
[Fan Made Side Chapter] Rain & Angelica - By KoolestKoolAid

Realm of Gods…

"Angelica, how does our new spell work?" Rain asked.

"Hehe, slaying thots who try to steal our handsome papa has never been easier!" Angelica responded.

Ever since they had moved into their new house, there had been more and more thots coming to try and seduce their handsome papa and steal him away from their Mama! Mama was working hard out there to come up to the Realm of Gods and see them again, so they had to work hard to make sure that when she came everything would be perfect.

But it was so hard with so many thots out there, especially the ones who kept coming even when they had their eyes punched multiple times. So, they had to come up with a solution.

They had worked day and night (without their handsome papa knowing, of course), and managed to develop a spell outside the system. Beyond that, after they used it for the first time, it was verified by the system!

Thot Slayer: Whenever somebody the user defines as a thot appears, the user can activate this skill and do one of three things: Use temporary mind control to compel the Thot away, Blind the Thot, or Banish the Thot to a randomized location anywhere in another realm. As long as the target is thought of as a Thot, this skill will always apply. Only one effect can be applied per target.

Using this skill, the two were able to slay all the ever increasing thot population with ease, even if they were all Goddesses and Demi-Goddesses. Sometimes, though, thots would come in the shape of men too, no matter how much Rain and Angelica were disgusted by it.

"Do you think Handsome Papa would be proud of us? Should we show him?" Angelica asked.

"Yeah! Let's go show him! Maybe he has a skill he made too? Then we can learn and make more, and then when Mama gets back we can make her proud too!" Rain responded, already on her way to the forge.


""Handsome Papa! Are you in there?"" the two twins shouted outside the forge. They could tell it was hot inside from the sweltering heat radiating off the building, so they dared not enter.

"Coming!" Creige  shouted.

"Did you girls need something?" He asked, covered in sweat-stained work clothes.

"Can we show you something we got from slaying the thots? It's really cool!" Rain asked.

"Yeah! It can keep the thots away from you even better!" Angelica emphasised.

"Sure," Creige  smiled as he took his daughters' hands and was dragged along with them.


"Watch what we can do to this Thot we captured!" Rain said, as she looked towards a girl with fox ears and two fluffy tails, bound against the wall. She was looking at Creige with lust filled eyes, struggling against the tight restraints as best as she could.

""Thot Slayer!"" They said in unison. While they didn't have to say it aloud, they wanted to impress their Handsome Papa.

Suddenly, the girl stopped staring at Creige. Instead, she looked at her twin captors, silently pleading with them to be let free.

"See! See!" Angelica said.

"Look, we made it so that she wanted to leave instead of wanting to be with you!" Rain added.

'I see… Is this some kind of mind control?" Creige  thought to himself. 'How were they able to get something like this? From what I remember, the system didn't have any skills that could control someone's mind, other than your own… Come to think of it, I don't remember there being an skill called 'Thot Slayer' either…'

"It can do even more too!" Rain said.

The two removed the effect of the mind control before once again saying in unison, ""Thot Slayer!""

The bound girl stopped looking at Creige once more. In fact, she couldn't look at anything because her eyes were now dust. The girl screamed into her binding. Not only was she now blinded, but her eyes had faded into dust. And she could feel the entire process as it was happening too.

'Um… Is this how children are supposed to act? Totally calm and nonchalant towards brutal violence? I suppose Kana was like that too, but she was a special case. Well, these aren't normal children either, so I suppose I shouldn't judge them in a normal way.' Creige  thought.

"It has a third and final effect too!" Angelica said.

"Are you ready? Are you?!" Rain added.

After Creige  nodded in affirmation, the two cancelled the effect. The dust in her empty eye sockets was renewed into functional eyes once more.. A blood curdling scream was muffled by her bounds.

For the final time, the two girls said, ""Thot Slayer!""

Suddenly, Creige  detected a rip in time and space. 'A portal of some sort?! Who's coming through!? Are the- Oh, it's just a portal to Hell. No need to worry.'

The girl bound on the wall was sucked into the portal.



"Haah, work is so tiring. Especially since it all piled up from Kana going and clearing the ancient parts of Hell… Not that I'm complaining, but- Oh, looks like the girls are at it again. Mel, I'll be back in an hour or so."

"W-wait Camlia! Oh, she's already gone."


Hell's Deepest Pits…

"Welcome to Hell, I see that you were sent here by Angelica and Rain for being a thot, am I right?" Camila asked the shaking girl.

"H-Hell!? T-This is a joke, right!? How could two little demi-god girls send me, a goddess, to Hell!?" The girl asked.

"You messed with the wrong girls. That's all I can tell you. Now, since you decided to try to steal my sister's wife away from her, you're going to join a few others as a way to relieve my stress."

"Relieve your stress!? Even in Hell th-" the girl said, but she was stopped by Camlia.

"I'm talking about torture, you idiot." Camila said, teleporting her off to never be seen again.


"So, Handsome Papa, are you proud of us!?" Angelica asked.

"Yeah, Yeah, are you!?" Rain questioned.

"Of course. How could I not be proud of my darling daughters? Come here you two," Creige  said as he hugged them and pat both their heads.

"Also, Handsome Papa?" Rain asked.


"We made that outside the system and somehow got it recognized. Can you show us how to do it again so we can impress Mama with a whole bunch of new skills!?" Rain asked, enthusiastically.

'They made the skill outside the system and got it recognized…? How…?'

I want to thank KoolestKoolAid for writing such a wonderful side story!

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