
chapter six

Now i still have the appearance of a cat; but with the typical abilities of my species repressed by those of a common dog.

To recap: i must make one stone adhere to the other; but, for that, i have to find the smell of the animals that produce the scent of a human being.

This is totally unfair... i'm dealing with a demon.

Why am i surprised?

Sometimes you forget your diabolical origin and that makes you let your guard down. Anyway, he is a demon whose godfather is Lucifer and i am my alcoholic uncle Ruperto... i hope someone will protect me.

Anyway, i need a hook to get the smells to come to me... i must howl... damn devil!

My first howl- may all the cats in the world forgive me- i open my mouth and the demon, from i don't know where, throws a flame that hits my tongue.

There is a spell that consists of mixing a howl with a flame of the Devil, it is called "Passion of hell". Yes, it sounds very soap operatic, but that's the style of the demons with the "i didn't do it" face. As i understand it, "Hell's passion" is the name of an incantation that generates, what are supposed to be well know, "Toxic loves"; although, a more accurate term to name the romance between Luz and the demon, in my point of view, would be "Deranged love"; because if you have dogs in your heart, like her, you must have two screws loose and the demon... nothing to say.

Maybe Luz is ashamed of her own thoughts and, for that reason, she summarized them in a little mental sound called howl.

So the devil, who does "his antics" against me, has the flames of hell this mind belongs to Luz; so everything that happens here, is no coincidence. If there is a sunami or a dancing monkey, it is because she needs something and her mind comes to her aid. Even this spell, "Passion of hell", that he has cast on me is because she needs it to be done. Bottom line, i am not the only slave here; and if the demon can do and undo here it is because Luz wishes it so. Also, if she ever decides to decline this toxic or deranged love, i doubt that Luz will remain impregnated in the demon's flames, no matter how much he wants to, nature has limits even for the gods.

"The demon is a slave his girl's mind"

Having already clarified what is necessary for my narration to make some sense; in that instant, when someone else's fingers brushed her, she wanted to explode and feel "sexy". To respond to Alexis' provocation like a Britney Spears in the song Baby one more time. To stop having "Turkey face", "Guinea pig teeth" or being "The deranged girl".

For someone "invisible" like her, the touch of a boy; even if he has the behavior of a primitive as is the case of Alexis, makes her shake all the foundations of what her mind is made of. Which, evidently, are not so good; if you look at someone "so so" like that Alexis.

How could her heart represent that feeling if not with a howl?

Luz loves music and she is made of a sequence of sounds. For Luz there is no sound sexier than a howl. Her imagination expresses itself through the noises that provoke her... demon...

Have you brought me here to make the perverted sounds of your Lucecita's imagination?

Yes, the punishment is for you; i prefer to be a slave and already to be a slave and "stompered for a mortal girl" to make matters worse.

The laughter doesn't last long; for the aromas reach me and, i guess, the lady is literally fermenting her excitement. This makes me need the human scent; so that i don't fall for a couple of nice words to the ear and sweet for the mind... "conscience".

Admit that you don't trust her, nor does she trust your resistance; that's why she gives you free reign in her head. If you trusted Luz you would leave all this alone; after you have satisfied her hungry imagination... you are resentful!

The anxiety that all this situation produces in me makes me want to explode in a very diffrent way than Luz... as my mom used to tell me: "sonny boy, take a deep breath for 10 seconds and the discomfort will go away".

1, 2,...9...and...

The first smell is that of a dolphin; so it transports me to an aquatic environment. You will understand even more the desperation that tries to consume me but i will not let it... 3, 2,... yes, i think i am better... yes, i am better! (i scream to myself).

How can you describe the aroma of dolphin?

The only way to describe a perfume is to try to explain the meaning of the reason for its existence, what its existence means to human beings..

What message does it convey to us just by the function that, according to our perspective, it fulfills within the ecosystem ?

Based on the premise of the previous paragraph, the scent of a dolphin conveys to me, or rather, makes me think that:

At first, when we know nothing of our own inner self, we let the currents of society direct us. You could say that our consciousness is theirs. It is in this phase of existence that we ask ourselves the reason that binds us to this strange community. From this questioning; a unique reason of our own will be born, which, phase by phase, will unite us with ourselves. We will strive to be happy and we will take our first leaps on this "social sea".

"Luz is in the middle of the sea and wants to jump up and down now"

On the bus there is nothing better for her than seeing the same houses, it's not so boring anymore. The survival instinct creates wonders for the mind or attracts them from the outside... i am a prime example of those wonders.

But just so you don't say that i believe "the last suck of the mango", i'll give you another example:

"The waves of the sea are like the cream on a cake. Precisely, i have been brought to light the candle that will make the waves make a complete turn at last".

You could say that such a turn is like the portal that takes you from one fantasy to another. And, of course, i must go through, hopefully not all, many of Luz's fantasies.

Well, to go to the next fantasy, first things first:

Dolphin scent must learn to jump out of the sea of rocks. Scent must learn to sneak between the rocks, stealthily and without hesitation, like a cat. And as a good teacher i must take the first step so that the student sees me as a living being rather than as his teacher. That's why i give the most adorable meows you can imagine; like those of a child who cries out for growth or as a touching plea to live the way a necessarily brave heart dreams.

In my humble opinion:"A teenage heart always clings all its fears to the lovely and beautiful so that fear is frightened by the beauty of hope".

Being in Luz's mind, her heart can do whatever it wants. That same heart extends my whiskers like the strings of a guitar. Electricity begins to pinch me; meanwhile, butterflies appear, they drown to leave their lost dreams as the basis of this song that pretends to build "castles in the air"... electricity cannot be turned off.

She noticed Alexis laughing with his friends; while showing them the two fly corpses at the professor's expense, for he was very amused with his conversation with the chauffeur. Rather than cry; she had already cried too many times, Luz preferred to invent a melody as a new nation in her head and letters as bricks to build a new mental castle.

Now Luz has to choose what will guard her new castle. Although, as you know, the fact that she builds a new palace makes her soul heavy, which makes her even more susceptible to disappointments.

How can you assume that a teenage girl knows what it's like to love someone else?


How does Luz suppose that a demon can fall in love?

I don't finish speaking because an "ugly little dog (the demon)" surrounds me with its creepy appearance to some. There is no difference between face and body anymore, everything on him is made of pure flames... and i love to smell like sweat, don't i? (notey my sarcasm).

- You ruin my communication with the dolphin- I shout at the demon- Don't you want to help your girl become more emotionally stable?

Luz is in his flames; so, he can "navigate" in the deepest part of his "juliet's" being.

It becomes evident that telling the story, from the girl's point of view, is to disappoint him and break the love bond.

"Both apart are better prizes for Lucifer"

And who better "funny grumpy" than me to narrate you this parody about a deranged love?

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