
Chapter 132

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After receiving my materials list I decided I was going to buy them as early as possible, and even though I had already planned to go to Diagon Alley on the same day as the Weasleys and Potter, I'd still rather have my time off so I can think about how I'm going to get Riddle's diary from Lucius Malfoy's hands

Of course, another reason is that I don't want to get close to Lockhart, even if it's only 10 meters, since he'll be at the bookstore signing his books, and I might end up doing something really bad to him... although that might even be fun.

Attempts to humiliate Lockhart aside, I also want to head to Diagon Alley early as I want to move forward with my investment plans, and the sooner the better, as the one who gets the best deals when investing is the one who comes first.

Well, with that planned, I just have to wait for the next day to arrive, as tomorrow will be the day I go to Diagon Alley.


-Diagon Alley-

The next day arrived, which happens to be today, and I was in Diagon Alley alone to do my shopping.

I was alone because my dad had to deal with an emergency at the hospital where he works, and my mom was called in court to be the lawyer for someone I didn't bother to remember the name of, so at this point she's probably terrorizing some defendant or judge in court.

You may be wondering who is taking care of Cele as my parents and I were busy, and the answer is simple... Cele is being taken care of by my family's house elf.

Yes, now my family has a house elf!

Well, it's more like me having a house elf, since an elf can't have a master and servant relationship with someone other than a wizard or a squib.

Our elf's name is Linnly, and we managed to buy her through Gringotts' goblins two weeks ago.

I was reluctant to buy an elf because of the thought of having a being that is basically a slave serving me, and my parents shared the same thoughts, and only after some research and a quick glance with my Magic Vision, I realized that elves serve wizards is not a bad thing, in fact, it is a very good thing for them.

Elves need two things to stay healthy and strong, and that's some magic and emotions. Yes, emotions!

Elves need magic to be able to use their own magic, and like all beings, without that magic the elves become weak and the more time that passes with them running out of magic, the weaker they become.

Elves also need to feel people's emotions in order for them to "recharge". Elves kind of get sadder or madder in some cases when they don't have emotions for them to feed on, and by emotions I mean the emotions of thinking beings, and that's one of the reasons elves bond mostly with wizards and witches.

But the way an elf acts also mirrors the emotions and magic they consume, so sometimes bonding with a wizard can't be a good thing for them, as is the case with Dobby and Kreacher.

I had never noticed this in Hogwarts house elves as they feed on the magic of the castle itself, not a wizard's magic, and also the emotions they consume come from all the castle's residents, and that's why they are very... Euphoric.

Another thing I've discovered is that the elves' loyal and meek personality is common among them, having no connection with the kind of magic and emotions they are consuming.

The elves punishing themselves or not being able to disobey the orders of their masters is not something done by the magic, but by a code and law of the elves themselves. Giving an item of clothing to free them also has no connection with any spell or curse, meaning that elves could always free themselves from their masters by breaking the master and servant bond, but because of their laws they don't.

I also think that because the elves were directly involved in the emotions business of magic, they had a more special and stronger connection to me with my Beast Talk, but that's just a guess.

Well, enough about house elves, let's get back to the main subject, which is my coming to Diagon Alley.

I was currently in front of Banco Gringotts, because the first thing I wanted to do in the alley was to finish my investment project, and that's why I'm here.


-Gringotts Bank - Night's Meeting Room-

"So, Mr. Night, what would you like to talk to us about?" asked the goblin in front of me that I had never seen before.

"Err… Not to be rude or anything, but who are you and where's Sharpfang?" I asked.

"Oh, my name is Nagrork, and Master Sharpfang is at this very moment inspecting your Muggle accounts, and as I am his student, he has allowed me to handle whatever matters you have with our bank as a substitute manager of the Night accounts" Nagrork said with a stoic and professional face, though I could feel the nervousness seeping out of him.

'Oh, um he's a rookie, hmm...' I thought, resisting the urge to scratch my chin analytically, "Well, in that case, then I'd like to talk about some investments," I said, which immediately caught the attention of the goblin in front of me.

"What kind of investments are we talking about?" Nagrork asked.

"The kind that will make a lot of money," I said, and then a toothy smile appeared on Nagrork's face.

I then proceeded to explain to Nagrork which companies and products I would like to invest in, with the Firebolt broomstick being one of them.

In the middle of the conversation I started using my Talk No Jutsu: Persuasion and Deception to try to convince Nagrork to accept a deal I wanted to make with him, and I then explained what terms he would have to accept, and in the end, after a few more words from me, Nagrork began to ponder the deal.

"₱Those would be some very good investments, and the deal isn't too bad," Nagrork muttered to himself in the goblin language.

"₱it would be, and I think you would gain a lot by accepting the deal" and I, who had obviously heard him, replied in the goblin language as well, surprising Nagrork who looked at me in shock.

'Sometimes I'm very happy that my Beast Power gives me the ability to speak and understand the languages ​​of other magical creatures' I thought, enjoying the surprised look of the goblin in front of me.

"₱Do you understand our language?" he asked me.

"₱Well, I like to learn new things" I replied with a shrug.

Nagrork began to look at me with an analytical gaze. He then shook his head and went back to speaking in human language.

"Well, back to the deal, I'd like to say I accept your terms," ​​he said, with a professional smile that didn't hide his greed.

"Great," I said with a smile. Nagrork then took a red quill from a drawer in his desk, and with it he signed his name to a contract, and soon after I did the same.

"Well, I hope our partnership is very profitable for both of us," I said, reaching out for a handshake.

"And I expect the same," Nagrork said.

After we talked about some side deals and investments, where I picked up some items I had ordered from the bank, I got up to leave.

"May your enemies have their intestines twisted and their sinews ripped out," I said, earning an appreciative nod from Nagrork.

"And may your rivals die a painful death while their vaults fill with gold," he said, and in my humble opinion, my goblin greeting was more creative, but who's counting, right?



(End AN: I saw that this story is almost reaching 3 million views, and that's amazing!

I wasn't expecting this story to go on for so long, nor that so many people would read it. I was surprised when it got to 1 million so fast, and when it got to 2 million I was more than surprised, I was so happy.

3 million views is an amazing thing, thank you all for that!

It would be cool if it was 7 Million, but I'm a little biased with that number, hehe.

Hope you enjoyed the chapters of the 2nd book!)

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