

To say Willow was a lot speechless would be like saying that the moon wasn't broken...

No, after they sat on the couch by the fireplace in her son's office with the now named Harriet sitting between her and Weiss as to make her feel safe...

Her son brought orange juice for all of them and just sit across them still with a gentle smile on his face as they waited for Harriet to speak about herself...

The girl was still too scared to speak, so her son Aegis started to speak about them, not anything important, just some information you could find through the scroll, and after calming down, the girl who now was in a panic to by close to such prominent people.

Willow just smiled and gave Harriet a gentle and small hug which prompted the scared little girl as she nervously trembled...

After that, the girl Harriet Potter started to speak about the place she came from, and she didn't say anything about her family and Willow knew they must be the reason for the girls state, knowing it would be cruel to make her speak so early she just let her talk about what she wanted...

And that was the time the bomb fell as the girl said she comes from a kingdom named Britain...

Willow was both shocked and a little worried that the girl was hit on the head too much that she spoke nonsense, but the moment she looked at her son's face, she stopped...

Aegis, her son who had a gentle face until now, was looking at the girl very seriously, and Willow knew that look. She knew that every time her son has that look, he knows something others don't...

Harriet, who until now was speaking general things she was taught in school, looked at the people who were with her in the room and wanted to just hid from their gazes...

The girl Weiss by her side was looking at her, shocked and worried, and the mother of Weiss and Aegis was looking both worried and integrated...

No, the one who Harriet was scared most was now looking at her without that smile that could at least little make her safe, Aegis as he named himself, was now looking at her with a similar yet very different gaze that others looked at her when she was with Uncle and Aunt...

Harriet was from a young age very observant, but when she wanted to show her findings, she was always punished, so she learned to hide her results just for herself as not to bring another beating from her uncle...

Harriet was trying to be calm as she could somehow feel that both the mother Willow and daughter Weiss didn't wish harm for her, so she was a little open with them, but the man or boy Aegis she was unable to feel anything from him and that scared her...

She could always feel hatred and fear from her Aunt and Uncle, from her cousin she could always feel happy when he played with his friends the Harriet hunting or the scorn from Aunts and Uncles friends...

But the Aegis was like a void for Harriet, who always used her instincts to distinguish what people thought of her...

There was just one time she felt something from him, and that was when she almost named herself Freak that her Aunt and Uncle with cousin always used when speaking to her...

She felt anger from Aegis but not anger at her like everyone always showed but on someone else because what she said and that both scared Harriet and made her feel a little safer with him...

Harriet always knew she was different, but nobody ever told her how or why, and she was scared that the moment Willow, Weiss, and Aegis found her different, they too would like others to fear her and stop being nice to her...

The moment Harriet thought about it, she started to tear up and mistakingly let the glass with orange juice fall on the ground, where it breaks with shattered glass and makes orange stain...

Harriet started to apologize and tremble as she waited for another beating for her punishments but froze when she felt four arms hug. Harriet opened her teary eyes and found out that both Weiss and Willow were hugging her, with Willow whispering that it was alright...

The moment Harriet heard it was alright and that she was safe and not to worry, she started to cry even more as she felt her body melt into Weiss and Willow's hug...

Aegis looked at the current display with a warm smile as he felt that his mother and Weiss could break the girl's expectation about what is worth punishment and what is not...

And at some time in his mind, Aegis was surprised as he knew what the girl Harriet spoken about. Aegis knew that Britain is on Earth from where many souls in shadowlands came from, so Aegis knew that girl told the truth...

Still, it brought a couple of more potential problems and worries for Aegis as he thought about a situation where there could be more than just her in Remnant from Earth and already made cognitive plans for any possible world travelers...

Still, that begged the question of how the girl ended up in his greenhouse as she said that the last thing she remembered was running from her cousin. Then just a flash of light and the next thing she remembered was him coming to the hospital room...

Aegis looked as Harriet and Weiss fell asleep in their embraced position. They hugged each other or more like they were just hugging harriet and his mother, who still was awake, looked at him...

"Son, you know what she spoke about?"

Aegis just looked at his mother and said.

"Maybe, Mother leaves that to me worry about, and I would be glad if you could take care of that girl, as she herself said she isn't from around there and I do not wish to give her to an orphanage not with both her current mental status and her words of another world..."

Aegis said as he looked at his mother, who just nodded as Willow herself wanted to help the poor girl...

At the same time, Willow thought about it being an opportunity as Weiss never went to public school as tutors or Aegis always taught her.

Of course, that isn't bad, as Aegis himself never went into a public school and grew up so nicely.

But with the girl Harriet now there and her being ten years old like Weiss, Willow thought it would be a good thing to have at least one friend for Weiss who is around her age...

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