
Those Who Were Left Behind

Hell, one year ago….

"Are you sure about this?" Four girls stood in front of Methiesee, Keniil, and the new queen of hell, Mary. 

"Methie. The kids are all old now with their own kids. I worked hard to become a goddess as quickly as possible. And now…. I have. I can now work even harder to one day meet back up with Kana. You know she was my first true friend. She came to my aid all the time and saved me many times. If what that old man says is true that she will need people there to stand by her side and aid her, then I am willing to leave Hell and go on a journey to become stronger. After all, I always wanted to become a hero." Kiliffia said as her fluffy tail swayed and her fox ears twitched. She hated leaving her husband, but she had to. She owned Kana so much. 

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