
Chapter 13 - Sugar and Spice • Part 2

Chris and I got off the plane and walked out to 'Arrivals', his manager greeted us. He said his name was Peter as he walked us to his mercedes. We got in and for the first time, i saw LA. All the sights and the people, it looks so nice. I look over at Christopher and he looks so happy. He mouths over to me, "wow, my girlfriends in my hometown. How lucky am i?" and i just laugh and give him an air kiss. He has to whisper it because nobody here knows we're dating. I gotta say, i do love keeping things on the down low. After 15 minutes, we arrive at this gorgeous house, behind 7 foot bushes and trees. We turn up the drive as Chris salutes to the security guards and says to himself, "God i missed this place". I smile at how happy he is, he's gone through such a hard time and to see him happy at home makes me feel so happy for him. Chris opens my car door and takes my hand in his bigger one, we walk up the path and he unlocks the door - the gigantic door may I add. We walk inside and he turns round and starts walking backwards, "So Harper, this, is my home, my fucking sanctuary..."

I reply whilst looking round in awe of the place, "Chris... it's actually gorgeous, your place is so fucking nice!".

As we walk into the kitchen, Chris offers me a drink. Opening the fridge, his brother Mark comes from behind the kitchen door and pushes Chris.

"FUCK!" Chris screams.

"Bring it in, tightpants!" Mark laughs.

As they hug, Mark notices me standing behind Chris. He pulls away from the hug and comes over to me. "Chrissy boy, who's this you bring" he says while kissing my cheek. "Hi, I'm Harper, nice to meet you", clearly nerves have got the better of me as i return his gesture with a hug.

Chris comes over and puts his arm around my waist, showing me he's there as he tells Mark, "Harper's my girlfriend, be nice."

As the day goes on, I become more and more comfortable with Chris' manager and Mark. They're both really nice, and I can see they want the best for Christopher. Another knock at the door gets my attention, as Peter goes to answer it, i hear a familiar voice shouting, "Brother, where the hell are you?", as Paul walks in, followed by Jack. Christopher's face once again lights up as he strolls over to them, hugging them one by one. They soon see me, "Harper right? How you finding LA so far, Chrissy boy here treating you right?". I just smile and say, "from what i've seen it's amazing, and of course he is."

Once again the chat starts, as people are asking Chris how his time in Manchester was, and how things are going with us. Of course, the nervousness has completely gone once i've got some gin inside me. As i already knew the band members it made it a lot easier to be myself. As Chris goes into his kitchen to get everyone another drink, I see Mark follow him in. Apart from the whispering and muttering, I make out a few sentences of what Mark's saying. "Be careful Brother, things are still crazy with the whole Alexandra situation and I don't want this getting in the press again. For your sake and Harper's sake. Be careful.", i see Chris nod in agreement, but i can't hear what he's saying, i can just see him using his hands and pointing.

*time lapse*

Jesus. It's been a long fucking day. I unpack my things in Chris's room before making my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. As i'm brushing my teeth whilst wearing Chris's shirt, he comes up behind me and puts his head on my shoulder whilst holding my waist. "You had a nice day hun?" he asks, and i look at him through the mirror and say "the best, have you?".

He kisses my neck and whispers "I don't think you realise how happy it's made me, to see all my friends together at my place, and for everyone to see the real you.".

I run my hand through his hair as he carries on, he says "Hey Mark spoke to me today - he said we need to be careful, with the media. What do you think?", and i just said "Well we do, i don't want anything to ruin what we've got, and the media can do that in two words!".

As we both get into bed, he opens his arm as i cosy up to him, kissing my head he says, "I wish you could of met my mother, she was an angel", and i just look up to and smile "Im sure she was, she must have been to raise you and your siblings. What was her name?".

He looks down and says "Betty", i reply with, "My favourite name's Betty, i think it's so sweet."

After a small pause, he gives me a strange look and takes a breath - "Babe, stay for Christmas?"

I look shocked, "What? - I'd love to but i mean, what about my Mum and the girls, i've seen them every christmas"

"I was meant to tell you later on but i can't, i've booked flights for your Mom, Zoe and Avery. They all said yeah. Harper, they're arriving on December 15th to spend Christmas here in LA." Chris says with excitement whilst giving me the sweetest look.

Abso-fucking-lutely speechless...

"You are simply the fucking best Chris, what did i do to deserve this - seriously! This is gonna be the best Christmas... I love you", I say squealing with happiness.

"I love you too Harper", Chris says whilst kissing my forehead and pulling duvet up over the both of us.


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