
I should have been more careful

"Erin!" I look sideways when I see Carlo and Fernando descend through the stairs. Why are they here? I glanced back towards my subordinates who is holding the device Fernando gave. Tsk. I look towards Carlo and the others and shook my head a little indicating that they shouldn't come here. They halted their movements with that. But my heart almost jolted with delight when I see a familiar old face followed behind them.

"Grandpa.' I felt some thorn release from my heart seeing that he's with them and looking fine.

"You're name, what was it again?" My attention went back to this guy, his eyes held a surprise.

I only glared at him and kick him. It seems he doesn't expect that as he stumbled backward leaving his sword still stuck towards my shoulders.

I gritted my teeth as I pulled out the sword in one go and threw it sideways.

"So you're that Erin." He said his usual grin from the start is back. I hold onto my shoulders which are writhing with pain right now. Blood is dripping down to the floor.

I raised my hands to stopped Carlo from getting close to me. I saw him clenched his fist as he stops from his movements.

"Hahaha! So you're really that Erin! If I get your head! And showed it to him! I can't wait to see how he would react! And..." He stood up again and look around at all the people here. His grin was growing bigger.

"It would be more entertaining for you to die hopelessly while trying to protect everyone here! Hahaha! That story would be more fun to have." He said as he formed his stance with his sword.

I squinted and felt coldness run through my blood. I don't know what is he talking about. I already felt angry after what he has done to my two subordinates. And if he dared to hurt all my comrades here...

"Do you think, I will let you?" I formed a stance and the next thing I knew everything becomes blurred as I dashed towards him. Our blades crushed once again. But this time, it seems he is completely struggling with my attacks.

"Your eyes! Don't tell me...You are also...Arghh." He said between our clashes. But I pay no heed towards it. I saw an opening right away and manage to slashed my dagger to his stomach.

He tried to push me and tried to pierce me with his sword. But I managed to evade it as I took a step backward and blocked it with my dagger. But then, the whole ship started shaking heavily and we both lose our balance. I glanced sideways and barely made it to jump out when incoming black tentacles emerge from the side of the ship. Right to where we are both standing.

The tattoo guy was caught in the tentacles. His shout echoed through the ship as he was dragged by those tentacles out. We all stared at the huge octopus who created a huge hole in the ship. The water is slowly pouring from there.

"Ah, help!" We all look at the one who shouted. It was the doctor. "The keys of the cell! We can't get out!" She pointed to the floor. And a key can be seen a meter away from the cell.

Someone rushed there before I could go. It was grandpaps. He got the keys and started unlocking the cell.

"Let's all go to the upper deck immediately!" I shouted to everyone.

They all heed my words. I turn my head back at grandpa. But my eyes widen when that woman who was the last, going out of the cell, pushed grandpaps inside the cell. Where exactly a black liquid from the octopus rained down towards him. And he collapsed on the pool of ink.

"Grandpaps!" I tried to run towards him. "No, you can't go near him at the state he was in, you'll get infected and burned if you touch that ink." The doctor stopped me and before I could retort, she was quick to take action. She grabbed a host near the cell and immediately released all water to wash the black ink that poured to grandpaps. Afterward, she rushed towards him. Smoke is coming out from grandpaps where the black liquid hit him. And burns could be seen from all over his body.

The doctor seems to get something in her pocket and inject it right away into grandpaps. "Please help me, carry him. He should be fine for now." The doctor said. We both help grandpaps stood up with support from our shoulders.

"Grandpaps!" I called out with worry as I support grandpaps in my shoulders.

"E-Erin. I am ha-ppy to se-see you a-gain, my daugh-ter." I can't help it but tears started to stream down from my eyes, his body has burn marks all over.

"Me too. I'm happy to see you grandpaps" The woman was still standing there watching us. I glared at her. How dared her to push grandpaps. I walk past them and head towards the upper deck. I will definitely deal with them later.

