
Chaos month

It was a month after Aegis's interview and his public apology for his father's sins...

After Aegis reprimanded the faunus reporter about his double question, he said he would let it slide and let him stay, but he will not answer any other question he has.

Firstly the male faunus was angry, but after some time, he smiled and thanked Aegis as he realized that Aegis tried to indirectly help him as even if he can't ask, his female colleague can continue in asking...

With such a simple move, Aegis already painted himself as both a strict and understanding person who truly wishes to change things for the better...

Of course, even if Aegis wins like that some favor from faunus, there were still the ones who couldn't understand that he is not his father, who he publicly called golddigger as he married to Schnee just for power and money and his true name is Jacques Gélé...

The white fang didn't stop robing SDC shipments, and Aegis, after a week and reports about four kinds of raids on SDC transports, had enough...

Aegis called for another live interview and publicly announced that with white fang actions, three of four settlements that were supposed to get their shipments fallen to the Grimms and bandits with minimal survivors as their militia and huntsmen did not have dust to maintain their weapons...

Aegis, too said that because of stolen dust, the SDC would need to increase the price for every dust as now that SDC under Aegis pay to every standard worker wage, the SDC would collapse if the raids continue and they would not gain lien for the stolen dust...

And worst of all, Aegis made it known that in all four raids, the white fang killed the SDC personnel, and as such, SDC now pays to mourning families who lost their fathers or mothers who just were ordinary people. Who wished to make enough money for their children...

Aegis made it know that if white fang doesn't come to light and stop and both apologize and repair the damage they caused, he will push for a law where every member of white fang would get a death warrant as SDC will not bargain with terrorist they genuinely are as Aegis don't believe in any bullshit about equality they preach with violent actions...

After all, if White fang wants equality, they get it as for every SDC personnel death, there would be one white fang death...

In short, Aegis made white fang a public enemy to both humans and faunus who wished to live normally but now could not as humans thought every faunus is a member of white fang...

After a week of unrest where there was the death of a lot of innocent faunus, the white fang finally raised the white flag under Ghira Belladonna's hand as he was no longer able to watch from the sidelines the senseless killing and chaos...

Ghira was a pacifist, but no matter how big pacifist he was, after a week of watching how innocent faunus are hunted down for sins of the organization he created, he had enough...

Ghira marched to white fang headquarters with his militia and killed every white fang who didn't surrender with weren't a lot like just the ones who didn't yield were two faunus know as Albania brothers...

After seeing that Ghira was serious when he killed the twins, Siena Khan surrendered to him no matter how much she didn't want, and she still saw Ghira as her teacher and hero...

After Ghira gained white fang control, he immediately called SDC, where he was connected to Aegis Schnee. After confirming he was not joking, Aegis promised to stop his crusade and call news channels to let it know white fang no longer would be a problem...

After that, another week was full of counting what was lost in the chaos and peace agreement with white fang under Ghiras's lead...

Aegis knowing that nothing would change if not for him, made Ghira's proposal, who denied it as he had hands full with Menagerie.

Still, Ghira proposed that Aegis hire Siena Khan, who, even with a lot of animosities, would be the best candidate as long Aegis could make Siena see how much he tries to change SDC and Atlas for better the more radical faunus too would see that changes even if slow are being made...

So after a shake of hands with Ghira and cementing new contracts, Ghira went back to Menagerie with a new agreement on dust for half price and materials he could make the dessert island slowly into a hospitable place with the promise from Aegis, who said he would visit him in future for better trade contracts...

After all, until now, Aegis didn't use his knowledge he gained from other souls, and he thinks that Menagerie would be an ideal place for windmills and water generators...

He just needs to promote it, and what's a better place than Menagerie and Mantle where Aegis could gain potential supporters for SDC?

After that, Aegis became free from white fang and gained, albeit really reluctant, a faunus voice and inspector...

Siena Khan would travel between SDC mines and factories with faunus personnel and make sure that every faunus will get fair treatment...

In short, Aegis gained the best weapon against the corruption he could get as Siena will not be swayed by human supremacists and is strong enough to defend herself...

Still, Aegis found it funny how she sends him to hell before she went to sleep as the next day, she would already start working...

Now that the chaos was gone, Aegis archenemy the paperwork to want so bad as Aegis needed just three hours in a day to sit by the table, and then he was mostly free...

Still, the mansion was now in reconstruction as Wiess finally drew a plan that his mother accepted...

Gone were marble floors. Now there were fluffy red carpets, and all walls now sported paintings with that radiated warmth when looking at them, and soft light was changed into that of bright lights that brightened entire hallways with warm light...

But the best were gardens were now were standing greenhouses full of planted trees and flowers one would find in warm climates...

Aegis truly marveled how quickly Remnant builders could be when they were fully paid...

The third week of the month was mostly calm...

Mostly because of one incident at night where Aegis just gazed at stars when his family was asleep huddled together before the fireplace...

Of course, Aegis took a photo of how Weiss was hugging their mother in her sleep, who embraced Winter, who hugged Weiss..

Aegis honestly didn't know how they were capable of such a position, but it was still adorable in his eyes...

No the thing Aegis found strange was a crow with red eyes sitting on a tree branch looking at him...

After a while, Aegis made a silent glyph on the crow's back and spoke.

"If you don't want to be skewered, fly away."

Aegis said as he shows ice from glyph and missed as the crow flew away and looked at Aegis strangely...

"Fly bird fly and warn your masters that if there will be next time, there will be a dead bird."

Aegis said and made another glyph with made crow fly away as it indignantly craw at him from a distance...

Honestly, Aegis doesn't know what to think, and he knew that crow wasn't ordinary as crows aren't native to Atlas tundras and would die from the low temperatures...

To top it all, the crow was too intelligent for Aegis liking...

He didn't lie as if he see that crow again near the mansion.

He will immediately skewer it with ice projectiles...

But he had enough enemies and didn't wanted make more as he knew that crow belongs to someone...

Aegis was about to turn around and walk back to his family, but something cathed his eye, and he looked on one of the greenhouses where there was a brief flash of light...

Deciding to investigate, Aegis made his way to the greenhouse, and once he was inside, he found something strange...

A skinny girl with old clothes that were too big for her, black curly hair, and broken glasses with lightning bolt scar on her forehead...

Aegis felt that this girl remind him of someone, but after a while of not knowing who, he just shrugged and called for mansion servants after making sure the girl is alive, and after opening her eyelid, he found out that her eyes of are that of as green as emeralds...

Aegis just sighted as he undressed his coat and clothed the girl in it, making the shivering girl stop as warmth embraced her...

Aegis sighed again as he thought he couldn't just get a little break from all craziness the world likes to throw at him...


*Author note*

YES, I DONE IT! But seriously, when I think about Schnee semblance, I just have the urge to call BULSHIT!

I mean, semblance are supposed to be mirrors of the soul! What the check is Schnee semblance?! and it's just so much versatile! With such logic, the Schnee souls would look mismatched well, something!

If there is magic on the remnant, it isn't maidens elemental hocus pocus but a mother fucking runes of Schnee family!

So yes, I made it crossover with harry potter world, where harry is Harriet potter! :D but I will not spoil other things :P

Btw! Thanks for all comments with my grammar errors! As even with me using Grammarly, there is still a lot that stays after my proofreading!

Thanks to all guys, and I love your support and don't forget to comment if you find something you wish to know or what is unclear to you!

I will try to reply to you and make it clear! :P

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