
A Legendary Meeting

Waking up I felt powerful. I ran to the wall and kicked it with pure power. The wall cracked under my powerful paws and my paws also went several cm deep into the wall. I admired my own power for a while before I got into business. I've studied both how Electric energy gets absorbed and how Fire energy gets absorbed. Using that, with the knowledge I have from how my Normal type energy gets absorbed, I've understood the pattern for how every elemental energy vortex should be formed for every type of energy.

I knew that I should focus on the more familiar energies first, psychic energy. After using calm mind daily before meditating, I've become a lot more familiar with the psychic energy. 'It's regrettable not being in the city for this. Psychic energy thrives a lot more in human cities than in the wild' I thought.

Having soaked my brain in psychic energy for such a long time it has evolved to let me have parallel thoughts. Because of that I can now try something I've thought of for such a long time. I used half of my brain to stop the automatic gathering of normal energy from the air, while the other half made the vortex shape for psychic gathering. After the gathering of psychic type it mixed into my energy, and it also penetrated into the cells, mutating them.

After some hours I felt I've reached the limit my body can do for this day, so I laid down. It seems like the wish I used in the egg really helped my genetic material to be more stable while also being very mutable. That's also a big reason for why I've become so strong compared to other eevee's.

I went out to hunt some easy prey, in the end I chose to eat a couple nidorans I found. They were easy prey after only using two echoed voices. The reason I chose them was because of their poison type. I wished to eat their meat so my superior genes could adapt to different poisons and thus I will get some form of poisonous ability. When I finally bit into its meat I was surprised by the taste. It was only something only us transmigrators could enjoy, a steak with roquefort sauce. After all, there is only rice in japan.

My genes started to mutate to better fight this poison, and I felt the effects. The next bite I took wasn't just a steak, it was a dry aged steak. Even my taste buds adapted to the poison. After filling my stomach I returned to the hideout and went to sleep.

I continued this regime of slowly converting my energy into psychic energy, adapting my body to poison, slowly learning Zen Headbutt, Lock-On, Foresight, and enjoying myself at night with Vulpix for twenty days. Vulpix was pretty much addicted to me now, and I feel a bit bad that I have to leave her behind soon for so long, but perhaps it would just make next time even better.

My growth in the experience has slowed since I had my last breakthrough, I think I need to find stronger opponents to continue growing. My Mind Palace has also finally taken shape. After my cells absorbed the psychic energy, my Mind Palace made significant progress. My gallery of memories is now protected by the true form of the Mother Goddess of Depravity.

I've reached 99% psychic energy only 1% more and I hope I evolve. I sat down, starting to multitask. When I finally exchanged that last 1% of energy I felt my whole being heat up, and before I knew it I was suddenly bigger. I estimate my size to be like that of the legendary dogs. I see my now luscious purple fur, my eyes surprising even me, they looked like the legendary rinnegan from Naruto, my purple gem was as deep as the universe, it was ethereal. My body wasn't like an espeon from my memory, my form a lot more masculine, with densely packed muscles hiding

The power that coursed through my veins was massive. The pure power gained from evolution was indeed a lot. It instantly made multiple times stronger than before. The weirdest change was how I got another instinct that lets me "see" what will happen a second into the future. It actually strained my brain even more than how I used to soak it in psychic energy and normal energy. I had a faint feeling of getting closer to something.

Now it was time to leave this small unknown mountain, so I sent my intentions to Vulpix who was shocked by my appearance. I told her I would be gone for some time, but I would come back for her. So I wished she would try hard at getting more powerful. I gave her some small instructions on how to get stronger, and I also asked her to show me how she uses Fire Fang. My now eidetic memory would never forget the process, so in time I would recreate this move without problem. When it was time to leave Vulpix looked very sad, but also determined to live up to my wish.

I then started to run towards mount moon, the direction obvious from my earlier scouting from the peak. On the way I found some berries I hadn't tasted, looked like qualot berries, and they tasted just perfect. My lustful nature is obviously under the influence of the natural laws, giving me preference of hot and sweet food.

