Elijah ". Elijah turned and went to scout down noticing it too. " Doesn't this seem out of place ? " Elijah nodded. Joshua pulled out one of them but there were only waste papers. The others were empty or had some torn papers.

He pulled the last one, but it didn't budge. They looked at each other. After examining it, Joshua found that the box was just a cover up. He pulled the cardboard away and saw a locker there. It had a number code. " How do we unlock this now ? " Joshua stood up looking around for clues. " Try 123456 ". Elijah tried and shook his head.

It didn't work. Joshua thought for a second. " How about all zeroes ? " Elijah tried and shook his head. Even that didn't work. " Do you think it is his birthday ? " Elijah asked and Joshua shook his head. " I have a feeling it isn't that ". Elijah sat down on the floor. " What could it be ? " Elijah said looking at the touch-pad.

They were both thinking hard to crack it quickly. " How about his phone number ? " Joshua said with wide eyes. " You know the digits ? " " Try 634758 ". Elijah tried and it actually worked. " Wow ". " Take the files out quickly. We will leave ". Elijah stuffed them in the bag they had and they put it back in its place like it was before.

They were about to walk out, but found a guy standing at the door. They froze in their place. Elijah handed the bag to Joshua and stood in front of him. That guy took out a knife and charged at them. Joshua moved back and Elijah fought with the guy. Elijah was able to defend well. Joshua thought it looked like that guy was at a loss.

Elijah caught the wrist and twisted it. The knife fell on the floor. He kicked the knife away. He held him down and turned to Joshua. " Go wait outside ". Joshua walked out from the side. Elijah hit the guy hard in his face and a final hit at the crook of the neck and he was knocked out. Elijah walked out and saw Joshua waiting for him.

Joshua was looking around anxiously. He was able to calm down a little when he saw Elijah come up to him. " Are you fine ? Did you get hurt anywhere ? Do you feel pain anywhere ? " Joshua was rambling checking on Elijah. Elijah was good doesn't mean he isn't worried. Elijah stopped Joshua from fondling him.

" I am fine. Don't worry. I am not hurt anywhere. Let's leave first ". Joshua nodded and they walked out and drove away. That guy woke up after a while. He got up and groaned in pain. He decided to leave the place. He locked the door on his way out and walked out. Nicholas who was there outside on stand by, silently followed him.

He went to Alex's house. Nicholas parked a little away and waited. That guy walked into the house and towards the living room. " Where are they ? " He removed his mask and cap. " I didn't get them ". Alex turned around furrowing his eyebrows. " What do you mean by that ? " That guy took a step back. He told him all that happened.

" So you just let them walk away with the files ? " Alex kicked the guy on the knee. He fell down on one knee grunting in pain. " You better find them quick by whatever means. I don't want to see you until you do so ". " Yes sir ". He nodded and walked out of there and to the back of the house into his room.

Nicholas waited for a while but he didn't come out. He knew who it was anyway, so he just left. Joshua and Elijah reached home. They fell on the couch. " Thank god he didn't see our faces ". Joshua said turning to Elijah. " But too bad, we couldn't see his too ". " It is fine I guess. We got the files anyway ". Joshua gave the bag to Elijah.

" Here. Put it in your room. We will look into them later ". Elijah nodded. Joshua yawned. " I am going to sleep. Good night. I hope I don't sleep during work tomorrow ". Elijah chuckled. Joshua smiled and walked to his room and fell asleep. Elijah went to his room and looked at the bag. He put it away and changed his clothes. He fell on the bed and fell asleep.


I feel I kind of made the whole sequence short, but dragging it would feel weird is what I felt. So I didn't really change it a lot.

I was kind of sick this week. I don't even know how many times I said I was sick while writing this book. ( face palm )

And above that I had zero motivation. By the time I realized I had to edit, it was already Wednesday. I couldn't do it that day. So on Thursday, I started but like I said I actually didn't feel good. I couldn't even concentrate on the classes so I took the afternoon off.

And just lied down like that till dinner time. I then had a little and took a tablet. It worked pretty well, so I pulled myself together and finished it in less than an hour actually. All three chapters. wow. flex. hahaha.

My BR is back on campus but the semester is yet to start, so enjoying life. haha.

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