
I love you

  Nina Anderson stayed the whole day at home and tried to find a new job. But was it that easy? She tried so many places that were hiring people, but everyone rejected her. She slammed down the mobile phone at the table annoyingly.

"What happened to everyone? Why is it become harder to get even a job as a delivery girl or salesgirl? Now, what will I do? Should I return back to the village?I think that would be good for me at this moment.I have no money to pay the rent. Apart from the rent so many expenditures I have."Nina Anderson mumbled annoyingly. Suddenly her mobile phone rang loudly. She took her mobile phone and absentmindedly and accepted the call.

"Hello."She replied.

"Hello, Nina. What are you doing right now?"It was Mr. Mark San.

"Mark.I was trying to find a suitable job for me. Why did you call me?"She asked in a dry tone.

"Nina, are you upset that you are not able to find a suitable job for yourself?"Mr. Mark San asked.

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