Having become a psychic type I've started to easily learn new moves. Hypnosis, Confusion, and Miracle Eye. I thought Miracle Eye would be the hardest, but it seems like I got some natural talents in some branches of psychic. It felt like my technique was perfect, and the other moves I'm still perfecting. I'm also trying to learn many of the fang moves, like bite, fire fang and psychic fang.

After running for a while I saw a river. So I slowed down to take a drink. My intuition told me there was no danger, so I trusted it and started to drink some water. After quenching my thirst I jumped into the water to wash my fur, stained with dust from the rocky terrain. Then I saw a pokémon swimming towards me, it was a horsea. 'This reminds me of the time when I couldn't do this' I thought, while using hypnosis on Horsea.

I then made this female horsea wash my dick with her mouth. This was a truly relaxing blowjob, the suction felt amazing. It actually felt like a mouth pussy, with some amazing suction. Truly a peculiar experience. After enjoying myself long enough I decided to give this Horsea her reward. My sperm shoots straight into her stomach, quickly filling it. She looked drunk on the pleasure my essence provided.

I realized that not only must my seed be very tasty, it must also strengthen the pokémon that absorbs it. I could see how the psychic energy was slightly attracted to Horsea for a little while. After letting Horsea clean my now limp dick before I get her to leave. After I ended the hypnosis you could see the surprise on her face with how pleasurable she felt. I left before she noticed me.

After I left a white bright line shone for a couple of seconds before everything was back to normal…

I was continuing on my feeling very refreshed. I felt energized, and so I started to run while using quick attack to get to mount moon. While running using quick attack I directly killed and ate an ekans, and another nidoran. I felt my cells adapt to poison even more from adding another pokemon's poison.

I saw a whole lair of nidorino and nidorina, and I then buffed myself up with calm mind and agility, before I let out a howl. Echoed Voice was used once before they could react, and the second was coming straight behind it. The whole group now fairly damaged and very angry, tried to use some moves, but would MC be stupid and fight in close range with multiple enemies when he could take them all down quickly from a distance?

After using a total of 5 echoed voice all the reflected sound wave directly smashed their brains, and I gained enough experience for a couple of levels. I then ate as much of them as I could, before I started to smell something. It was weird 'smelling' something with your brain. A poison barb laid in the center of their lair. I decided to consume it, since I didn't have any way to store it.

I felt my whole body heat up, the poison energy that coursed through me became more pure. 'From the games this should increase the damage of my poison by 20%' I thought. I resumed my journey to mount moon, this time finally reaching cave. There was a suspicious man outside the entrance, with a large aquarium filled with magikarp. I couldn't help but drool, so I went ahead and stole one so fast the man never even saw me. When I saw the man I understood why pokémon generally don't attack humans, and vice versa. It was some kind of natural instinct, present in everyone.

Now inside mount moon, I explore the cave system while eating this delicious sushi. I used my powerful ears and listened after the clefairys that should live in this place. I then heard their chanting, their daily ritual of evolution. I followed the sound until I found the place I once saw in my previous life.

It looked like a dome, opening up only for the moon to shine onto the stone for some brief minutes every day. The stone itself laid in the middle of the circular cave room, filled with smaller pieces of the stone that has corroded and fell onto the floor after time. The clefairy's were dancing around the stone, not even stopping for unexpected visitors.

I was entranced in its beauty, and I could feel a special energy leaking from the stone. My eyes now see a totally new elemental energy, cosmic energy. I was surprised by this discovery that was outside my knowledge, but it does make sense as the moon stone is filled with its own unique power. I walked up to the moon stone without even realizing it. My genes were hungry for this power.

When my paw touched the stone, I could feel space itself for a moment. I could see some energy rush out from the stone and go straight into my heart. I wasn't sacred for a second, believing my extraordinary physique and soul together with the unique genetic makeup of eevee would adapt to any energy.

I was a bit confused since I felt nothing after the cosmic energy traveled into my heart. I threw away these useless thoughts and instead focused on something that I've felt follow me for some time now. It seems like it finally got careless because of the curiosity it held towards an energy it had never sensed.

