

The first thing I did after learning the reason for the attempted assassination was writing several letters. A war took time and money and I needed to be seen as the most innocent party on this occasion so the first thing I needed to do was forcing them to make more moves.

I wrote letters to all lords in the North, informing them about an embargo starting the next day on Bravoosi and Myrish products. Their products were going to be forbidden to sell and buy, their merchants were going to be barred from entering cities and castles. Their goods were going to be seized in North's name.

Another letter sent to the Northern houses was preparing for a possible war. I was planning to slowly eat away their power and steal what they most value but, in the end, a war between us was bound to happen.

Of course, following those orders, some reaction and warnings from the South were expected so I sent a formal letter to King's Landing explaining the reason for my decision, albeit without fully informing them of how I found it.

Another letter was sent through a ship from White Harbour to Robert himself. I couldn't trust his maester about not reading the letter so I sent several of my men with the letter. The letter was carrying a full explanation and my full intent on bringing this matter to justice.

I wasn't going to stop until they were brought down and Robert was the most probable person who could help me in this matter as he was going to be pressured to stop me by Essosi powers. I offered him the necessary gold coins in case the Iron Bank or other Essosi powers demanded the gold they lent to the Iron Throne. However, I don't think Robert would be pressured as he would, most probably, be the first one to attack those fuckers. I explained to him my plans and requested him to give his orders according to them.

Another letter was sent to Lord Manderly, informing him to pull back his merchant ships from Essos and pull up the black flag in the Narrow Sea and rain terror upon the ships of Braavosi and Myrish. With my request from Robert, the ships of the Iron Throne were going to avoid our ships and give free rein to us in the Narrow Sea. Thus, there was no escape to Braavosi and Myrish.

Honestly, attacking Braavosi ships may be seen as overbearing but I know for a fact that the Sea Lord was in cohort with the House of Black and White. Not every day a high profile contract was taken and not every day, a faceless man could easily get into a country. It was all thanks to the Braavosi merchants that faceless men could infiltrate into other kingdoms. Of course, all of this was happening with Sea Lord's information. However, there was something the Sea Lord didn't account for, I was intending to go as far as bringing their titan down.

I also sent a letter to Flint's Finger and ordered Robb's return as soon as he was good to travel. Winterfell was the safest place in the North for now so I also asked Benjen to send his kids here as I was worried that the hands of Essosi may reach some unwanted places.

The letters were sent and began my waiting for the reaction of Essosi scum. It took exactly three moons for a reaction to come and during that time, I visited godswood every day to check on Robb's condition. He was getting better each day and already, his critical condition was gone thanks to the efforts of Mistletoe, healer of the singers.

All Braavosi and Myrish merchants were banned in the North and the ports were not accepting their ships. Surprisingly, Riverlands also joined my efforts and they cut all their trade with Myr and Braavos. Honestly, I wasn't expecting this but from the looks of it, Hoster was still remembering his blood ties.

Of course, a warning letter came from King's Landing to cease my actions against the Braavosi and Myrish merchants but right after that letter, another came with Robert being the one who wrote it. Apparently, they sent the first letter without his information and when Robert learned about it, thanks to Martyn Cassel, he was furious beyond reason. It was good having a man in the small council as everything from governing to counting coppers passed from their hands.

And after three moons, finally, I received news from Essos about Braavos and Myr amassing sellsword companies near the shores of old Andalos. Golden Company, Gallant Men, Brave Companions, Second Sons, Stormcrows and many more were amongst the companies that joined their efforts with promises.

It was several days after I received news about the sellsword companies that a letter came from Essos in the hands of a man with a red beard and golden teeth, an emissary from Essos. I greeted him in the great hall with several nobles from northern houses present as it was nearing dinner time.

"Who are you?" I asked as he curtsied to me.

The man smiled wickedly and said, "I am Inneo Forel of Braavos, Lord Stark. I come with an offer from the Sea Lord himself. Your aggressions and attacks on our precious vessels did not go unseen by the eyes of the titan. Sea Lord offers you forgiveness if you cease all of your attacks, stop the production of glass and accept the payment of ten million gold coins."

I eyed the man. His tongue was broken with the accent of Braavos and his offer was smeared with a smell of madness. Already murmurs were invading the great hall as the northern nobles looked at the man with contempt and hate. It was their honour that was being questioned through me and none of them wanted to bend their heads to a foreigner.

"Your Sea Lord makes good offers, Braavosi. However, I still wonder… what will happen if I refuse?" I asked with a curious face.

An evil grin took over Inneo Forel's face as he chuckled, "Refuse? That is not an option for you, Lord Stark. Iron Throne won't be able to help you as they will have their own problems. Free Cities are angry, Lord Stark. Your actions awoke the titan. Your lands will burn, your women will weep for their husbands. Only death awaits you if you continue… only death."

I nodded thoughtfully, never leaving my eyes on the man. The crowd was already roaring with anger and promises of murder.

An offer that would make me seem defeated and bent over was made. However, there was something wrong with this situation. Braavosi sent an emissary but the only thing they offered me was defeat. They must know that I wasn't going to accept this offer so I looked at the man's status to see if there was anything I could find.

[Name: ???

Diplomacy: 7

Martial: 32

Stewardship: 3

Intrigue: 53

Learning: 19

Opinion: -92]

Aye, now it is obvious why they have chosen to send an emissary. Looks like there is no one I could trust these days.

I raised my hand to stop people from raging and signalled with my eyes to my guards. He slowly left the room as I turned to the faceless man to gain some time. My children and wife were in this room so there wasn't any room for me to act rashly.

"Are these terms negotiable?" I asked against the rage of northern nobles which I turned a blind eye.

"I don't see anything to negotiate, Lord Stark. The terms are clear. You will disband your navy, pay the required amount to Braavos and cease the production of glass." The faceless man said with a serious face as he eyed the crowd.

Looks like he was realizing some things and I needed to be quick in whatever I was going to do. Just as I was going to speak to gain more time, the doors of the great hall closed and guards with crossbows, shields and swords filled in.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Stark? Are you going to attack the emissaries sent to you in a peace offering?!" The faceless man yelled with an angry face but his eyes continued to search the crowd for an opening.

I slowly raised myself from the direwolf seat and Winter rose with me. "Peace offering you say? Since when peace offerings became a playground for assassins, faceless man?!"

The crowd backed at my words and gasps heard around as the faceless man stilled at his place. There was no weapon close to him as guards surrounded them. Crossbows were aiming at him and the others.

However, a smile graced the faceless man's lips as he turned his eyes to me, "You can't escape from death, Stark. The House of Black and White has already decided your fate, the price is paid and there is no return."

The smile never left his face as he threw himself at one of the guards but bolts were already raining upon him and others. His body was riddled with holes as he fell to the ground. One of the guards slowly moved towards him and tried to pry off whatever was attached to his face. Skin slowly separated from his real face as a human face like the ones from the horror stories of Bolton kings came out.

The crowd gasped and children escaped. I came forward while the crowd was still in shock. Their faces were marred with both fear and rage at what happened. An assassin was sent to kill their lord, the leader of the North.

"My lords, my ladies!" I yelled as their attention turned to me. "We have seen what they demanded from us for peace. We have seen their true faces. I consider this a declaration of war. Return to your homes, call your banners, fulfil your oaths! The time has come for the North to show its fury! The time has come for winter!!"

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