
Special 2 - It's Claymore - again!

"My lady, say, why are you so insistent on training the detection [sight] skill?"

The androgynous short human with long blood-red hair and piercing pale-blue eyes asked the beautiful girl who was focusing her glowing eyes on a faraway forest-covered mountain visible from the window of her room.

"You have me to protect you, am I that unreliable in your opinion...?"

They grumbled and fidgeted on their spot at the freshly made bed.

"I'm not interested in the detection skill for its usefulness or anything. What I am after is the miracle lense skill that is the evolution of the farsight skill that is the evolution of the detection [sight] skill. What I'm using now is the farsight."

The beautiful girl clarified.

"O-ohhh... I see... as expected of young lady Claymore!"

The wide-eyed Kopia nodded their head in understanding even though they didn't have the slightest idea what that miracle lense was all about.

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