As we reached the upper deck. Carlo was shocked seeing grandpaps' state. But what makes the situation more dreadful is the two octopus was now in front of our ship.

"What should we do now?" Fernando asked. I looked around and see that there are also other survivors they managed to rescue. Then I turn to my grandpa who is heavily injured and my other two comrades who were stabbed earlier and now were carried by my other subordinates.

'What should we do? Is there any way to escape here?' I can't help but bit my lips. I could taste the metallic taste of blood from it.

The eery laugh of the guy from before resounded and we all looked up to see him on the verge of getting eaten by one of the octopuses. "So that's the reason that man trying his best to protect you. Hahaha!" He said one last time before he got completely swallowed by the monster. He's really crazy. Who would laugh when he was on the verge of getting eaten?

We almost stumble again when the ship shakes. Tsk. At this rate, we will be crushed along with this ship.

"Guys!" Someone shouted using some megaphones. We all look to see two, speed boats simultaneously heading at each of the octopuses.

One of them is Fred, who is holding a megaphone.

"Your Deux ex Machina has arrived!" Fred shouted out loud as he jumped on the sea just before the boat hit the monster.

Jason was on the other boat and jump too before it hit the monster completely.

Loud explosions were heard and blazing fire covered the two octopuses simultaneously. All the tentacles withdrew on the ship. As they squirmed with pain trying to get the fire off them.

But still, the ship continued to intensely shake. It is no wonder since this ship is terribly damaged. Only a few more times and it will sink completely towards the sea.

"Everyone here!" We all look at Carlo and Fernando who are readying the lifeboats from the ships.

Their other subordinates help them out and moments later, the people hurriedly rushed to the boats. We all managed to get out from the huge ship that is now sinking towards the sea.

"Grandpaps! Grandpaps!" I tried to shake grandpaps but he is not responding anymore.

"Let me take over." Dr. Williams said as we lay down grandpaps on the boat. She checked his pulse.

"He's still alive but he needs to have an operation as soon as possible."

"How long could it wait?" My voice was trembling terribly.

"Yes, probably an hour."

"That's enough We will do it back at the harbor," I said as I held grandpaps hands. "Please check my other two subordinates, they are all heavily injured too." Dr. Williams nodded her head and went to my other two men who are also unconscious.

If I could take back time or become more careful... I hold towards grandpaps hand and placed my head towards it. 'This would not happen and no one needed to get hurt.'

'Grandpaps please hold on,' I look ahead as we are nearing the harbor. My chest is felt very heavy as tears wanted to fall but I held it in. I couldn't show any weaknesses here or be weak. I'll stay strong. 'So you too grandpaps, stay stubborn just like you always are. I don't want to lose you, not right now, please...'

That's quite an end. In one or two more chapters, we will mark the end of Volume 2, Battle in the Harbor. And another extra chapter before the beginning of Volume 3.


For all the people who continuously support Seen Zone Z and patiently wait for its updates despite its delays due to the busy times of the authors, our deepest heartfelt gratitude to all of you especially to the following.

For your continuous votes and reads and comments...

@Atalia_Lima_8140 thank you so much for all the continuous votes, it made us really happy.



All your comments and continuous support since the beginning of my story really always made our day. Thank you so much.

@TheMadTitan, as a fellow author, thanks for your continuous voting for my story. Everyone could check out his wonderful story too, "The Eye of Zeus" and I know you'll definitely enjoy reading that one too.

For your continuous votes and the surprising gifts you gave to our story, thank you so much @DominicMapaAranas4. This made us more motivated to pursue our writing.

And to our other readers that added and continuously read our story, our deepest gratitude to all of you.

I hope we'll be all still together until the finale of the story. We'll that would be still far but anyways...

From Erin and all the Seen Zone Z casts: Thank you for all the love and we hope you continuously support the Seen Zone Z!

We will keep working hard to make the best out of Seen Zone Z!

Aeipathy_02creators' thoughts
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