What I saw shocked me, an actual legendary. The playful pokémon herself. Most likely one of the newer mews born by a tree of life. I was a bit scared, but knowing how playful mew is. I quickly made a plan to have her become my little pet. Mew was a bit surprised seeing me not prostrate before her, after all that's what every other pokémon she have met have done.

I then sent her intentions of pure lust, while my dick became semi-erect, letting off a musky smell only comparable to some legendary aracanines smell. Most female would become ready to breed at the faintest smell of it, and it even affected a legendary, albeit weak and young, like this mew. I saw how her slit slowly showed itself, nectar no being have ever tasted dripped off her body and onto the floor.

*mew pov*

Mew was happy to finally have someone look at her, instead of being so careful and respectful, so she decided to follow Espeon's commands. I was told to support his psychic hold of me with my own energy supplementing his, which I hurriedly did in submission. I felt myself get dragged from the air, and saw myself flew straight towards that monster of a dick.

*back to mc pov. Do anyone want a r-18 chapter from female perspective? As in describe what the female feels.*

After piercing mew with my dick, I continued my walk through mount moon. Her tiny body was surprisingly pliable, actually managing to fit a whole 20cm of my dick in her. My dick didn't change a whole lot from evolving, merely becoming a bit longer and thicker. Her folds was squeezing my dick . I used my psychic hold over her to use her as an onahole. It was a legendary onahole. I could even her the cute mewling and moaning of mew. By this point Mew was just having a constant orgasm.

Other pokémon might come and worship this trail of juice mew has let off. While they would worship some heavenly nectar, the being itself was worshiping my cock. I felt powerful into my soul from dominating a legendary like, I even felt myself become stronger from experience and perhaps also on a fundamental level. Soon I was about to fill this cute and little pokémon with all my seed.

When mew felt her pussy suddenly widen a lot, she became a bit scared of the pleasure she was feeling. Then finally I started filling her womb with my seed. Mew was a truly a good onahole, the second my seed reached her womb it started to convert into psychic energy, so it never overflowed. I felt her whole body shuddering at the warmth that was traveling through her.

After running around the area with an incoherent mew hanging on my dick, I soon found what I was looking for. I saw faint traces of dragon energy, which only a few items or dragon pokémon attracts. I didn't realize when, but Mew was suddenly gone, most likely her talent in invisibility letting her get out of my sight without me noticing. 'I already miss my cock warmer ' I thought sadly.

I went into the cave, looking for my next hideout. It didn't take long before I found the reason for the dragon energy. A dragon scale laid before me, I consumed it without even thinking of it, before continuing deeper into the cave system.

On my way deeper I found multiple strong pokémon. Fighting wild pokéman at this point felt like cheating. I easily beat a steelix, multiple onix, a golem, and also some golbats. I felt the experience needed to level up by now was getting a bit troublesome.

I stopped thinking about that and started to enjoy the golbat wings as a snack. I then smelled something that bewitched my soul from a crack in the wall.

I started to dig, quickly learning how to use the move. 'It would be an embarrassment failing at using an elementary move like dig with a body like mine' I thought. I kept digging, following this tiny crack in the ground. Before I knew it my claw met some resistance, and my instinct was roaring at me to eat the stone.

After digging it out I saw how it reminded me of mega stones, and then I couldn't bear it anymore and swallowed it. My genes were evolving from the radioactive stone, unlocking a forgotten evolutionary process. I couldn't mega evolve yet, my instincts told me it was lying dormant, waiting for something.

So I walked back out from the hole I dug, and went to find a place to rest. While walking I felt my brain suddenly unlock, after all this time trying to unlock psychic powers I got it from a stone I swallowed. 'Seems legit' I thought with a wry smile.

I should be able to use telepathy and telekinesis now, but these are powers that needs to be trained. I then started to train my telekinesis. Using my parallel thoughts I tried to hover two different small stones, and pulling them in different directions. After playing around with my telekinesis I felt my energy quickly be consumed by this new move I went to sleep.

Not sure if there will be anymore chapters today. Maybe in like 12 hour if I don't get distracted, if not it will most likely be tomorrow.

ExaltedCrowcreators' thoughts
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