
Chapter 48

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After an incredible lunch, complete with seven types of cakes and pies for dessert, I continued with my exploration that was already in its final stages.

The next and last places I started exploring were the seventh floor and the towers. I had said they would be work before, and the reason I think this is because the seventh floor was like a maze, having more rooms and corridors than the other floors.

And if that wasn't complicated enough, we still had the turrets, which are the big focal point of the castle, which is known to have many, and because they are quite large.

The seventh floor, in addition to having Professor Flitwick's Office; the Hall of Hexes; and the Room of Requirement, still had the corridors that would give access to the towers, such as the Gryffindor Tower; the Dark Tower; and the Headmaster's Tower.

And the other important towers in the castle, or at least the ones I thought would be important to mention, were the Central Tower; the West Tower, also known as the Owlery; and the Grand Staircase Tower, which might not be the tallest tower in height, second to the Astronomy Tower, but it was the biggest, containing many rooms within it.


It didn't take me long to find Professor Flitwick's office, as I had already heard from some older students about how to get here.

As soon as I walked through Professor Flitwick's office door, a sixth-year Ravenclaw student, as I recall, walked out. This student looked pleased, and in his hand was a delicious-looking little cupcake.

'Hmm, maybe I should stop by Professor Flitwick's office at some point…' I thought, looking at the happy student who was devouring the cupcake.

Hall of Hexes was a very large hall that was behind a large door in one of the seventh-floor corridors. The hall was three times the size of the Great Hall, and it had a ceiling lit by a few candles and small points of light. The room had a few chairs stacked in the corners, and in the center of the room was an oak floor, almost 40 square meters.

A door was hidden at the far end of the room, and behind that door was a small room with tables, more chairs, and other decoration materials. And using my magical vision I found a passage in this small room. A passageway that was on the floor, under a crescent-shaped decoration, and that passageway led to a broom closet in the east tower.

The Room of Requirement I decided to save for last, as it would be the last point in the school that I would explore. Of course, that's not counting the precincts outside the school.

The Gryffindor Tower was the location of the Gryffindor common room, obviously. The passage to the common room was guarded by the portrait of the Fat Lady, which only allowed entry to those who had the password, a password that changed every week.

And if memory served, the passcode for the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room, at least for the first week, was; Caput Draconis. And this must be one of the easiest common rooms to break into, obviously not as easy as Ravenclaw's, but it's so easy that even Sirius Black, who was a fugitive and a famous "mass murderer" managed to get in just using the password.

Okay, that could be because the portrait of Sir Cadogan was guarding the passage, and he was dumb enough to allow an outlaw to enter just because he spoke the password.

I could try breaking into the common room, as I think besides the Ravenclaw common room, Gryffindor was the house that would have the least problems with a stranger entering their common. Sure, that's if you're not a Slytherin or if Weasley decides to be an idiot that day... as he is every other day, but nothing an {Incarcerous} and {Silencio} won't solve.

The Dark Tower was a tower narrow, dark and tall. It was used as a prison, something that was pretty obvious when you looked around the seven floors of the tower and found only cells. But when I looked closely at the cells, I realized they only had magical protection inside, so any outside source could open them. And as I looked at the cells something came to mind.

I realized just in that instant that this was the tower Sirius was trapped in in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, unlike the books he was trapped in Professor Flitwick's office.

All of this might have led me to believe that this world is based on the movies, but then I remember that Malfoy confronted Potter on the Hogwarts Express and not on the steps of the Great Hall, something that happened in the books.

So this means that this world is not following just one of the sources, books or movies, but both, from what I've seen so far, since Harry Potter has many other sources like games and fandons.

This got me excited and worried. Excited because it meant that this world has a lot more to offer than shown in the franchise, and worried because it also meant that my knowledge of the future cannot be considered infallible, as I don't know which route certain events will take.

'Sigh, at least that's all the more reason for me to live my life in the castle without worrying too much about the canon, as the few things that worry me, like the location of the Horcruxes, still have a huge chance that they haven't been changed' I thought disappointed, but with a touch of relief.


Headmaster's Tower was the tower in which the Headmaster's residence and office stood. The Headmaster's office was guarded by Stairwell Gargoyle, the griffin-shaped stone gargoyle that were enchanted to be sentient, like many other gargoyles in the castle.

And just like the Slytherin and Gryffindor common rooms, and some secret passages, the gargoyle only allowed passage by someone who gave them the correct password. A password chosen by the director, and as far as I can remember the password is always the name of some muggle candy.

'Headmaster Dumbledore's office is not a place I want to enter. Not yet, at least,' I thought, looking at the gargoyle guarding the passage, which surprisingly stared back at me.

'Scary' I thought as I slowly backed away from the gargoyle, who still didn't take his eyes off me.

The Central Tower was in the middle of the castle, and it might not be as big or flashy as the others, but it was still one of the busiest towers.

This tower connected all parts of the castle to each other, and with the secret passages it had, it was possible to get anywhere in Hogwarts, and that's why I highlighted it.

The West Tower, also known as the Owlery Tower, was located near Professor Flitwick's office. At the top of this tower was the Owlery, a circular stone room that was very cold and windy, as the windows were open and had no glass. And this allowed the entry and exit of the owls more easily. The floor was covered with straw, owl droppings and rat bones. The Owlery was the resting place for the student owls and the school owls, which could be used by any student.

When I passed the Owlery I didn't forget to pet the owls, as they seemed to like me and always chirped at me happily when I passed by. And there were even moments when Hedwig, Potter's beautiful white owl, would come up to me for me to pet her.

'With all the affection these owls have for me, they could even start a war against the house elves for my attention, hehe' I thought amused.

'Hmm, although this gave me a great idea for a prank... Hehehehe' while I was lost in thought, some owls started to walk away from me as soon as they saw a scary and malicious smile appear on my face. And everyone in the castle felt that a calamity was coming.



(End AN: Yesterday I didn't post any chapters as I practically passed out, and that's thanks to being sick.

The next chapter will be the last one where he explores the castle internally, and after that we'll head to the Room of Requirement!

Hope you like the chapter!)

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