
Chapter 462

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Everyone was in shocked silence after seeing Harry talking to a snake, but the question from the boy with glasses was what took everyone out of their stunned state, and soon after the confusion began.

"Harry mate, what the hell was that?!" Ron exclaimed, wanting to get closer to his friend, but too afraid of the large snake that was still standing near him.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Harry asked blankly.

"He's talking about you being able to speak fourchelang, la langue des serpents!" Fleur replied, so astonished that she began speaking in French.

"Fourche what?" Harry blinked in confusion.

"I think she meant Parseltongue," Hermione explained.

"Parsel... tongue?" Harry repeated.

"Yes, Parseltongue," Hermione nodded, looking calmly at her boyfriend.

She then began to approach him, completely ignoring the python beside him that was looking at her with its head tilted, hissing lightly.

And arriving in front of Harry she placed her hands on his shoulders, "And that said... HOW CAN YOU SPEAK PARSELTONGUE?!" she asked, losing her calm demeanor and practically shouting as she shook him.

And her outburst was so sudden that it caught the black-haired, green-eyed boy off guard, making him jump in fright.

"I-I don't know!" Harry replied quickly, feeling nervous under Hermione's hysterical gaze, "And actually I don't even know what this Parseltongue thing or whatever it's called is!"

"Damn Harry, of all the abilities you could have, why did you have to have the ability to talk to snakes?" Ron said, not paying much attention to what Harry had said because he was still panicking.

"We can't let the other students or the Daily Prophet find out about this," Hermione said, letting go of Harry's shoulders as she began to pace back and forth with a worried and distressed look.

And Fleur who was still looking at Harry in surprise stopped when she heard what Ron and Hermione were saying, and blinking she turned to look at them confused, realizing that they seemed to be panicked, scared and anxious.

"Huh? Why do you guys look so worried?" Fleur asked, looking strangely at the two members of the golden trio.

"What do you mean because?" Hermione asked back, stopping walking as she looked at Fleur with a frown.

"Well, I just don't understand why you guys are acting like you're worried about him being a Parselmouth," Fleur replied.

"Well, we look worried because we really are worried!" Ron said with a grimace.

"But why?" The blonde girl continued asking, even more confused.

"Why?! Because Parseltongue is a dark ability, and everyone who has this ability is considered evil and bad!" and saying that Ron turned to look at his friend with a worried and apprehensive look.

"Really?" the Veela blinked in surprise.

"Yes," Hermione nodded, before looking at Fleur with a strange expression, "Wait, why do you look so surprised by this?"

"Well, it's just that in France the ability to speak Fourchelang, or Parseltongue as you seem to call this magical ability, is something very rare and unique," ​​Fleur began to answer, "And because it's such a special ability, everyone considers it something incredible, and many wizards and witches would be very happy if they could have it."

"Huh? French wizards wish they could talk to snakes?" Hermione asked, looking at the Veela in surprise.

"Yes," Fleur nodded, "But I think here in Britain you think otherwise, judging by your reactions and what you said about it being a dark ability," she said slowly.

"Do you think?" Ron snorted, and there was a look of disgust on his face, and I could feel his revulsion, fear, and dislike of Parseltongue.

And it seemed like he was going to say something else, but before he could open his mouth Harry spoke, interrupting the conversation between the three teenagers.

"Hey!" Harry said loudly, getting everyone's attention, "Could someone here tell me what the hell this Parseltongue thing is?" he asked, looking at everyone with a frown.

And hearing his question, Fleur, Ron and Hermione looked at each other, not knowing what to say to the green-eyed boy.

Fleur, after seeing Ron and Hermione's reactions, realized that Parseltongue was a sensitive subject and almost taboo in the United Kingdom, and so she knew that she would not be the right person to explain this ability to Harry.

And Ron and Hermione didn't know how to tell their friend about his newly discovered ability, which was known to belong to very evil dark wizards.

