
Inner Voice

"How did you know, I got rejected?"

"I followed you and kinda eavesdropped your convo together." Tom catches the pillow that Fred threw at him swiftly.

"That's not so cool bro." 

"Well, I can't miss a good opportunity of inspiration for my writing," Tom said but Fred didn't reply anything to him. "Kidding aside. I am proud that you were finally able to man up. Though it's hurtful at least this would help you to become stronger."

  Tom heard a cry louder. 

"Ahh. Though I kinda knew that would be the result. It still hurts brother." Fred cried.

"I know. But you will get better soon. Just cry it all out tonight." Tom sat down beside him. "Just cry it all out tonight."

'Two confessions, one with a happy result and the other with a not-so-happy result.' Tom sighed inside his mind. 


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