

Northeast of the leaf village there is a small town that is unknown to all the villagers. The small town was created by Lord third and the village elders as away to cover up their failings. The town is made up of people that were ubducted and experimented on by orchimaru, these experiments failed and as a result those whom survive were changed into mutated monsters with little resemblance to the people they once were with no chance of being normal again.

On the outskirts of that mutant town stood a group of very twisted individuals that had very bad intentions for all residents of this town.

Leader : This well be glorious ... these thing are nothing but donations to our great god.

Leader's wife : he will be happy with this offering (warm smile).


Creepy guy : (evil smile) Kekekeke...("what do you think father will these sacrifices be pleasing to you,... of course father this is why were here to spread you glory and please you") kekekeke.

Leader : (Looking over to creepy guy) when should we being.

Creepy guy : Kekekeke ("Father when should we start the sacrifice..., Yes father") kekekeke.

Leader's wife : he said in an hour.


Loud screams for mercy would being to erupt from the mutant town residents as they were being attacked and killed. man, women and children were being massacred like animals by a bloodthirsty group of individuals and their followers that had no remorse for there action. young and old would meet the same fate at the cold end of their blades, Some town's residents tried to fight back against these invaders that wanted the annihilation of their to town and it's residents, though the were quickly over powered and killed.

Mutated father : (Badly injured) PLEASE KILL ME... JUST LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE !!

Creepy guy : kekeke ("yes father I shall part take in devouring their flesh").

little girl : Daddy please save me!!


The creepy guy would stab the little girls father through the spine completely imobalising him while holding the little girl by the throat before opening his mouth inhuman-ly wide and biting off the dome of her head, all whilst the father watch unable to do anything to protect or save his little girl form this man's clutches. As he spat out the top of her Skull her brain it self was on full display, meraculsly or unfortunately she did not die form the injury to her head but just in shock as her father looked on her see his daughter stearing blankly at him as the creepy man began licking her brain and comment on how it tasted like honey.

Mutant father : (emotionally destroyed) i-i-il-il... (sobbing) il- I'll kil you...(sobbing)

Creepy man : kekeke ("father he said he is gonna kill me").

remove the sword from the father's back and stabbing in down in front of him.

Creepy man : KEKEKEKE!!, KEKEKEKE!!!

He began almost taunting the father to get up and get revenge for his daughter in his hand whilst continued to licking her brain cause her move in weird ways, but the father was unable to do anything but lie on the ground completely crippled from the whist down.

The group followers cut down everything that had a pulse with zero resistance to stop them in their bloodthirsty mission. The leader stood and watch in meniacal glee as all the residents of the this small town being cut to shreds before him, as his brother's and sister's massacred the helpless town.



Creepy guy : kekekeke ("father have our offerings made you happy").

As the killing cooled down and the group gathered back together, the leader gave a quick prayer honoring the greatness of their god before give the order to his follower to burn the town to the ground.

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