And looking at the four teenagers in an impasse I shook my head, but if anyone looked at me they would notice that there was a calculating and satisfied glint in my gaze.

'All according to plan' I thought.

Turning today's training into a fight against Fleur and the golden trio, prolonging the fight to exhaust them and then corner them, and summoning a snake when they were off guard was all part of my plan.

And all of this was planned so that the green-eyed boy would reveal his ability to talk to snakes, using Parseltongue to stop the great python's attack.

And it was ironic to think that it was Harry himself who had created the opportunity I had been waiting for when he asked me to train him.

And ever since that day I had been thinking about using one of the training sessions to force him to reveal that he was a Parselmouth.

And today I decided to follow through with my plan, and I couldn't deny that after seeing everything work out I felt very satisfied, as if I were a master manipulator.

'So this is how Headmaster Dumbledore feels?' I wondered, hiding my smirk.

But shaking my head I decided to join the conversation, knowing that at this point some things needed to be explained to Harry, and only I could do that.

"Parseltongue is the magical language of snakes, and those who can speak it are known as Parselmouths," I began, catching the attention of the four teenagers as I walked up to them.

"Parselmouth?" Harry repeated, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yes," I nodded, "And in a way Parseltongue is a magical language like Mermish and Gobbledegook, the languages ​​of the Merpeople and Goblins."

"But if this language is similar to these two, why is it considered dark?" Harry asked with a grimace.

"Well, first I want you to understand that Parseltongue really is a magical language like the Goblin and Merpeople languages, but there is a difference between these languages," I began to explain, not wanting Harry to confuse things.

"And that difference is that Mermish and Gobbledegook are languages ​​of magical creatures, while Parseltongue is a hereditary ability that only awakens in wizards and witches," I concluded.

"Huh... I see..." Harry nodded slowly, not really understanding what I was saying, which made me roll my eyes.

"Harry, Mermish and Gobbledegook are languages ​​like French and English, and Parseltongue is a ability like Tonks' Metamorphmagus," I explained in a simpler way.

"Ooh" and I could see Harry's eyes widen slightly in understanding.

And seeing this I resisted the urge to palm my forehead, 'Man, sometimes he's as smart as Hermione, but other times he can be as slow and clueless as Ron' I thought.

But with a sigh I stopped thinking about the workings of Harry's neurons, deciding to return to my answer.

"Well, since you already know the difference between these languages ​​I would like to remind you that Parseltongue is considered a dark ability only in the United Kingdom, as you may have noticed from Fleur's explanation," I said, gesturing to Fleur who nodded, "And there is actually a plausible reason for that, and it is because of the last known Parselmouths."

"Last known Parselmouths? Who were they?" Harry asked curiously.

He then looked at his friends, wondering if they knew who the people I was talking about were.

But as soon as he looked at Ron and Hermione they both looked away, looking down with frowns, which confused and worried the green-eyed boy.

'Huh? Why do they look so worried?' he wondered, before looking at me again, waiting for me to answer his question.

"Well," I began to reply, "One of them is someone who is very famous and well-known in the UK, and even idolized, and he is also a person of great importance at Hogwarts."

And saying that I looked at Harry, waiting to see if he would realize who I was talking about.

And the Boy-Who-Lived looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and in his mind the names and images of several famous wizards began to flash through his mind.

'A very famous wizard in the United Kingdom who is of great importance at Hogwarts,' he repeated in his mind, at the same time thinking about the things we had told him about Parseltongue.

'An inherited magical ability that allows a person to speak to snakes...'

'Wait a minute...' he blinked, feeling everything connect, 'Famous... idolized... Hogwarts... Snakes' and in the next instant an image of a serious and dangerous man with a long white beard wearing a green and black cloak began to form in his mind.

And as soon as all the pieces fell into place and the image became completely clear, Harry turned to me with wide eyes.

"Salazar Slytherin," he said aloud, completely shocked and surprised, "He was a Parselmouth!"



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