
Chapter 32: Gods and Monsters

-------------------------------6/1/10 5:00 Am, Stark House, Malibu -------------

With the embers from the exploded drones dying out, and Rhodey having already left, Tony and Pepper headed home for the night. Although the night was not restful for Tony. He spent most of the night reviewing security footage and checking all his tech for traces of his mysterious helper. Although he was able to see the armored figure in action, saving multiple lives, he wasn't able to track him or find traces of his hack into the systems. The 'heroic' picture of himself saving Pepper, after the figure was seen leaving in security cams, only adding to the frustration. Knowing it came from the mystery helper, who wanted to be known as 'Upgrade', because it was sent with the same symbol as a watermark. With no evidence of how the picture appeared on his server, Tony wasn't able to find out anything.

Tony: "Jarvis, continue the search while I prepare to go meet the pirate." The next day, Tony will be seen sitting in front of The Spy. Meeting Nick Fury and having a convo about the 'Avengers Initiative'.

Unknown to the two of them, there were a few hidden devices stowed away with Agent Coulson on his trip to New Mexico. Following Agent Coulson were three drones, two of which with a special task. The last drone was one that usually monitors Agent Coulson. Now that he was in New Mexico, Coulson was quick to quarantine the area and get experts to study the 'mysterious hammer'.

---------------------6/1/10, Puente Antiguo, New Mexico---------------------------

After getting sent to the Hospital by Jane Foster and Erik Selvig, Thor wakes up to nurses trying to draw blood. After putting up a fight he is sedated, while the nurses go back to his duties. Thor escapes the hospital after waking up only to be hit again by Jane Foster as she leaves the parking lot. While this is happening, Agent Coulson arrives at the crater around Thor's Hammer Mjolnir. He then has the group of people surrounding the hammer to evacuate the area and then quarantines the surroundings. It didn't take long for Thor to hear about the location of the hammer.

Later at night, Thor was caught intruding on the quarantined area around his hammer. This causes his subsequent capture and send to an interrogation cell after being apprehended by SHIELD agents. Erik Selvig later goes to the base to met Thor and get him released. Giving a 'convincing' lie to Agent Coulson, Thor was later released into the custody of Erik Selvig under the alias of Donald Blake. He was able to go home with Erik Selvig, but was followed by one of the drones and some SHIELD Agents.

------------------------6/1/10, Willowdale, Virginia----------------------------------------

Meanwhile in Willowdale Virginia, Bruce Banner was able to sneak into Culver University disguised as a pizza man. Although he was still discovered by Betty Ross who invites him to spend the night at her house. Where her boyfriend, Leonard Samson secretly calls the military. After being informed about Banner going to Culver University again the following day, Lt. General Ross uses the opportunity to test the enhancements to Emil Blonsky and prepare to capture the Hulk.

Was late on a chapter and the next will be released by this weekend at the latest. Had car troubles and many other issues and was unable to write the chapter until today. Hope everyone enjoys the Holidays and look forward to the end of phase 1.

WMF18creators' thoughts
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