
Chapter 22

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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After boarding the train, I went to my compartiment and got in, sitting on the window seat. From the window, I could see several students boarding and their families saying goodbye to them... and I even saw the Weasley family in a mess and screaming to get to the express, as they were running late.


Then I heard the train whistle, signaling that it was already 11 o'clock, and at the same moment the train started to move. Meanwhile, I started looking for my family on the platform, and when I found them with my senses among the many families, I saw them waving goodbye to me, to which I waved back.

'Sigh, now only on vacation...' I thought, already missing my family.

"Meow!" meowed Nyx from her cat cage, trying to get my attention.

"What is it girl?" I asked looking at her.

"Meow!" Nyx meowed at me, conveying emotions of irritation and boredom, and scratching at the bars of her cage.

"Oh! You want to get out" I said, after understanding what she wanted, "Wait a minute girl…" and then I went to her cage and opened the bars, and Nyx quickly jumped into my arms.

"Meow!" she meowed in happiness.

"There girl..." I told her after I sat down with Nyx on my lap "When we get to Hogwarts, you can be free, and then we'll explore the whole school!" I continued, petting Nyx.

"Purr!" purred Nyx in satisfaction, to which I smiled.

*Knock! Knock!*

And at that moment I heard someone knocking on the compartment door. And when I turned to the door, curious to know who was knocking, it was opened by two girls who looked like freshmen like me.

The girl who opened the door had dark brown hair and brown eyes. She had an ordinary-looking round face and looked a little shy.

And the second girl, she had long blond hair and blue eyes, with a thin pale face. And unlike the first girl, she had a cool, noble appearance that showed disinterest. And looking at their clothes, they must be half-bloods or pure bloods.

"Hmm... Excuse me, can my friend and I sit here?" asked the brown-haired girl.

"Of course," I replied, smiling politely. And then the two started to enter the compartment with their luggage, "Let me help you" I said to them. I then took my wand out of its holster, cast a levitation spell on the bags and placed them in the trunk.

"Ready!" I said as soon as I finished putting the bags in the trunk. So I put away my wand, sat down and turned around smiling at the two girls, only to see that they were looking at me in surprise... well, the brown haired one looked surprised, the blonde quickly hid her surprised look, but with my senses I still saw, and even if I hadn't, I could feel surprise in his emotions.

"Thank you" said the brown haired one shyly.

"No way," I dismissed her thanks with a wave of my hand.

"I'm Tracey Davis" then introduced the brown-haired girl, now known as Tracey Davis.

'From what I remember from the wiki, she's a half-breed Slytherin witch, sooo...I assume the blonde girl is Daphne Greengrass, her best friend and the Slytherin ice queen, from what the fandom says' I thought.

"Daphne Greengrass" the blonde girl introduced herself coolly.

'Well... I think that ends any doubts'

"Ethan Night, and this cute thing here is Nyx" I introduced myself to them, also showing Nyx who was currently paying attention to the conversation.

"Meow!" meowed Nyx in greeting.

"Night? That's not the name of any wizarding family I know of, are you by any chance a muggleborn?" Davis asked uncertainly, and even Greengrass started to pay attention to my answer.

"Yes, I'm Muggleborn" I replied to her, "Is there a problem?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah! Err... No. No problem..." she replied uneasily, and I could see and feel Greengrass' indifference and disdain after learning that I am from a muggle family.

'Hmm, looks like the fandom was wrong about the fact that they aren't prejudiced towards muggles and muggleborns. Hmm...meh, it doesn't make much difference to myself' I thought with a shrug.

After that the compartment fell into an awkward silence, but I didn't mind the silence, it's even preferable. So I decided to take a diary out of my bag and read a little.

This journal of mine is where I write down the possible spells I can create, like the attacks and powers of comic book heroes and anime characters. In it I write down all the details I know about those attacks and try to think of how to reproduce them with magic, and so far, only the ones that have elements and some simple ones worked, but that's because I tried to do them without a wand, maybe now that I have a wand I can reproduce more complex attacks.

'Hmm...I still have to find a way to move great distances other than by Apparating or using a portkey. But teleportation magic must be even harder, sigh' I thought to myself.

But my moments of reflection were interrupted by the rude opening of the door.

Standing in the doorway was a girl with thick hair, protruding front teeth and wearing a school uniform.

"Has anyone seen a frog?" she asked in a demanding, bossy voice, "A boy named Neville lost his."

'Look… so this is the smart female member of the golden trio, Hermione Granger' I thought to myself, 'Well… she actually looks a bit like Emma Watson, maybe when she gets older… .hmm'

"Sorry we didn't see any frogs," Davis replied to her, and Greengrass just ignored her, but I could feel her irritation.

I would also be annoyed if someone rudely barged into my compartment and started demanding things in a bossy way... Oh yes! this happened to me too, and i really didn't like it.

Even though I liked Hermione's character in the franchise, I still found her attitude irritating. Hell, even Nyx's emotions show she was pissed off… 'Would the other characters be like this?'

"I haven't seen any frogs around here either. I think you'd better ask the older students to use the summoning spell on the frog" I told her politely. Even though I didn't like the way she acted, I wouldn't be rude to her, my mom taught me to be polite to others....and if she finds out that I was not educated *Shiver*, she can be scary when she wants.

"Oh...I...I was just about to do that..." stammered Hermione, in what is obviously a lie, and I didn't even have to feel the embarrassment and frustration coming from her to realize it.

'I think she doesn't like someone having an answer for something she didn't have. Sigh, it seems that at this age she really is a bit competitive and arrogant' I thought disappointed.

"But since you're looking for it, you should start with damp, dark places like bathrooms, as it's well known that frogs like that kind of place," I said in the tone of a teacher teaching a student.

Okay, this time I did it just to piss her off.

"Yes, I'll look for him in the restrooms…" she said with a bit of annoyance in her eyes.

And it looks like it worked...

"Well, I hope your search is successful" I told her with a calm smile on my face.

"Thanks… for the help…" said Hermione, unwillingly.

And then she turned, and walked out of the compartment, slamming the door behind her.

"Well... She forgot to say her name..." I said dryly, and after that the cabin fell silent again.

But that moment of silence quickly ended with someone else opening the compartment door.

That person was a boy. He had a pale face, as well as glossy light-blond hair slicked back, and gray eyes. And behind him were two other gorilla-like boys. One of them had short, frizzy hair on his forehead and small, opaque eyes. The other was fat with a thick neck, he had a flat nose and a bowl-shaped haircut.

Obviously these boys were Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe respectively.



(End AN: For the happiness of you, and the sadness of my fingers, I will start publishing four chapters a week! Yay!

And as in every end of chapter, I would like to thank you all for your support. In fact, I'm really surprised that my story is being read by so many people, as I expected it to take a few months to reach that level, so thank you, this is all happening thanks to you guys! ;)

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