
Return to the outpost - retaking the outpost...? (part 3)

"Aren't you going to help them?!"

Cranberry gasped while holding up her baseball bat scepter as she was in the middle of conjuring a powerful primal spell – the proper way this time.

"Nah, they got this – just make sure to have our spell ready just in case."

Zombie snickered and waved his hand dismissively.

"...haa... fine – I hope that you know what you're doing."

The red-haired girl breathed out and shook her head with a worried expression.

"Aww... look at you – how does it feel to be the one who doesn't have all information for a change~?"


The blue undead knight smiled happily and asked, causing the red-haired girl to flinch.

"Skwee...? (Mommy and daddy are quarreling, should we go help our new friends...?)"

Blueberry looked between Cranberry and Zombie while leaning on Baron's side.

"(No. Master said that we should sit that one out so we will do just that.)"

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