
Fighting A Two-Thousand Year Old Beast!

The sound of the chains breaking was like hearing something at the max volume in a headphone. It was unreal, though real.

Even with my hands pressed tightly to my ears, my eardrums were breaking. Raptor's roar, too, didn't help a bit. The ground started shaking with the intensity. Last I knew was the roof falling on top of us.

When I got up, I couldn't much remember at first. Then it dawned to me where we were. I looked around and found my friends injured, lying on the ground, mostly conscious, trying to get up. It had become evening and the Saphrop was all ready to set. Raptor was nowhere to be seen.

Even after such a disaster, nothing had happened to Magnum except for him being half buried in the ground. I pulled my battle-axe from the pile of rocks. The dungeon had collapsed and half the forest was gone. Trees lay here and there with total destruction. If Raptor could do all this, I hoped he was dead.

But just when the thought crossed my mind, the huge mountain of rocks started shaking, falling and giving way to the same ugly monster. Raptor came out through the rocks and stood in front of us, looking fine even after the huge destruction.

For the first time, we saw Raptor. In the dungeon, we didn't get a chance to see him. Now I thought that situation was better. Raptor looked like a normal person except for the fangs, the claws and a fierce-looking right leg. And this was still his normal form. His fangs as teeth and claws coming from his hand made him look really ugly. His right leg was weird, with claw toes exceeding too much, looking savage. The weirdest part was his left leg which had half jeans like us. How it connected to his jeansless right leg? God knows!

"DELTAs!" I screamed and grabbed Magnum. All together, we charged. The fight we had been trained for finally began. Raptor also got ready. He was swift with his movements, dodging Xavier's sharp spear, then countering and throwing Lily far off. He took Oliver and me together.

"It's been two thousand years since I have fought. I'm just warming up, kids!" He said in between his fight. We were being overprotective with ourselves as we wouldn't come back if Raptor killed us. (I hated this idea that Darknorians wouldn't resurrect if killed by someone from another planet.")

Wade's voice kept booming in my ears. Fight together with great coordination, he had told us. "Oliver, coordination!" I shouted and Oliver understood. We both ran together to Raptor. Oliver tried hitting his head while I stabbed his left leg. Raptor yelled in pain. I looked at Lily who already knew it was her turn. "Die!" Yelling so, she jumped high and struck Uniclaw into Raptor's back. Xavier transformed Trance into a hammer and gave a smack on Raptor's head.

Raptor was having a hard time? I didn't think so because he got up almost immediately, now even more furious. "You are strong, I'll say that. But not against Magic!!"

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