
28: Maw

Have you ever thought: "What if I was someone else?"

Well, I have.

Perception... It is something personal, everyone has their perception of reality, life, death, time, space, and even emotions. Everyone has their opinion about several different things! If someone asks your opinion on something, it means they want a new perception of something they already have a perception of. This different perception can overlap the original perception or it can help the original perception.

A great example of that is Time and Space.

Sometimes people see time as a straight line, where you can go forward and not backward, and sometimes people see time as a sea, where the deeper you go the further back in the past you go too. And others see time as a desert, where the past is deeply buried in the sand... To some space is the dark void of the sky, full of stars and mystery to uncover, to other space is everywhere and everything!

This is called Concept.

A concept is a belief! Like people will say: "Fire is hot." But what if the fire wasn't hot, but cold? That is the concept of heat being changed into the concept of cold, which is something common. Have you ever thought: "What if..."? Then you are thinking of different possibilities, different concepts, different timelines, different everything! That is Comprehension, something hard to achieve.

Comprehension and Understanding are two different things but similar, two sides of the same coin. Understand something is to know the shallow information of that thing, but to Comprehend something, it is to know deeply, to know the meaning, the concepts, everything about something specific. To Comprehend something, you need to Understand something!

What am I getting to?

Well, only one thing: "I don't fucking want to teach fucking children!"

Hi, my name is Herald, but others call me Maw. I'm now waiting for a winged bitch to come and take me to Japan to teach a bunch of fucking brats. I sometimes have some internal crisis, I've been in my head for far too long after I left both Kevin and Amanda... They were my everything, so when I noticed that i was gradually losing control of my powers and getting aggressive, I decided to leave. I did not want them to see me like that, it would remind them of our time in that fucking lab, being tested on and having to take huge amounts of drugs. If it wasn't for that singer bitch, named Klein, we would be dead by now just because our bodies were destroyed internally.

He touched us all and our bodies were healed by his power... I never knew exactly what his powers were, all that I know about him is that he is older than me. He told me that he was at least older than 90% of the human population combined! That is an insane amount of years. He is a nice guy, sometimes a complete asshole, but overall a nice guy. Amanda tried to bring him into our relationship because she liked him, but he rejected her, clearly stating that he didn't like us romantically nor sexually. I never knew if he liked someone sexually at all... I think he might be Asexual if not Demisexual.

Anyway, I'm not here to think about my friend's sexuality, I'm here to be taken to Japan! It's been a year since he last talked to me and I was waiting exactly in my humble abode... It was an apartment that I could afford, being a drug dealer and all that crap, I knew better than use it, but it didn't stop me from selling it after all! Soon, a blue-ish circle appeared in front of me, from the blue-ish circle a head popped out. It was a boy, no older than 13 years old, he looked at me and asked: "Are you Jaw?" I sighed and corrected him: "Maw. I am Maw yes. And you are?" Before I could have an answer, the boy's head was gone and another person appeared. It was Klein, in all his winged glory. Man, his wings were really big!

"Maw, it's time for us to go now," Klein said in fluent Japanese. I smirked and said back to him, in fluent Japanese: "Of course, I'm already ready." He smirked back and pointed towards the portal with his finger, i nodded and grabbed everything I had of value, which was almost nothing. I quickly walked towards the portal and crossed it, it felt like pursuing your arm underwater... Soon the feeling was gone and I was in another place. This place was probably Japan, but for now, I am in a room. And I am not alone...

"Herald!" ×2

Two different voices echoed from behind me. A male and a female... I sighed and turned to them, and there they were. Kevin and his blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, and Amanda with her red hair and green eyes. I sincerely don't know what they saw in me, I had simple black-gray-ish hair and a pale pair of yellow-ish eyes. My powers changed my looks like my canines are sharper and longer! Also, I can smell, hear, and see better than normal humans. I look a complete mess, my beard has been growing and I couldn't bother cutting it, so I just let it grow. They were so beautiful while I was so ugly, why do they like me?

Personality? Don't make me laugh, I have as much personality as a mirror.

"Hi..." Damn, this is awkward. Suddenly I saw both of them smile and hug me, I didn't know what to do, I only saw Klein smiling at us and winking at me. So he told them something...

-Scene End-

Author Note: As you can see, this chapter was written from Maw's perspective, to show another character that deeply reflects my mindset. I constantly reflect about shit, I constantly see myself as worthless, and I constantly try to cheer myself up. It is a vicious cycle, but oh well, I plan on exploring this character a little bit.

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