
Chapter 345

A/N: Want to read ahead (up to 40 chapters)? Go to my Patreоn and get your early access chapters


May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


When we returned from Hogsmeade, toward evening, we went to the common room, hoping for the usual atmosphere of light loitering in our House. And it was indeed lively, but it had tinges of discontent, of resentment. Sitting down on our couch and hugging Hermione, I turned to the guys who were sitting at the table next to us.

"Yo, Seamus, what's the panic about?"

The Irishman reached out with his hand to his head to ruffle his hair out of habit, but stumbling upon a crew cut, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair.


"Succinct," I nodded. "Any more details?"

"Ah," he waved away, and Lavender turned to me, curling a curly strand of blond hair worryingly around her index finger.

"Here's the thing," the blonde spoke up. "Umbridge issued her first decree - a ban on all kinds of clubs, groups, and other things. You should go to her for permission."

"And why would she decree something?"

"Um..." Lavender looked at me with genuine surprise. "Well... She's the Hogwarts High Inquisitor from the Ministry."

"Yeah? Since when?"

Now everyone at the table, Seamus, Dean, Parvati, and Lavender, were all looking at me bewildered.

"It's been like this for two weeks now," Lavender explained. "Don't you guys follow events in the castle at all? Umbridge has even inspected all the teachers already."

"Yeah?" I shifted my gaze to Hermione, resting her head on my shoulder. "Did you know?"

"Someone said something like that..." the girl lazily answered, her face showing weariness. Basically, I would be passed out by now, too, if it weren't for the hemomancy.

"Hmm... I've never seen her in class."

"Damn it, Max!" resented Seamus. "Let it be known to you, there are other students studying at the school, and even on other courses! An incredible discovery, isn't it?"

"Whoa, take it easy. We just got very deeply involved in our studies. You don't have to be so negative," I smiled back.

"Yeah, sorry," Seamus tried to ruffle his hair again. "Damn, what is it with my hair?"

"You asked for it," Lavender shrugged, hiding a smile.

"It's just," Seamus looked at me, "We're all nervous because of this decree. Now we can't get caught practicing, either. Angelina also snaps at everyone."

"What's the problem there?"

"A Quidditch team falls under the definition of a club, a group, and... what else was there? Oh, it doesn't matter. Slytherins and Ravenclaws immediately approved the team."

"Hmm ... I see. And what, which of the teachers is she bothering?"

"Seriously? Just Trelawney."

"Poor Professor Trelawney," Lavender and Parvati immediately became sad. "Everything in her class is so interesting..."

"Sleep, for example," Seamus nodded, getting indignant looks from the two girls in return.

"Easy, Seamus," I smiled. "You encroached on the sacred. You should know by now that most girls need various horoscopes, divination, dream interpretation, and other manipulations with divination like air."

After sitting for a while longer, Hermione and I made the commander's decision to go to bed. Otherwise, there's a considerable risk of falling asleep right there, sitting, and that's uncomfortable. Also, Potter and Weasley were obviously waiting for the common room to be empty while only hanging out near the fireplace. Are they waiting for the news? Well, to hell with them.


The second week of November is coming to an end. It had been snowing outside all day, slowly covering the surrounding area with a thin white layer before it could melt. Looking back and remembering past events for the umpteenth time, I am amazed at how quickly time flies when you are busy doing things. No, seriously! There are a lot of really interesting things going on at Hogwarts if you listen to the guys in the common room, but I simply have no time to not only participate in them but even to think about them! Studying, lecturing, practicing, developing my laser spell, thinking about different theories about prophecies and ways to circumvent them. It all piled up like a snowball, consumed and now rolls, rolls off a cliff, without a clue.

However, right now, on the evening of Friday, the tenth of November, it's time for rehabilitation from Hermione's restoring potions, which means that we will have to take a little break from training, mainly leaning on theory. Having summed up exactly these results, the girl and I left the Chamber of Secrets and decided to go to the Room of Requirement - out of pure curiosity. Of course, we put a complex of concealing charms on ourselves beforehand.

A couple of turns before we reached the right corridor, we stopped.

"Are you sure they're there now?" whispered Hermione.

We couldn't see each other ourselves, so we had to navigate by voice. Usually, when the two of us need to get somewhere in the castle, we either walk holding each other's hands or robes, or we make an appointment in advance. This was one of those times when we walked holding hands. It was a strange experience, by the way - a hand in my hand and no one around to see.

"Judging by their schedule, yes," I nodded, remembering that same schedule.

After walking a little more down the corridors, we noticed a curious picture - Filch sitting on a stool opposite the place where the entrance to the Room of Requirement usually appears. Without thinking twice, I threw a Stunning spell at him, and the old caretaker began to fall sideways. I held him carefully with my telekinesis and lowered him smoothly so that he would not crash on the stone floor. I put my strength for about three minutes of sleep, so I did not worry about the old man's health. No matter how nasty and disgusting he might be at times, my upbringing does not allow me to mock him.

After walking around the troll picture three times and thinking about the need to get to the practice area where the boys were, I got to the door to the Room of Requirement, and together with Hermione, we stepped inside.

The next chapter will be in 2 days.

I need to finish watching the Squid Game and go to a friend's birthday party.

Thanks for attention!

HPMancreators' thoughts
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